Professional Affairs and Awards & Recognition Committees

November, 2010P.A.C report

Submitted by David Cain chair and Christina Hills APPA AVP Liaison

Professional Affairs and Awards & Recognition Committees

  • PAC monthly conference call scheduled for November 18, at 3 pm EST (Agenda below and minutes posted on APPA web site).
  • MAPPA new replacement PAC committee member, Jerry Carlson – Butler and MAPPA new replacement A&R committee member Charles Darnell.
  • December 4th – Review Pacesetter Award criteria. ERAPPA provide concerns in writing, review and potential revamp
  • Review final status of FMEP criteria for 2011 academic cycle
  • Draft of Sustainability Award – under committee review – release to APPA staff and Executive Board prior to December meeting.
  • Presenting new award to APPA executive board/full board in December at Colorado Springs.
  • APPA has received one (1) Effective and Innovative nomination to date.
  • FYI - Certification Board Activities
  • Monthly conference calls the third Tuesday of month – November 16.
  • Scheduled meeting in Alexandria, VA. December 10 -12
  • Agenda: fine tune program, Christina Hills perspective, future use of technology for prep course, and testing.
  • FYI- Code Advocacy Task Force (CATF) Activities:John B, APPA liaison(Kevin Folsom)
  • Main focus is to study the merits of a separate credentialing of Higher Education institutions with health care facilities.
  • CATF conference called is scheduled for November 23 at 1:30 EST(Brooks/Folsom/JohnB/ChristinaH)
  • Colorado Springs meeting, December 3rd, meets for 2 hours with Code Advocacy to go over business plan for accreditation program for Health Care to work on business plan.
  • John B. working with Brooks Baker and Mike Anthony on agenda and presentation.

Professional Affairs Committee members
CAPPA: David Gronquist, Kansas State University
ERAPPA: Willy Sutter, American University

MAPPA: Jerry Carlson, Butler University
PCAPPA: Tony Ichsan, Santa Rosa Junior College
SRAPPA: Jodie G. Sweat, Kennesaw State University

RMA:Jeff Butler, Montana State University

Awards and Recognition Committee members

CAPPA: Art Jones, Black Hills State University
ERAPPA: Joseph Rubertone, Quinnipiac University, CT
MAPPA: Charles Darnell,Western Illinois University
PCAPPA: Anthony Guerrero,University of Washington, Bothell Campus
RMA: Chris Kopack, University of Arizona
SRAPPA:Dan Batson, West Virginia University


Professional Affairs Committee Agenda

11/18/2010 @ 3:00-4:00 EST

1. WelcomePAC members

Review of committee members and length of term.

Update contact information(haveofficial sheet with terms)

2. December Committee Meeting (December 2 – 4)

PAC will meet from 9 – 5 on the 3rd and from 8:30- 10:30 on the 4th.

Please note that our meeting location has been changed from the Comanche room to the Manitou room.

Finalize any travel concerns and review agenda for meeting.

3. Logistics

Expense sheets etc. and return date to Christina Hills

4. Draft of Proposed Sustainability Award

5. Pacesetter Award

Concern voiced from ERAPPA

6.Code Advocacy Task Force Update

Recommendations on Accreditation for Health Care/code proposal - Brooks Baker and Mike Anthony

7. Awards and Recognition Discussion

Submissions to date?

Going paperless

Future awards

Scheduled monthly calls

8. Awards

Critical Path Method

Time frame -Jan 31 close of awards/ March 1 PAC conference call/meeting

March 15 - April 30 - Site visits

May 1 Conference call to finalize

Send recommendation to Executive board for all winners

9. Old Business– Discussion/Feedback

Plan of Action for 2010-2011*

Committee Charges from President-Elect Darrel Meyer

July 2010


Why important? APPA’s greatest resource is its diverse membership and their vast knowledge.

Critical Question:“How can we best serve the members’ needs so they can achieve their potential as education facilities professionals?”

Strategy # 1: Engage young facilities professionals

Initiatives:* Expand availability of programs (PD)

  • Identify methods to recognize accomplishments (AR/PAC)

Strategy # 2:Promote alignment and create synergy among, across, and between International APPA, the regions, and the state/local chapters

Initiatives:* Develop new training and workshops for delivery at regional and state/local chapters

  • Utilize outcomes of the Task Force’ recommendations to drive programming, redefine membership (structure), and establish recognition opportunities (PD/M/PAC/AR/IR)

Strategy # 3:Recruit and retain several targeted institutional classifications such as Community Colleges, K-12 schools, HBCUs, and small liberal arts colleges

Initiatives:* Create a Community College Focus Group to better understand this group of facilities professionals and to further explore their needs (CCFG/M)

  • Support the needs of and recommendations made by the Community College Focus Group (M/PD/PAC/AR/IR)

Strategy # 4:Utilize Thought Leaders Symposium (TLS) content for program development, new publications, and targeted research effort(s)

Initiatives:* Develop programming to enhance credibility and professional image of the senior facility officer (PD)

Strategy # 5:Evaluate content and delivery of existing programs to ensure they are affordable, accessible, and focused on current issues and needs and utilizing innovative delivery technologies

Initiatives:* Evaluate affordability of existing programs (PD)

Strategy # 6:Enhance strategic alliances and partnerships

Initiatives:*Identify new ways to leverage our existing alliances and partnerships (PD/M/PAC/IR)

Strategy # 7:Execute delivery and dissemination of the certification credentials (EFP & CEFP)

Initiatives:* Review and determine best implementation methods to advertise and market the existing designations (CB/PD)

  • Select locations for delivery of the exam (institutions, state/local chapters, regions, etc.) (CB/PD)
  • Determine how and when to deliver the EFP exam on-line (CB/PD)
  • New – Develop a plan for using emerging technology to offer more web-based/online and electronic delivery methods (PAC/IR)

10.New Business