Book Cube Project

You will create a 3-D representation of your novel using the template on the back of this page OR you may purchase a box that is between 6 and 8 inches square.

If you choose to create a box from the template, poster board or a medium piece of cardboard works well.

Make sure that the box is neat and creative! You are not expected to go all out, but your grade will take into account the effort that is displayed on the project.

Be sure to follow all directions carefully! Do not leave out a point on any of the box’ssides, or you will lose points!!!

Side 1: Title Page = List the Title, Author, and Illustrate. Do NOT simply paste on a picture of the book’s cover. Be creative.

Side 2: Summary = In your own words, summarize the book using 3-4 good paragraphs. Be specific about what the Climax of the story is. Be sure to tell how the story ends! You may also use a detailed story map to summarize the book.

Side 3: Setting = Describe the setting(s) of the story. Be specific; explain how the setting is important. Illustrate at least one setting on this side of the box.

Side 4: Characters = List the Major characters and write 3-5 sentences for each explaining who they are and why they are important. List any Minor characters and write 2-3 sentences describing them as well.

Side 5: Themes = Select 3 Universal Themes found within the book and tell how each is important to the book. Use at least 3-5 sentences for each theme.

Side 6: Opinion = List 2 Positive aspects and 2 Negative aspects of this book. Also tell what genre you would classify the book and what grade/vocabulary level you think it is.


(Each is worth 10 points)

Title Page: Are Title, Author, and Image included?

Character Page: Did you recognize 3-5 Major and 2-3 Minor? Enough


Plot Summary: Is it a full explanation? Did you point out the climax? Grammar?

Themes: Are there 3 themes? Did you explain?

Setting:Did you describe time and place? How important? Illustration?

Opinion: Did you give 2 positives and 2 negatives? List vocab and grade level?

Effort: Is the box overall well put together and neat? Were directions followed?

Total Final Score