EMCH 427/EMCH 428

Mechanical Design I/II

Fall 2003/Spring 2004

Instructor:Elwyn Roberts, Ph.D., MBA

Office:300 Main St. A216


Class Room: B103. M/W/Fr, EMCH 427 9.05-9.55am, EMCH 428 11.15am-12.05pm

Course Description:

EMCH 427 Mechanical Design I. (3) (Prereq: EMCH 327, 332, 354, 371, 394; ENGR 330) Lecture topics include integrated team work/ project management, “voice of the customer”, design specifications, design concepts, product architecture, design for manufacturability, economic factors, safety, reliability, ethics/ product liability and social/environmental impact. The initial feasibility study, selection of the final design approach, and preliminary specifications are required by the end of the semester.

EMCH 428 Mechanical Design II. (3) (Prereq: EMCH 427) Prototype construction and testing, using statistical methods/ design of experiments, the final engineering design (specifications, drawings, bill of materials, including assessment of economics, safety, reliablity and social impact) will be completed by the end of the semester. Both written and oral reports are to be provided.

Course objectives:

To provide students with both the theory and practical experience of implementing an engineering design project that requires integration of enabling technologies from course work in both engineering and other fields of study.

Specific Goals:

1)Understand the principles of the engineering design process, from determining the needs of the customer, to completing design specifications, drawings and bill of materials.

2)Understand the principles of prototype construction from engineering drawings and performance testing using statistical methods.

3)Understand the principles of team work and project management with emphasis on consensus decision making, organizing, planning and scheduling.

4)Understand and apply the art of clear communication in both written reports and oral presentations.

5)Understand and apply the principles of economics and cost effective analyses in implementing engineering projects.

6)Understand and apply the principles of ethics, safety evaluations and societal/environmental impact evaluations to engineering designs.

EMCH 427/EMCH 428

Mechanical Design I/II

Fall 2003/Spring 2004

(page 2)

Student/ team Project Evaluations:

1)Bi-weekly presentation to your peers. (i.e Friday meetings)

2)Bi-weekly evaluation of other teams in your section.

3)Bi-weekly evaluation of your team members.

4)Evaluation by your advisor

5)Evaluation by professor of classroom participation and individual project log (3 entries per week min).

Project Deliverables:

1)Completed specifications, drawings and bill of materials for project design.

2)Working prototype

3)Written report detailing all design decisions and engineering calculations. Report MUST be approved by sponsoring advisor.

4)Poster Presentation after one semester.

6)Oral presentations (with participation by all group members) describing and defending design.

7)Individual student project log book

Grading scheme

EMCH 427

Test (2)15%

Participation 10%

Team presentations 25%

Poster presentation 25%

Journal 10%

EMCH 428

Individual report 15%

Interim team report 20%

Final team report 35%

Final team presentation 10%

Individual participation 10%

Journal 10%

Text Books:

“Product Design and Development”,

Karl T Ulrich and Steven D Eppinger, ISBN 0-07-229647-X, Irwin McGraw Hill, Pub

“Engineering Design Process”,

Yousef Haik, ISBN 0-534-38014-X, Thomson-Brooks/Cole, Pub