College of Education

Task Force on Inclusiveness

Minutes of February 15, 2006, Meeting

Members present: James Cibulka (guest), John Harris (EDL), Rosetta Sandidge (ex-officio), Brian Umberger (KHP)

Dr. John Harris called the meeting to order. Minutes of the November 30, 2005, meeting were reviewed. Rosetta Sandidge volunteered to record minutes for this meeting. Due to lack of a quorum, action items will be addressed at the March meeting.

Discussions regarding the establishment of guidelines for search committees continued from the previous meeting. Task force members discussed the most effective strategies for distributing the guidelines once they are developed. Possibilities include presentations of the guidelines at department meetings, at a College of Education faculty meeting, or at the fall faculty retreat. As guidelines are developed, Dr. Harris will distribute the materials to task force members and request feedback.

Dean Cibulka reported that he, Associate Dean Anderman, and Dr. Harris will meet with Dr. Lucian Yates at Kentucky State University to discuss possible collaboration between the two institutions. Possible areas for collaboration include recruitment of graduate students from KSU and employment of adjunct faculty members.

Dean Cibulka reviewed the agenda for the upcoming visit by Dr. Etta Hollins, consultant from the University of Southern California. Dr. Hollins will visit the College on Monday and Tuesday, March 6-7. On Monday, she will begin the visit by meeting with the NCATE/EPSB Steering Committee followed by a meeting with the College of Education faculty. On Monday afternoon, Dr. Hollins will meet with faculty in the departments of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Leadership Studies. On Tuesday morning, Dr. Hollins will meet with the departments of Educational and Counseling Psychology, Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation, and Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling. She will meet with faculty in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Promotion during mid-day. In the afternoon, Dr. Hollins will meet with college faculty to share what she has learned from her sessions with departmental faculty and her review of documents on the NCATE/EPSB website.

The final meeting of the task force for this academic year is scheduled for April 26 from 9:00-10:30 a.m. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Rosetta F. Sandidge