April 24, 2013

Dear prospective bidder:

Enclosed is a bid for the Springfield High School yearbook. Bids to print next year’s book will be taken until May 24, 2013. Bids need to be sent through certified mail, email or hand delivered to the main office at Springfield High School and sent to the attention of Chris Kingsbury, yearbook adviser at Springfield High School:

Chris Kingsbury

Springfield High School

26 Melrose Avenue

Springfield, USA 26026

Any bid received after 2:15 p.m. on Friday, May 25, 2013, will not be accepted. No extensions will be granted.

Bids will then be reviewed. Prices submitted with the bid will be considered firm and will not be negotiated. Bidders are not required to make a formal presentation but if they would like to make one they should contact Chris Kingsbury by May 10, 2013, to setup a time. While presentations are not needed, the school would like three samples of books printed from the plant named within the bid. The school would also like contact information for three different references. All bidders will be notified by June 15 on the results of this bid (this is following approval by the district officials).

Questions concerning the bid should be directed to Chris Kingsbury at Springfield High School at (319) 867-5307 or

Please let us know if you have any questions. We appreciate you taking the time to bid on our publication and we look forward to hearing from you.


Chris Kingsbury, MJE

Springtonian Yearbook Adviser

Springfield High School

26 Melrose Avenue

Springfield, USA 26026






Springfield High School is seeking bids from qualified yearbook publishers to print the school’s yearbook for 2013-2014 with renewal options for 2014-2015, 2015-2016.


1.  All books are to be printed as a standard size 9 book.

2.  At least 100 pound double-coated paper with choice of gloss, dull, or matte stock.

3.  Cover to be 160 pt. binder board, with wide choice of materials available. Base price will include a litho full-color cover.

4.  Endsheets must be available in a variety of colored ink or choice of colored paper

with a different design front and back. Bid should include the cost of full color endsheets with different designs on front and back.

5.  Preliminary sketches by art department and cover proof included at no additional cost.

6.  The pricing should reflect a 280-page, full-color yearbook.

7.  Company will provide a charge sheet for the cost of all corrections made on proof. Proof charges not listed on this sheet or agreed upon by sponsor will not be paid.

8.  Company will list any workshop or scholarship opportunities available to students or adviser.

9.  Company will provide a flexible deadline schedule.

10.  A wide choice of type, styles, and sizes with unlimited mixing must be available. If only specific fonts are allowed they must be supplied to the school.

11.  Company must provide prepaid shipping labels for mailing of pages, proofs, etc. at no additional cost.

12.  One book must be sent to sponsor before delivery date.

13.  The successful bidder will pay for shipping and handling of yearbook.

14.  The successful bidder will ensure the final book each contract year will be received by the school no later than two days prior to registration for distribution.

15.  Any other fees/charges not listed within this bid need to be agreed to by both the printer and school prior to any charges. The school will not be responsible for any charges that are not reflected within this bid or agreed to in writing by both parties.


1. Company must support Indesign

a. Does your company support this? Yes ______

No ______If no, what do you support? ______

b. Does your company have software to assist this program? ______

c. What versions of Indesign will your software support in August of 2013?


d. What is the cost of your company program? ______

e. Is it upgraded each year at no charge? Yes ______No ______

If not, what is this charge? ______

2. Does your company have a portrait placer program that places school portraits from a CD?

______Yes ______No

Is there a cost for this? ______If yes, what is the cost? ______

3. Do you have a toll free number that the yearbook sponsor can call for assistance?

Yes ______No ______

4. Is your desktop publishing support program OSX compatible?

Yes ______No ______

5. Does your company have an indexing program that works with the desktop


Yes ______No ______

Explain ______

6. Does your company charge for first proof corrections on submitted pages?

Yes ______No ______

If so, state charge:______

7. Does your company charge for second proof corrections on submitted pages?

Yes ______No ______

If so, state charge:______


Service will be judged as it is given or not given. The yearbook adviser and administrator will make continuing evaluation of the company as to:

1.  Quality of the yearbook

2.  Delivery date of yearbook

3.  Company errors in product

4.  Helpfulness to adviser and student staff

5.  Time taken to respond to telephone calls and requests for on-campus visits by sales representative

6.  Correct billing through itemized invoices

·  Bids will be accepted on the basis of references, services, personnel, quality of

product, cost and other information listed in this bid.

Each year “service will be thoroughly evaluated in terms of the company’s assistance in the promotion of a quality journalism curriculum. While price is a known quantity with little variance, service is equally important and will be an integral part of the decision to renew the contract each year.

1. Does your company have a full-time office in the Springfield area with a trained staff that is available to answer questions and solve problems as they arise? Yes ______No ______

If yes, who? ______

2.  Explain how the school yearbook adviser can get in touch with your company if a

problem arises and how soon can you normally respond. ______


3. Do you have someone with yearbook experience to handle problems when you are out of the office? Yes ______No ______

4.  How long have you been a full time yearbook representative? ______

5.  Do you sell any other products? List: ______

6.  Give location of publishing plant that will print yearbook: ______

7. Does your company provide a service to help increase sales?

Yes ______No ______

If yes, please describe it: ______

Does this service have a cost; if so, how much? ______



1. Base Price – 500 copies, 280 pages, Full Color

a. Bid Price – Firm – for 2013-14 Yearbook $ ______

b. Bid Price – Firm – for 2014-15 Yearbook *$ ______

c. Bid Price – Firm – for 2015-16 Yearbook *$ ______

*Note: Company should submit a maximum percentage increase for the years 2014-15 & 2015-16. This percentage increase is for all prices listed, not just the bid price.

2.  Adjustments:

a.  Additional or fewer pages

1.  per copy charge for 16 additional pages $______

2. per copy credit for 16 fewer pages $______

b. Additional or fewer copies

1. charge per each additional copy over 500 $______

2. credit per each copy less than 500 $______

3.  Method of Payment*

a.  1/3 Bid price due with first copy.

b.  1/3 Bid price due with final copy.

c.  Remaining amount due within 30 days after delivery.

d.  Payment to be made from detailed invoices only.

e.  Company will assume any sales tax liability.

*This is negotiable as long as it’s established before the year begins.


1.  Is there a cost for UV coating on pages?

______Yes ______No

If yes, what is the cost? ______

2. Cost for Matte paper $______

3. Base cost for similarly spec’d size book (7, 8) 7) $______

8) $______

4. Cost of namestamp per book. $______

5. Do you offer books to be printed on recycled paper? If so, please describe the type of paper being used and what is the cost associated with using this paper?

1.  ______% Cash Discount for payment within 10 days of delivery and/or receipt of invoice.

______% Cash Discount for payment within 30 days of delivery and/or receipt of invoice.

Do you provide a service where interest can be earned if a portion of the bill is paid early? Please describe the terms and options associated with this service if you provide it:




Cash discounts will be considered in determining the low vendor.

2.  Springfield High School will accept proposals for more than one year. However, if the proposal is accepted, Springfield has the option of terminating the agreement after one year or after any year of the agreement without any type of penalty or payment. Vendors who wish to submit multi-year proposals may do so by providing the information in the designated spaces below.

Additional years proposed ______(up to 2 extra for 3 total)

3.  If you offer incentives for signing multi-year contracts please describe them:

4.  Is there a discount for submitting pages as PDF files? If so, please list: ______

5.  Are there any other pricing discounts available? ______

6.  Would you be willing to provide the same terms as quoted in this bid to other local schools?

______yes ______no

Thank you for your time.

Please designate one individual to be the representative to Springfield High School during the term of this agreement. This individual will be responsible for all correspondence, technical assistance, answer any problems or questions that may arise, and any other duties deemed necessary by the adviser or school administration.

Representative’s Name:______





Phone Number/Fax Number:




The undersigned has read and understands all of the terms and conditions stated in this bid. By signing, you indicate full knowledge and acceptance of the general information, the bid specifications, and the school’s requirements. By signing this bid, you also confirm that you are an authorized representative for the vendor or corporation that you represent.

Please place your signature here ______

Please print your name here______