Urging the North Carolina Legislature to defeat SB 389 and leave the Child Nutrition Services Section in the Department of Public Instruction.

Whereas, the Child Nutrition Department of ______Schools is an integral part of the school day by providing nutritious breakfasts, lunches and afterschool snacks for our student population as a means of promoting their health, well-being and academic success; and

Whereas, the Child Nutrition Department depends on the leadership, training, advocacy and interpretation of Federal regulations from the Child Nutrition Services Section at the Department of Public Instruction (DPI); and

Whereas, the Child Nutrition Services Section at DPI has a highly trained, well-qualified staff that continuously supports the Child Nutrition Department in achieving the district’s goals nutritional, operational and financial integrity; and

Whereas, the Child Nutrition Services Section has been a part of the DPI for 50 years and is operating efficiently, effectively, innovatively and in compliance with Federal and State regulations; and

Whereas, there has been no substantiated need to move the Child Nutrition Services Section from DPI to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; and

Whereas, an interruption of services, which would occur during such a move, would be detrimental to the operations of the ______Child Nutrition Department if reimbursements were delayed and other valuable services were eliminated;

Whereas, such a move would be very costly to the state in this time of economic distress; and

Now, ThereforeBe It Resolvedthat the ______Board of Education formally states to the North Carolina House and the North Carolina Senate that the Child Nutrition Services Section should remain as part of the state’s education infrastructure under the domain of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and not be moved to any other department or agency.

We hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly considered and approved by the ______Board of Education on ______(date).
