SE 6 Pikes Peak Workforce Center

Pikes PeakWorkforceCenterInterns Visit Penrose St. Francis

On June 1, 2010, Penrose St. Francis hosted the kick-off visit for the Pikes Peak Workforce Center (PPWFC) interns participating in a unique learning opportunity called The Industrial Revolution.It is a job readiness program for young adults, which has gained state-wide recognition for its innovation. The fifteen youth interns, ranging in age from 17 through 21, selected for this prestigious program take classes in science, technology, engineering, math, and business ethics at the workforce center in the mornings. In the afternoons, these interns visit various business sites to gain direct exposure to in-demand industries.

After an initial welcome from Diana Patterson, RN, Education Resources, and Debra Nussdorfer, RN, Magnet Coordinator, a discussion followed of the interns’ areas of interest in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, counseling, mechanical engineering, computer design, and business. A demonstration was provided of different training equipment used for clinical education, including the simulation mannequin. The interns enjoyed listening to heart and lung sounds while checking for various pulses. Information was provided regarding the complexity of this high-fidelity training equipment, as well as, its usefulness in education and the opportunities for the future.

Incorporating the interns’ diverseinterest areas, a PowerPoint presentation of the DaVinci robotic surgical equipment was given by Patrick O’Neal, Clinical Sales Representative from Intuitive Surgical. Many questions ensued regarding the types of surgeries, training of the surgeons, and visions for the upcoming decades. Staying with the cutting edge trends in medical care, Tony Switzer provided a tour and discussion of Cyberknife technology. The interns were enthralled with the possibilities for career direction within the healthcare system.

Last year, Penrose St. Francis and 16 other Pikes Peak area businesses invited these youth to tour their facilities and learn firsthand about a variety of 21st century industries. We are committed to continuing to offer opportunities for community members to explore healthcare careers.