
Decatur Planning Commission

Decatur City Hall

509 North McDonough Street

April 14, 2014

7:00 PM

Board Present: Mark Burnette, Scott Doyon, Melissa Manrow, Tony Powers

Absent: Hutch Moore, Fleur Hartmann

Mr. Powers called the meeting to order and announced the procedures that would be followed at the hearing. He announced the first item on the agenda:

1.  Pyramid Network Services has requested to add additional radio equipment onto an existing telecommunications tower for the property at 1034 West College Avenue.

Lannie Green, T-Mobile, stated that his company was looking to remove three antennae and add nine antennae to an existing radio tower. Mr. Green stated that the antenna platform was to be replaced due to the larger number of antennae, but there would be no increase to the tower, and there would be no land disturbance.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Mr. Green stated that the engineer report corresponded to the site at 1034 West College Avenue, although two different addresses were used in the report.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Mr. Green stated that the construction would abide by all recommendations made by the structural engineer in the modification of the tower.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Mr. Green stated that the coax would be contained within the shaft of the existing tower, and the configuration of the RF equipment on the tower would be determined by an RF engineer.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Mr. Green stated that all of the information provided within the structural engineering report was true and correct to his knowledge.

Mr. Powers opened the floor for public comment in favor of the application.

No one spoke.

Mr. Powers opened the floor for public comment in opposition of the application.

No one spoke.

Mr. Powers closed public comment.

Mr. Burnette stated that he had concerns about the method in which the structural engineering report was drafted, stating that the engineer used a general recommendation on a different tower. He also stated that the engineering report should correspond to the tower being modified.

In response to a question from Mr. Powers, Ms. Thompson stated that the Federal Telecommunications Act requires a structural analysis, but she was not sure if one report for one antenna could also apply to other antennae.

On a motion by Mr. Burnette, second by Ms. Manrow and all voting “aye,” the Planning Commission recommended approval of adding additional radio equipment onto the existing telecommunications tower for the property at 1034 West College Avenue subject to the following conditions:

a.  The applicant shall coordinate a site visit by FDH Engineering to confirm that the information contained in the structural engineer report dated December 16, 2014 is accurate prior to issuance of a building permit; and,

b.  Construction shall be limited to and conditioned by plans substantially similar to those submitted with the application.

Mr. Powers announced the next item on the agenda:

2.  Sapori de Napoli has requested an exception from the Special Pedestrian Area requirements for the property at 314 Church Street.

Juan Ramirez, designer and contractor, stated that the city streetscape design guidelines required a minimum 16 feet of building height and the proposed new addition was 14 feet high.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Ms. Thompson stated that there is a 25% transparency requirement that had to be met with windows.

Mr. Doyon stated that the applicant was meeting the requirements set forth in the UDO in regards to 25% transparency, but not 25% of glass frontage

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Mr. Ramirez stated that the addition would be constructed on land not owned by the tenant. Mr. Ramirez stated that the building addition would be temporary in nature.

In response to a question from Ms. Manrow, Mr. Ramirez stated that the current area was being used as a patio, and one parking space would be included in the addition combined with the patio.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Ms. Thompson stated that the UDO does not have any architectural design guidelines or materials requirements outside of local historic districts.

Mr. Powers opened the floor for public comment in favor of the application.

No one spoke.

Mr. Powers opened the floor for public comment in opposition to the application.

No one spoke.

Mr. Powers closed public comment.

On a motion by Mr. Doyon, second by Ms. Manrow and all voting “aye,” the Planning Commission recommended approval exceptions from the Special Pedestrian Area requirements for the property at 314 Church Street subject to the condition that construction shall be limited to and conditioned by plans substantially similar to those submitted with the application.

Mr. Powers announced the next item on the agenda:

3.  The City Schools of Decatur have requested an amendment to the master site plan for the property at 220 West College Avenue (Renfroe Middle School).

Sophia Tarken, Cooper Cary, stated that she would present the Phase 1 Master Plan request on behalf of the City of Decatur Schools. She stated that Phase 1 included a bus turnaround and new temporary classrooms on the rear of the site, a new addition on the front of the building and on street parking on Adams Street. She stated that this would include 14 new classrooms.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Matt Tanner, Breedlove Planning, stated that the tree canopy would be planted over time across multiple building phases. He stated that there was pedestrian access to the school from King’s Highway, Adams Street and West College Avenue.

In response to a question from Mr. Powers, Jeff Prine, Project Manager, stated that they would bury power lines and the power poles underground during Phase 2 of the master plan renovations. He stated that they were working with Georgia Power to determine if they needed to acquire a new transformer and where that should be located on the site.

In response to a question from Mr. Doyon, Mr. Prine stated that the new bus turnaround could allow 6-8 buses to line up.

Mr. Powers asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the request.

No one spoke.

Mr. Powers asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to the request.

John Ridley, 205 Adams Street, stated that he was concerned about the location of the bus turn around and would like to see the power service placed underground.

Mr. Powers and Mr. Doyon encouraged the school staff to educate parents on where it was appropriate to park so that they did not block the driveways of Adams Street residents. They stated that using the street for parking instead of removing trees was desirable.

On a motion by Mr. Burnette, second by Ms. Manrow and all voting “aye,” the Planning Commission recommended approval of an amendment to the master site plan for the property at 220 West College Avenue subject to the condition that construction shall be limited to and conditioned by the plans substantially similar to those submitted with the application.

Mr. Powers announced the next item on the agenda:

4.  The City Schools of Decatur have requested an amendment to the master site plan for the property at 310 North McDonough Street (Decatur High School).

Jeff Prine, Project Manager, stated that Phase 1 of the Decatur High School master plan included 10 temporary classrooms, a new 3 story addition with a bank room and classrooms and a new surface parking lot.

Matt Tanner, Breedlove Planning, stated that they modified the proposed new parking lot to remove three parking spaces to better protect an existing 36” water oak on the southwest corner of the site. He stated that with the proposed modifications only 15% of the critical root zone would be impacted.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Mr. Tanner stated that the temporary parking lot approved in 2014 would stay and stormwater detention would be provided. He stated that there would be a courtyard on both sides of the new addition in Phase 1.

In response to a question from Ms. Manrow, Mr. Tanner stated that in the long term master plan buses would enter and exit on Commerce Drive.

Mr. Powers asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the request.

Noel Maloof, Principal of Decatur High School, stated that the renovations were needed and that he appreciated the support of the community.

Mr. Powers asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to the request.

No one spoke.

Mr. Powers stated that the appreciated the school team’s efforts to preserve existing trees.

Mr. Burnette stated that he had concerns about the long term plans for Renfroe and Decatur High School. He stated that both sites needed the Phase 1 improvements to address the growth in the student population.

On a motion by Mr. Burnette, second by Mr. Doyon and all voting “aye,” the Planning Commission recommended approval of an amendment to the master site plan for the property at 310 North McDonough subject to the condition that construction shall be limited to and conditioned by the plans substantially similar to those submitted with the application and amended at the public hearing to provide additional tree protection on the southwest corner of the site.

Mr. Powers announced the next item on the agenda:

5.  Jay Weaver has requested subdivision of the property at 450 East Lake Drive (The Boys and Girls Club).

Jay Weaver stated that he would like the Planning Commission to table his request to the meeting in May. He stated that he would like more time to find a solution to develop the property that was agreeable to the community.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Mr. Weaver stated that June was too late and he thought he could have a compromise by May.

In response to a question from Mr. Powers, Ms. Thompson stated that due to the lateness of the request to table the applicant could not defer in writing, but needed to appear at the advertised public hearing. She stated that the Planning Commission could hold the public hearing and allow comment.

Mr. Powers asked if anyone would like to speak about the proposal.

Richard Blackwell, 228 Spring Street, stated that he was surprised by the last minute change of hearing dates. He stated that they had been working on this issue since December. He stated that he would like to see the dog park and the forest preserved. He stated that the community was willing to support the Boys and Girls Club.

George Dusenbery, 1177 Commerce Drive, stated that the city had a lack of greenspace compared to national averages and preserving greenspace was important to the community.

Chris Billingsly, 146 Norris Streets, read his comments into the record. (attached).

Lee Goldsmith, 153 Hood Circle, stated that many people were interested in attending the hearing and were caught off guard by the request to defer. He stated that the dog park was a community resource and should be preserved. He stated that the Boys and Girls Club never came to the city for help.

Edward McNalley, East Lake Drive, stated that he was a former board member of the Boys and Girls Club and a lifelong resident of Decatur. He stated that the dog park and forest should be preserved. He stated that the community could help the club think of other ways to obtain revenues.

Robert Wayne, ADDRESS, stated that he supported deferring the application to June. He stated that nothing would be resolved in 3 weeks. He stated that the money from the sale of this property would go to the corporate headquarters and would not go to the Decatur Boys and Girls Club.

Shelby Bosea, 2## East Lake Drive, stated that she was opposed to using the undeveloped triangle property behind her house as a new dog park.

Gabrielle Amero, 143 Hood Circle, stated that she was opposed to using the undeveloped triangle property behind her house as a new dog park. She stated that she had spent many hours maintaining the property.

Anthony Durrell, 302 East Lake Drive, stated that he had tried to purchase the triangle property, but the owner stated that he was in negotiations with a developer. He stated that he did not support the subdivision request and he was opposed to using the undeveloped triangle property behind her house as a new dog park.

In response to a question from Mr. Burnette, Mr. Weaver stated that he believed a shorter timeframe would force the community to come to a resolution.

Mr. Powers stated that the Planning Commission would be unlikely to table this item again.

On a motion by Mr. Burnette, second by Ms. Manrow and all voting “aye,” the Planning Commission tabled the item to the Tuesday, May 5, 2015 public meeting.

Mr. Powers announced the last item on the agenda:

6.  Redstone Investments has requested an exception from the Special Pedestrian Area requirements for the property at 315 West Ponce de Leon Avenue.

Lyle Foggerty, Redstone Investments, stated that he had a new tenant that wished to open in Decatur. He stated that the Downtown Development Authority had recommended approval of the plan.

Matt Calamari, Burton Properties, stated that his firm invested in wellness companies. He stated that they wished to build a drive through juice bar. He stated that convenience was very important to their customer. He stated that they had signed a lease with Redstone. He stated that this would be the Juice Bar’s second location in metro Atlanta. He stated that they would build a new streetscape, patio area and add parking spaces.