Weilenmann Board of Trustees Agenda

Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 5:30

Weilenmann School, 4199 Kilby Rd, Park City

Agenda Item / Time
Call to Order/ Roll Call / Meeting called to order at 5:38 p.m. Board members present: Doug, Kirstie, Bayard, Brad, andTim. Matt joined the meeting at 6:14 p.m. Board members absent: Michelle, Devin.
Consent Agenda:
· Receipt of Executive Report
· Approval of minutes from May 23and June 21 board meetings / Kirstie moved approval of the minutes. Passed unanimously.
Kirstie moved to acknowledge receipt of the Executive Report. Passed unanimously.
Public Comment Period / No public comment.
Finance Report / Tim presented the school’s finance report and updated forecast, which is about the same, on the bottom line, as the original budget. Salaries are higher, but so are revenue projections.
Charter Solutions Agreement with WSD / Charter Solutions proposed an updated agreement with the following changes:
  • Ends the hardship discount that was negotiated for the last three years
  • Gives a 60-day mutual notice for termination
  • Inserts language about data security and privacy
A revised, proposed Agreement was distributed and will be considered next month.
Restricted Gift Consideration / This item removed from agenda.
Development Update: Annual Fund and Time Bash 2017-18 / Heidi gave the Development report, which included a participation rate by grade in the annual fund from the 2016-17 school year.
WSD’s Board of Trustees Annual Report: Assignments, Content, Timing / Assignments given for sections of the annual report as follows:
  • Charter Solutions on financial performance
  • Ms. Phillips on Academic Performance

Update on Strategic Plan/School Improvement Plan and Strategic Planning Meeting / Ms. Phillips talked to the board about holding another Strategic Planning Meeting in the winter. Tentative date has been set for Friday, January 5, 2018. Matt arrived during this discussion.
Charter Fidelity and Administrative Amendments / Ms. Phillips updated the board on fidelity to the Charter Agreement and amendments to it from the authorizer. There are options for the school to do nothing, seek an amendment, or adopt an Exhibit A. New guidance is that amending will not result in a requirement to sign a new Agreement. Board direction is to proceed with an amendment draft for future consideration.
Charter School Performance Report and Board Established Performance Outcomes (including iReady, SAGE, DIBELS) / Ms. Phillips reported on the school’s performance according to established performance standards as requested by the Board. State reports were distributed and discussed, including data from DIBELS, iReady, and state reading improvement acknowledgement.
End-of-Year Surveys / Staff and student surveys are given and reviewed every year. This school year, revised surveys will be given three times per year and include questions about bullying as well as basic satisfaction questions. Data from last year’s survey were discussed.
Communication to Parents about WSD and State Testing / WSD’s Administration discussed providing parents with context about State summative testing, WSD’s adaptive, formative testing, and the Board’s focus on individual growth. This communication will go out to parents in the next week or so.
Enrollment Report / Enrollment is 609 today with a few more students expected in specific grades. This is shaping up to be the strongest enrollment year ever.
Follow-up Discussion on Board Meeting Protocols: Recordings, Notices, Distribution of Executive Reports and Attachment (linked to minutes), Voting by Name, Side-Bar on Parents Square for Board, etc. / Pushed to next month.
Board Bylaws: Revised Language of Dissolution / Discussion about drafting language regarding school closure by the WSD Board. Direction given to come to the board at a future meeting with a proposal.
Follow-up Discussion on Committee Structure, Charge, and Assignments / This item not discussed.
Board Training: Seven Signs of Effective School Boards / This item not discussed.
Policy Consideration for Review, Consideration, or Approval
  • Educator Rights Policy (New)
  • Comprehensive Emergency Protocols (Revised)
/ Kirstie moved approval of the Educator Rights Policy. Passed unanimously.
Doug moved approval of Comprehensive Emergency Protocols, with permission to simplify language at the administrative level. Passed unanimously.
Executive Session: To discuss the character, competence, or mental or physical health of an individual; and to discuss potential pending litigation. / No executive session today.
Housekeeping and Adjournment / Next meeting is Sep 19. Tim moved to adjourn. Passed unanimously.