Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School

January 7, 2015

Pray for us Saint John Neumann

Dear Families,

Welcome back and Happy 2015! Everyone is back feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after the break. Students and teachers are ready to jump into the Science Fair, Open House, and new challenges.

Vegas Night is quickly approaching! This event is our largest fundraiser and social event of the year; everyone needs to be a part of the proceedings to insure success. We still have volunteer opportunities, we have seats available, and donations are always welcome.

Important Dates:

Fri. Jan. 9 Mass Grades 6,5,2 / 9:00 am / Mass Uniform

Fri. Jan 16 Mass Grades 8,4,K / 9:00 am / Mass Uniform

Sat. Jan. 17 Vegas by the Stars: Tailgating with the Stars

Mon. Jan. 19 Martin Luther King Jr. /No School

Fri. Jan. 23 Mass Grades 7,1,3 / 9:00 am / Mass Uniform

Sun. Jan 25 Open House

Wed. Jan. 28 Grandparent’s / Special Friends Day/ Mass Uniform

Fri. Jan. 30 All School Mass/ 9:00 am / Please join us!/ Mass Uniform

Mon. Feb. 2 Teacher in Service / No School

Mary Star Thanks You:

v  All of the parents who attended the Christmas program and helped us to begin the Christmas season. The students and teachers who worked to bring us such a beautiful evening.

v  The generous donations for Casa de Los Angelitos! We received a note of appreciation for all the baby items that they were able to give to the young mothers.

v  Augie and the choir who sang at the Christmas Eve Mass! The voices of the children really added to the special children’s Mass.

Congratulations to the Rojas Family who won the Christmas Program raffle: Tuition for 1 child for the month of January

Catholic Schools Week: This year Catholic Schools week begins with Open House on Sunday January 25th, all school families are invited and encouraged to bring friends, neighbors and any prospective families. This is our opportunity to show off our school and our preschool! Please see the enclosed flyer for the week’s special events.

Grandparents Day: This year’s Grandparent/Special Friend day will be on Wednesday, January 28th. Invitations will be sent home with students.

Applications for New Students: Applications for the 2015 – 2016 school year are now being accepted for new students. Begin the process for incoming siblings and tell friends to pick up a packet at Open House. Please pick up applications at the front office. (Tuition and fee amounts have not been set for the new year)

Mary Star High School Applications: Applications have been sent home for all 8th grade students. Please note the important deadlines: Tuesday January 20th applications are due and Saturday January 24th is the entrance exam. Extra applications are available online at

8th Grade Tuition Awards: Catholic Education Award applications were given to all 8th grade students. Any family planning to apply for aid for Catholic High School must turn in the application and all paperwork requested to the


Vegas Night Volunteer Meeting: All volunteers please join us on Monday January 12th at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. More Volunteers are needed!! Call the front office and signup.

Scrip Update: Niccolo’s Pizza will no longer offer Scrip

Vegas Night 2015: Saturday January 17th

Tailgating with the Stars…..

·  Do not miss out on your chance to attend this yearly event. Call the office and reserve your seat.

·  Raffle Tickets are still available for Cash Prizes

God Bless,