
/ Longridge Town Council
Council Offices, The Station Building
Berry Lane, Longridge, PR3 3JP
Telephone: 01772 782461
website: www.longridgetowncouncil.com

Mission Statement

Endeavour, through foresight and leadership, to enhance quality of life for Longridge residents and visitors. Working to enrich facilities and nurture opportunity,

to protect and improve the built and natural environment, and promote community pride.


Proceedings at a meeting held on 9 August 2017.

Present: Cllrs S Tyrer (Mayor), Adamson, Ashcroft, Rainford, Everett, Rogerson, Moon, Swarbrick

Min NO / Action
2107 / The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2108 / Apologies for absence.
Cllrs Beacham, Byrne, Priest, Odix
2109 / Declarations of interests & written requests for disclosable pecuniary interest dispensations
Cllrs Rogerson and Swarbrick– Ribble Valley Borough Council Planning and Development Committee
Cllr Rogerson item 7 3/2017/0675
Cllr Rainford item 20 (2nd item 20) Andrew Fordham
The Mayor closed the meeting at 7.01pm to allow public participation.
2109 / Public Participation
Mrs Harrison - Towneley Gardens
Mrs Harrison gave an update of the project to the Council and said that the working group were trying to deliver on outcomes for the Tesco Grant. The necessary permissions were now in place. Tesco asked if the group would like an extension to deliver the extended project (replacing/repairing the flagstones as these were a trip hazards with two falls being noted) this would only be granted if the group could get the extra money to deliver it. This information was needed by Friday 12 August otherwise they would have 6 weeks to deliver the present scheme within the budget otherwise they would loose the 25% with held monies. Addtional funding - the additional funding request via a grant application would enable all the works to be done in one go. The amount needed was £7400.00.
The Mayor said that it was up to the group to decide whether they want to ask for the extension.
Cllr Swarbrick added that the presentation had been done to enable the group to understand how the Council might feel about the request.
The Mayor answered that any request for funding would go through the Budget Group .
Cllr Moon asked if the group had secured any other funding
The group had secured CLOG funding, Duchy of Lancaster, LTC and Tesco.
Mrs Humphries - 46 Higher Road - Cllr Rogerson left the meeting at 7.05pm
Mrs Humphries held up photograph showing the applicant's site during the last 25 years it looked out towards Dilworth Lane and the Reservoir.
An official complaint had been raised with RVBC. As the speaker felt that they were inconsistent and misleading. The Council's attention was drawn to a pre-application statement of 8th March this year when the Planning Officer had said that she saw no reason why this application should not be approved. She had incorrectly assumed that the application for 194 housed on land behind 73 Higher Road would be approved. the Officer stated:
'the pattern of development has changed so significantly that as a result the general 'openess' of the site has reduced by virtue of the major developments on adjacent sites. On this basis I consider that due to the major developments approved/submitted for consideration on adjacent sites the visual harm of the development would now not be so significant as to warrant refusal of the application.'
She explained that they had submitted photographic evidence to RVBC and LTC to show that the Taylor Wimpey development cannot be seen from this site and has had no effect on the general 'openess' of the land. Furthermore, The Officer has incorrectly predicted the harm that could be caused by the development at 73 Higher Road, which has been refused. If this development were to be approved, it is at such a distance, that it could not have any effect on the openness of the Applicant's site.
The applicant must show that circumstances have materially changed but nothing has changed. The developments around Longridge have fortunately left this site unaffected.
Development on this land has been turned down on 3 occasions and on Appeal. The reasons and circumstances which led to those objections have not changed and are equally valid today.
They hoped that the Town Council would be minded to send a letter of objection by the closing date of 18th August 2017.
Mrs Humphries said she represented 'Dilworth Voice'.
Mr Holden - 46 Higher Road - planning application
Explained that he was and Industry expert on development highways and infrastructure.
Although they had reduced the number of houses by 1 there were still 12 parking spa
HIghways had refused access on safety grounds in the past. Longridge is already busy with traffic and this development is asking for more traffic going onto Dilworth Lane.
He felt it would be inappropriate for LTC to support any further development. The Core Strategy targets have been met in this respect.He also reminded the Council that it had objected to this development in the past.
Mr Hunt - 46 Higher Road
HIs property directly overlooked the development site. He showed a photograph to the Council showing Club Row on the boundary of the access and explained that during the build there would only be access down a narrow passageway. Emergency vehicles and refuse collection vehicles would not be able to get down. A proposed house was right up to his boundary wall.
Mr Stanton
Would like to support ~Mrs Humphries objection and also drew the council's attention to speeding vehicles (60/70mph) on this road.
LTC would report this to the Police and LCC
The meeting was reopened at 7.20pm / Clerk to report this as instructed
2110 / Item 7 Planning Applications
Cllr Rogerson had left the meeting at 7.05pm prior to public participation in respect of the following item:
3/2017/0675 The application is for outline planning permission for the erection of two detached dwellings with detached garages including access at 46 Higher Road, Longridge PR3 3SX
Cllr Moon said that he had listened to the speakers and felt that the situation hadn't changed he could not support this application. This was seconded by Cllr Rainford.
LTC: Object to the application for the following reasons:
There is insufficient access to the site and would remind the officer that HIghways had refused the access on safety grounds in the past;
There is a potential to cause damage to both the properties and character of Club Row which is both Grade 2 listed and lies within the conservation area;
There are concerns in relation to drainage and poor access for refuse collection;
In conclusion LTC would emphasise that Development on this land has been turned down on 3 occasions and on Appeal. The reasons and circumstances which led to those objections have not changed and are equally valid today.
Cllr Moon's proposal was voted on and the vote was unanimous.
The Mayor closed the meeting (7.24pm) in order to let Mrs Humphries add:
There is an over supply of housing in Longridge and a 5 year supply has already been identified by RVBC.
Meeting re-opened 7.25pm
Cllr Rogerson rejoined the meeting at 7.27pm
2111 / Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2017 and any updates of items not on this agenda
Cllr Rainford - Min 2093 - planning application number 3/2017/0620 - Berry Lane Medical Centre Objection - only partially there. The land in part of our Neighbourhood Plan and is a Queen Elizabeth II playing field.
Cllr Ashcroft added that there was also discussion of a letter being sent to the doctors surgery that although LTC had objected to the planning application LTC remained ready to help the doctors.
Min 2094 - last paragraph it should be made clear that the mayoral allowance referred to is 2016/17 and not the current year 2017/18.
Action list - could this be distributed electronically in the future. - Cllr Rainford
Min 2060 - Toilets - there was discussion about metal doors or locks on the wooden doors - price required.
Xmas Trees - agenda 23/8/17 - Cllr Rainford informed the Council about a pot of money available as a grant from RVBC. The Clerk explained that we were currently awaiting the new price list in order to calculate the cost. Cllr Rainford suggested that last year's figures were used in order to get the application in. Cllr Rogerson asked who calculates the number of trees required. The clerk explained that a letter was sent to businesses. / Clerk to send these to RVBC Planning
Price for locks on wooden doors
2112 / CCTV – still awaiting reply from RVBC
2113 / Approval of accounts for payment
EJ Watton July Salary £326.23
L Lund July Salary net pay £424.25
Terry Lewis July £180.00
Louise Coupe - reimbursement for window cleaning services £40.00
Proposed Cllr Swarbrick Seconded Cllr Ashcroft
2114 / Receive Reports of meeting attended by Councillors.
2115 / Receive Reports from Principal Councils
Cllr Swarbrick attended the Planning and Development Committee and informed councillors that the Hothersall Employment land application had been deferred for additional work to be done re highways. A site meeting had been arranged and 2 representatives were invited from LTC - Cllr Adamson would attend.
2116 / To receive Reports from Councillors on issues raised by residents and discuss Council response
Traffic on Higher Road /Dilworth - brought to the Council's attention in public participation.
Cllr Swarbrick - Cinema for sale - Cllr Swarbrick said he was involved as a private individual and want to make that absolutely clear.
2117 / Reports from Working Groups
12.1 Neighbourhood Plan -the consultant was currently on leave
12.2 Longridge Loop – meeting planned for 15 August at 6pm
12.3Longridge Vision Group- Melissa Watts amended the questionnaire and Peter Smithson has signed it off and has emailed Melissa that the questionnaire is good to go. The questionnaire should go on the website and in the newsletter. Cllr Ashcroft would email details to the Clerk
12.4 War Memorial Group-meeting arranged for 17 August 2017
12.5 - Towneley Gardens– Cllr Swarbrick explained that a scheme can
be completed within the Tesco time limit and in budget.
2118 / Towneley Gardens - update and next steps
Tesco is willing to grant a time extension to enable the Group to apply
for £7500 in order to get the work done. The Tesco extension only
gives a short time to raise the extra funds and it is unlikely that the
group can go to any other body that the Town Council.
Cllr Rogerson said he had concerns the Council has already committed
to £8000 and it must be borne in mind that this is spending LTC money
on RVBC land. If there is a problem with the flags a causing a trip
hazard then it should be RVBC to pay.
Cllr Moon said that any requests for money should come to the Budget
Cllr Swarbrick said the group wanted to know if the Council would
consider a request. He would signal to the group to apply for the
extension but without commitment from LTC.
Cllr Ashcroft said that a formal application should be received from the
group and this was seconded by Cllr Adamson.
Cllr Rainford said that the group should clearly have a contingency in
place for the 6 week deadline so that the 25% isn't lost should there be
no additional money given.
In regards to the trip hazard due to the condition of the flags Cllr Moon
proposed LTC write to RVBC and inform them of the 2 falls due to this.
Cllr Adamson seconded this.
Cllr Everett had been invited to the meeting although he hadn't been a member of the group and wondered what the constitution was.
Cllr Swarbrick said it was a group we sit on.
Cllr Swarbrick would feedback to the group. / Inform RVBC of the poor condition of flags s causing a trip hazard and of the two falls.
2119 / Items for the Website
Questionnaire re Civic Hall when received
Article re rec group
Grant list - this was already on
2116 / Remembrance Events - The timetable last year was that Longridge Band march from Durham Ox at 10am and then the march from the British Legion to begin at 10.20am The march arrived late at the garden of remembrance last year would the Council agree to setting off at 10am from British Legion (20 minutes earlier).
The Council said no it set off late last year due to the Police. If the parade sets off at 10.20am from the British Legion then ther is not a problem. Clerk to remind police what time the parade shouldset off from British Legion.
2117 / Parking - the Clerk informed the Council that despite chasing a reply it had not been forthcoming. Cllr Rainford suggested that the Council put in a formal complaint. Cllr Ashcroft suggested that a Freedom of information request is put in:
For 2016/17
·  number of occasions the warden visited Longridge
·  On which days/times
·  Number of parking tickets issued
·  At what locations where the parking tickets issues
2118 / Town Council View Page - monthly in Longridge News - written by the Mayor
Cllr Rainford suggested that the Mayor could do an article n what events he had visited and what events were coming up to encourage more invites.