Scholarship Offered: one $1,500.00

We also offer 4 other scholarships; 2 to 4-H and 2 to FFA (see below **)

Eligibility: Any current New Hampshire high school senior, who will be attending a school or college beyond high school this fall. Selection will be based on involvement in the Eastern States Exposition, career goals and financial need.

Applications: Interested youth need to apply using the official scholarship application form. The application may be obtained from any NH Big E Corporator. Complete application will consist of completed 3-page application plus your current high school transcript and a letter of recommendation.

Applications must be sent to the Chairman of the NH Big E Scholarship via email or snail mail:

Daniel Bascom, 123 Franklin St., Rochester, NH 03867

el: (603) 767-6613

Deadline date: All applications must be submitted by May 31st. The NH Big E Corporators Scholarship committee will review the applications and a decision will be made by July1st.

**Applications for 4-H can be obtained from your County 4-H Extension Office and are due by April 1st of each year.


New Hampshire Corporators Scholarship

“The Big E

Scholarship Offered: $1,500.00

Year Submitted: ______

Name: ______

Home Address: ______

Age; ______Date of Birth: ______

Home Telephone: ______County: ______

High School Attended: ______

Date of Graduation: ______

School/College you will attend this fall: ______

City and State: ______

Major: ______

Grade/Year: ______

Career Goals(s): ______

Why have you chosen this field of study? ______




Father’s Name: ______

Mother’s Name: ______

List names and ages of all brother and sisters:

Will you have any brothers or sisters attending college next year? ______

If yes, how many? ______

List anticipated college costs for next year:

Tuition $______Board $______Books $______

Room $______Transportation $______Fees $______

Other $______

List other scholarships and loans you have applied for: ______



Please list and explain your participation in the Eastern States Exposition (by year).


Extracurricular activities in school (clubs, bands, sports, etc.)


Community Activities: (church, clubs, volunteer)


Major honors/awards:


Work experience:


List other interests (hobbies, gardening, computer, woodworking, etc.)


Future career plans:


Attach a copy of your most recent school transcript.

Attach a letter of recommendation.


I have personally completed this application and verify all information to be correct:

Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______

Countersigned by Guidance Counselor, Teacher or NH Big E Corporator:

______Date: ______