Funding Guidelines

Oregon Natural Resources

Education Fund Association (ONREF)

The advisory committee(s) of the Oregon Natural Resource Education Fund Association, as advisors to the Oregon Natural Resources Education Fund or related Subfunds (collectively referred to herein as “Funds”) at the Oregon Community Foundation (“OCF”), shall utilize the following criteria in determining recommendations to OCF regarding distributions from the Funds. The Funds support Oregon public or private high schools that commit to provide educational opportunities in the field of Forestry, which will integrate wood products, silviculture, harvesting, fisheries, wildlife, water, soils, recreation and the management of other forest-related natural resources of Oregon and related career and leadership development. The criteria included herein shall only be modified by a vote of a majority of the Directors then in office. The following shall be a consideration in the evaluation of grant requests:

1.  Established / Developing Program. Preference is given to established programs (defined as providing at least 2 high school credits). Developing programs (defined as those not providing at least 2 high school credits at the time of application) are eligible to apply however consideration shall be given to those that are likely to develop into an established program and/or those programs that demonstrate strong support and commitment from the community and school.

2.  Introductory Course. The Program should include a general introductory course that is readily available and promoted to all students. Such course should include an overview of the management of forests and forest-related natural resources to provide for the needs of society and an introduction to related educational and career opportunities. Further consideration shall be given to a Program that incorporates such general introductory course as a requirement for all students.

3.  Facilities, Resources, and Services. The school sponsoring the Program should provide suitable facilities, resources, and services to support the Program. The quality of such facilities and services shall be a consideration. Preference is given to programs that provide outdoor educational opportunities.

4.  Teacher Qualification. The lead instructor must be qualified through education and/or experience in forest-related natural resource education and be appropriately licensed. The Program should include a dedicated instructor, or “instructor team”, equivalent to at least one half of a full-time position for the Program. The qualification of such instructor(s) could include additional professional development opportunities pursued with Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Oregon Natural Resources Education Program, and the Oregon Department of Education.

Program Qualifications. Within every three years, the Program must be evaluated by the Oregon Department of Education. Additionally, the Administration should solicit periodic review of the Program by a statewide forestry organization such as Oregon State University College of Forestry, Society of American Foresters, and Oregon Forest Resources Institute. Consideration should be given to how the school incorporates findings of the review in the design and implementation of the Program

5.  Advisory Committee / Community Support. The Instructor(s) and Administration should solicit input on Program elements (including, but not limited to Program curriculum, budget, instruction, facilities, participation, and activities) from an advisory committee consisting of at least 4 individuals active in, or retired from, professions in forest-related natural resource management, operations, or research. The instructor(s) should meet with such advisory committee no less than once every 6 months to review the Program. The make-up and activity level of the advisory committee shall be considered in the evaluation of the Program. Strong preference shall be given to programs that utilize an advisory committee meeting or exceeding these standards. Consideration shall be given to programs that incorporate additional support from the local community.

6.  School Funding. The proportion of school sponsored funding to the total cost of the Program shall be a consideration. A strong financial commitment by the sponsoring school is expected.

7.  Participation. For established programs, the proportion of students enrolled in the Program to the total student population registered in the Program shall be a consideration.

8.  Project Consideration. Each project that requests funds will be evaluated based on overall project outcomes, effectiveness, benefit to program, students and community, and assessment process.

9.  Final Report, A final evaluation report is due to the Oregon Natural Resources Education Fund Board of Advisors 30 days after the completion of the project. It is strongly encouraged that in addition to a final report, any additional media such as photographs, videos, news articles or student work may be submitted to the ONREF Board for promotional uses.

10.  Other Criteria. Other criteria may be considered from time to time as conditions and opportunities warrant.

Preference shall be given to Programs that best meet the above criteria. In the event no school district is currently providing such educational services then the distributions may be allocated to other similar charitable purposes that support the goals and objectives of the fund.

Adopted this 9th day of March, 2010.


Reynold Gardner


James Rombach


Peter C. Sikora


Barte B. Starker


Julie Woodward

Oregon Natural Resources Education Association Funding Guidelines – Revised 3/9/2010 -- Page 1