Title: Minutes of CISTC Meeting Held at GC 2015

Date/Time:Monday December 7th, 2015, 2:30pm - 4:30pm

Place/Room: Ballroom B, Omni San Diego Hotel, San Diego, California, USA

Contact: Francesco Chiti ()

1 Welcome / Introduction

The TC Chair, Dr. Yi Qian, the Vice Chair for Conference, Dr. Kejie Lu, the Vice Chair for Publications, Dr. Xiaodong Linand the Secretary Dr. Francesco Chiti attended the meeting.

The meeting started at 2:30 pm in Ballroom B, Omni San Diego Hotel, San Diego, California, USA. The total number of attendees was 56 (the complete list is given in Appendix I).

The TC Chair, Dr. Yi Qian, addressed the meeting by welcoming all the audience and asked every attendee to introduce himself/herself. He then briefly introduced the current TC officerslisted below

  • Chair: Yi Qian
  • Vice Chair on Conferences: Kejie Lu
  • Vice Chair on Publications: Xiaodong Lin
  • Secretary: Francesco Chiti
  • CISTC representative for IEEE ComSoc Standards Board: Neeli R. Prasad
  • CISTC representative for IEEE COMSOC Student Competition Committee: Kai Zheng
  • Award Chair: Peter Mueller

He then gave update about the TC

  • Currently has two mail distribution lists including

TC internal announcements

ICC, Globecom

Annual meetings (2 per year)


CFP distribution

open to all signed-up members to distribute CIS-TC related CFPs

The only difference between two mail distribution lists is that is an open list, while is reserved for CIS-TC internal announcements

  • The TC website is:

2.Approval of the Agenda

The agenda of the CISTC meeting wasunanimously approved by the attendees.

3.Approval of Meeting Minutes ICC 2015 (London)

The minutes of the meeting can be found in the TC website:

Alternatively, one can visit the TC website and then click on the link of “Meetings” to the

left of the page:

The minutes of the CISTC meeting at ICC 2015was approved as posted by the attendees.

4.CISTC Officer Elections

The TC Chair, Dr. Yi Qian introduced the procedure for CIS-TC officers election: in particular, after forming the CISTC 2015 Nominations and Election (N&E) Committee, the candidate nomination process has been announced on October 22, 2015 through the CIS-TC mailing list.

TheCISTC 2015 N&E Committee is comprised of the following members:

  • Sushmita Ruj, Indian Statistical Institute, India
  • Thomas Yoon, Kyonggi University, Seoul Korea
  • Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
  • Peter Muller, IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland
  • Yi Qian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

and it is led by Dr. Yi Qian. By the announced candidate nomination deadline, November 25, 2015, the nominations for the candidates for each of the positions of the CISTC officers have been received.After an online discussion among the CISTC 2015 N&E Committee, and the candidates’eligibility checking, the following list has been arranged:

  • CIS-TC Chair – Xiaodong Lin, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
  • CIS-TC Vice Chair Conferences – Abderrahim Benslimane, University of Avignon, France
  • CIS-TC Vice Chair Publications – Francesco Chiti, University of Florence, Italy
  • CIS-TC Secretary: two candidates have been selected:
  • Candidate 1: Rongxing Lu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Candidate 2: Shui Yu, Deakin University, Australia

As there were no comments or objection from the audience, every candidate introduced himself along with his election statement, except for Abderrahim Benslimane, who unfortunately has been not able to attend due to an emergency. Instead, Dr. Yi Qian presented Dr. Benslimane’s CV and as well his election statement.

Before starting the election, Dr. Yi Qian highlighted that the current Vice Chair for Conferences of CISTC, Dr. Kejie Lu, decided not to run for the CISTC Chair position, due to personal reasons, and expressed his gratitude for the service he spent CIS-TC as a Secretary, Vice Chair for Publications, and Vice Chair for Conferences. Afterwards, all candidates were asked to leave the room, wherethe election was held.

After voting, and carefully checking the outcome, the following officers have been elected:

  • Dr. Xiaodong Lin as CIS-TC Chair with 51 votes,
  • Dr. Abderrahim Benslimane as CIS-TC Vice Chair Conferences with 42 votes,
  • Dr. Francesco Chiti as CIS-TC Vice Chair Publications with 47 votes,
  • Dr. Rongxing Lu as CIS-TC Secretary with 30 votes, while Dr. Shui Yu received 23 votes.

5.CIS-TC Outstanding Service Award

The Award Chair, Dr. Peter Mueller gave an update on CIS-TC Service Award. He explained the nomination policy and process, which can be found on CIS-TC website:

In particular, all CIS-TC members couldsend nominations must to the CISTC Secretary by September 1 of the year in which the award is to be given. A CIS-TC Technical Recognition Award Selection Committee chaired by a past CISTC chair and composed of the current CISTC officers (Chair, Vice-Chair(s), and Secretary) plus one additional CIS-TC member nominated by the Award Selection Committee Chair evaluated these nominations.The Committee has decided not to give this award this year since we donot have a suitable candidate.

6.Reports on Conferences

Dr. Kejie Lu, the TC Vice-Chair for Conference, gave an overview on conference activities in CIS-TC. He introducedthe CIS-TC organized Symposia in CNS’15, Globecom’15, ICC’16, Globecom’16 and ICC’17.Then, he presented the CIS-TC endorsed Conferences.

The detailed information about the conferences that have been organized during the foregoing year can be found in Appendix II. Also, detailed information about CIS-TC endorsed conferences can also be found in Appendix II.

7.Reports on Publications

Dr. Xiaodong Lin, the TC Vice-Chair for Publications, presented a report on the publication activities supported by the committee. He presented books and journal special issues, which have been contributed by our TC members; in particular he encouraged the paper submission from the community to these upcoming journal special issues whose submission deadlines haven't passed yet. For example, Dr. Yi Qianis preparing an IEEE Wireless Communications MagazineSpecial Issue on “Security for 5G Wireless Systems”, which is a good opportunity to share research in 5G, anemerging topic.

Also, Dr. Xiaodong Lin pointed out some publication options, suggested byTC member, Tim Weil, particularly on Security for Automotive Networks, which represents an attractive topic for Communications and Tutorials articles.

Dr. Sushmita Ruj suggested to have periodic updates on journal special issues, for example, circulatingthese CFPs in mailing list, which can be beneficial for the community.

In the AppendixIIIthe complete list of books and special issues are detailed.

8.Standards liaison

Dr. Yi Qian, on behalf of the CIS-TC representative for IEEE ComSoc Standards Board, Dr. Neeli R. Prasad, provided a brief verbal summary of standard activities and suggested a deeper involvement of the ComSoc Standardization Program Development Board (CSPDB) Organizationand more contributions.

9.ComSoc Students Competition Award

On behalf of Dr. Kai Zheng, CISTC representative for IEEE COMSOC Student Competition Committee, Dr. Yi Qian introduced ComSoc Students Competition Award initiative. ComSoc Students Competition Award nomination can be done through ComSoc website and involves projects of students team form all over the world.

10.CISTC Newsletters

As the editor of CISTC newsletter, Dr. Kejie Lu introduced the CISTC newsletters. The proposal approved in the last CISTC meeting can be found in

He illustrated thetimeline for approval process. In April 2014 there wasthe discussion among TC officers and past chairs. By May 2014 the proposal has been disseminated to CISTC members to request for feedbacks that has been very valuable. Finally, in June 2014, the newsletter proposal has been discussed and approved in CISTC meeting at ICC 2014. Four CISTC newsletter published since then (11/14, 1/15, 3/15, 5/15). It is worth noticing that CISTC newsletter is one of the largest in the ComSoc with approximately 4200 members in the mailing list.

Dr. Xiaodong Lin opened a discussion on the new directions of CISTC newsletters and suggested to have four issues per year. Dr. Lin also suggested to include upcoming journal special issues to the newsletters.

11.Next CIS-TC Meeting

The next IEEE ComSoc’s Communication & Information Security TC (CIS-TC) meeting will be held at IEEE ICC 2016, May 23-27, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, probably on 24th May.


Dr. Yi Qian thanked all the people who attended this TC meeting, and thanked all the CIS-TC members who contributed to the success of CIS-TC. The meeting ended around4:15 pm.

(December, 2015)

Appendix I

The total 56 committee members attended the meeting.

Name Surname / Affiliation
1 / Hsiao Hwa Chen / National Cheng Kung University
2 / Shui Yu / Deakin University
3 / Phone Lin / National Taiwan University
4 / Rongxing Lu / Nanyang Technological University
5 / Tatsuya Mori / Waseda University
6 / Song Guo / University of Aizie
7 / Liang Xiao / Xiamen University
8 / Kun Wang / Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications
9 / Fen Hou / University of Macau
10 / Hagwei Li / University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
11 / Tao Shu / Oaklund University
12 / Yuanxing Guo / Oklahoma State University
13 / Miao Pan / University of Houston
14 / Cailian Chen / Shanghai Jiao Tong University
15 / Ling Lyu / Shanghai Jiao Tong University
16 / Xiaming Yuan / Xidian University
17 / Lin Mengjuan / University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
18 / Feifei Gao / Tsinghua University
19 / Mohamed Mahmoud / Tennessee Technology
20 / Sushmita Ruj / Indian Statistical Institute
21 / Tim Weil / Denver ComSoc Chapter
22 / Guo Linke / Binghanton University
23 / Ming Li / University of Nevada Reno
24 / Thomas B. Yoon / Kyonggi University
25 / Rui Zhao / Huagiao University
26 / Guoliang Xue / Arizona State University
27 / Rose Hu / Utah State University
28 / Ming Li / University of Arizona
29 / Jing Deng / UNC Greensboro
30 / Shuanggiag Wei / Louisiana State University
31 / Victor C. Valgenti / Petabi Inc.
32 / Jie Lin / Xian Jiaolong University
33 / William Liu / Auckland University of Technology
34 / Maode Ma / Nanyang Technical University
35 / Huing Wang / Xiam Jiendlong University
36 / Julian Cheng / University of BC
37 / Phee Lep Yeoh / University of Melbourne
38 / Nan Yang / Australian National University
39 / George Amariucai / Iowa State University
40 / Jinto James / University of Central Florida
41 / Zhao Zhang / Beijng University of Post and Telecommunications
42 / Sergio Salinas / Wichita State University
43 / Ying-Dar Lin / National Chiao Tung University
44 / Pramode Verma / University of Oklahoma
45 / Donghyun Kim / North Carolina Central University
46 / Zuqing Zhu / University of Science and Technology of China
47 / Daoynx Hu / University of Science and Technology of China
48 / Jing Zhu / University of Science and Technology of China
49 / Feng Ye / University of Nebraska
50 / Andri Santos / Universidade Federal do Paranà
51 / Francesco Chiti / University of Florence, Italy
52 / Yi Qian / University of Nebraska-Lincoln
53 / Xiaodong Lin / University of Ontario Institute of Technology
54 / Kejie Lu / UPRM
55 / Peter Mueller / IBM Zurich Research
56 / Michele Nogueira / Federal University of Paranà

Appendix II

Conference / Submitted / Accepted / Reviews / TPC / Representatives
CISTC Organized Conferences
IEEE CNS 2015, Florence, Italy, September 28-30, 2015 / - / - / - / TPC area chairs:10
TPC member: 73 / General Co-Chairs:David Du, Sabrina De Capitani Di Vimercati
Technical Program Co-Chairs: Guevara Noubir, Pierangela Samarati
San Diego, California, December 6 -10, 2015 / 236 / TBD / >=3 / 273 / Communication and Information System Security Symposium (CISS) Co-Chairs:
Peter Mueller, Yang Yang
ICC16 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia May 2015 / 156 / TBD / >=3
(TBC by 15/12/ 2015) / 190 / Communication and Information System Security Symposium (CISS) Co-Chairs:Kejie Lu, Yu Cheng
CISTC Endorsed Conferences
WTS 2015
/ Steven Powell, General Chair, Thomas Ketseoglou, WTS Assistant Chair, Qing-An Zeng, Proceedings Chair; Review Process Chair
ICNC 2015 / Xinwen Fu, Shui Yu, Rongxing Lu
DRCN 2015 / Byrav Ramamurthy, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, Yi Qian
ICACT 2015 / Yi Qian, Peter Mueller, Hsiao-Hwa Chen
/ Krishn Mishra, General Chair, Rajeev Tripathi, Finance Chair, Peter Mueller, International Co-Chairs
/ Prof. Hamid Sharif, Prof. Pascal Lorenz, Prof. Yi Qian

Appendix III

Journal Special Issues
Special Issue Topic / Publisher/Journal / Editors
Special issue on “Security and Privacy in Unified Communications: Challenges and Solutions” / Computer Communications (Elsevier) / Guest editors: Georgios Karopoulos, Georgios Portokalidis, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Ying-Dar Lin, Dimitris Geneiatakis, Georgios Kambourakis
Special issue on “Security and Privacy in Mobile Clouds” / Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Elsevier) / Guest Editors: Sherman S. M. Chow, Urs Hengartner, Joseph K. Liu, Kui Ren
Special issue on “Security and Privacy” / IT Professional / Guest editors: Rick Kuhn, Tim Weil
Special issue on “Cloud Security Engineering” / IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing / Guest editors: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Omer Rana, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan
Special issue on “Legal Clouds: How to Balance Privacy with Legitimate Surveillance and Lawful Data Access” / IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine / Guest Editors: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Rick Sarre
Special issue on “Cloud Cryptography: State of the Art and Recent Advances” / Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier) / Guest editors: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Lei Zhang
Special issue on “Cyber Security in the Critical Infrastructure: Advances and Future Directions” / Journal of Computer and System Sciences (Elsevier) / Guest Editors: Jemal Abawajy, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Rafiqul Islam
Special issue on “Mobile Security, Privacy and Forensics” / Pervasive and Mobile Computing / Guest editors: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Lior Rokach, Claudio Bettini
Special issue on “Cloud Forensics: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions” / Digital Investigation (Elsevier) / Guest Editors: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Martin Herman, Michaela Iorga, Ben Martini
Special issue on “Bio-inspired Cyber Security for Communications and Networking” / IEEE Communications Magazine / Guest editors: Wojciech Mazurczyk, Sean Moore, Errin W. Fulp, Hiroshi Wada, Kenji Leibnitz
Special issue on “Wireless physical layer security” / IEEE Communications Magazine / Guest Editors: Walid Saad, Xiangyun Zhou, Mérouane Debbah, H. Vincent Poor
Special issue on “Embedded Device Forensics and Security: State of the Art Advances” / ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems / Guest editors: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Yunsi Fei, Yang Xiang, Yu Yu
Special issue on “Internet of Things (IoT): Secure Service Delivery” / ACM Transactions on Internet Technology / Guest Editors: Elisa Bertino, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Surya Nepal
Upcoming Journal Special Issues
Special Issue on "Multimedia Social Network Security and Applications” / Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer) / Guest Editors: Zhiyong Zhang, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
Special Issue on “Emerging Embedded and Cyber Physical System Security and Forensic Challenges and Innovations” / IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing / Guest Editors: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Mehran Mozaffari Kermani, Reza Azarderakhsh, Manimaran Govindarasu
Special Issue on "Cybersecurity and Privacy” / IT Professional / Guest Editors: Irena Bojanova, Morris Chang, Jeffrey Voas, Linda Wilbanks
Special Issue on “Network Forensics and Surveillance for Emerging Networks” / IEEE Network / Guest Editors: Xiaodong Lin, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Ying-Dar Lin, Peter Mueller
Special Issue on “Security and Privacy for Big Data Storage in the Cloud” / Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Springer) / Guest Editors: Mi Wen, Sastri Kota, Hongwei Li, Kaoru Ota
Special Issue on “Security for 5G Wireless Systems” / IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine
(in preparation) / Yi Qian
Book title / Publisher / Authors/ Editors
Security Issues in Mobile NFC Devices / Springer, 2015
ISBN: 978-3-319-15487-9 / Michael Roland
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Security and Privacy / Wiley-IEEE Press, June 2015
ISBN: 978-1-118-91390-1 / Xiaodong Lin, Rongxing Lu
Engineering Information Security: The Application of Systems Engineering Concepts to Achieve Information Assurance, 2nd Edition / Wiley-IEEE Press, December 2015
ISBN: 978-1-119-10160-4 / Stuart Jacobs
Books in Preparation
Information Hiding in Communication Networks: Fundamentals, Mechanisms, and Applications / Wiley-IEEE Press, February 2016
ISBN: 978-1-118-86169-1 / Wojciech Mazurczyk, Steffen Wendzel, Sebastian Zander, Amir Houmansadr, Krzysztof Szczypiorski
Physical and Data-Link Security Techniques for Future Communication Systems / Springer, 2016
ISBN: 978-3-319-23608-7 / Marco Baldi, Stefano Tomasin
Ideas About Feature Topics

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