Bi-Monthly Book Reports

October 6, 2014

Dear Parents,

This year in Reading and Language Arts, students will be completing a book report every other month. These book reports will be assigned on a book of your child’s interest and reading level. We believe that students not only become more engaged in books of their interest but also acquire and maintain their love for reading!

It is very important to us that our students are reading daily. After finishing their “bi-monthly books”, the fourth grade students will then complete an assigned post reading book project pertaining to their book. Each book report type will vary every other month. These projects/reports are discussed with the students at the beginning of each month and due at the end of each “reading month”. Each due date for each book report will be written on your child’s report information sheet, once they receive it. When the projects are discussed, example projects are shown to the students emphasizing expectations. Projects are then graded on a rubric and incorporated into their reading grade average. Each project is new and exciting!

Students may read a chosen book from home, the school library, or the public library. Some reading time will be given to students at school, although the majority of their reading will take place at home. Students may also use their “bi-monthly book report books” for their AR reading AND weekly reading response log assignments. We encourage students to use materials that they already have at home for their reports and discourage the hassle of running to the store for materials.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your support and guidance in this ongoing effort to promote successful reading this year!

Yours in education


The love for reading,

Mrs. Johnson x 120

Miss Baglio x 202