The Presbytery, 20 Village Way, Beckenham, Kent. BR3 3NP

Telephone 020 8650 0970

November 2017


Bishop Pat Lynch will celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation at St Edmund's on Thursday

7 June 2018 at 7 pm. We are now inviting applications to join the formation programme which will begin in January 2018.

Youmust be a parishioner of St.Edmund’sora student at Bishop Challoner Schooland you should be in Year8or above. (Applicants from Bishop Challoner School who are not parishioners of St Edmund's will need to obtain permission from their Parish Priest.)

The preparation will begin with Mass for candidates and their parents on Wednesday,31st January 2018 at 7.30 p.m. Attendance at the Mass is mandatory. Parents are the first teachers of their children in the faith and this will be an ideal opportunity for them to revisit their commitment and to lead by example. The main part of the formation programme will consist of a number of weekday evening sessions with catechists. There will also be one or two mandatory sessions on Saturday mornings in St Edmund's Hall.All sessions will take place in school term-time.

If youwish to join this course please complete the attached application form and agreement and return it to the Parish Office by Sunday,3December 2017, with a cheque for£15payable to St Edmund’s Churchtocover costs.

If you were not baptised at St.Edmund’s, you must also include a copy of your baptism certificate. Parish Offices are used to supplying these for this purpose so give them a phone call or send them an email.

Please remember that this is your personal act of commitment, so we ask you to think seriously about what you are undertaking. While you are requesting Confirmation for yourself, please get your parents’ consent. Along with your parent or guardian please read and sign the agreement on the reverse of the application. We will contactall applicantswho have been accepted,with precise details of the programme and your class day and time. This will be based on the preferences expressed on your application, so when applying, you mustindicate 1st or 2ndchoice against the days offered. We will do our best to give you your first choice of day, but cannot guarantee it. Any application that does not indicate a 2nd choice will be returned to you and will not be considered until you have completed therelevant field.

Deacon Seán


Application to join the formation programme at St. Edmund’s

Please complete this form and return it to the Parish Officeby Sunday,3 December 2017, with your £15 subscriptionand, if you were not baptised at St. Edmund’s, a copy of your baptism certificate. Please mark your envelope: CONFIRMATION 2018.


Your name:
Your full address:
Home phone number:
Mobile contact number and name of parent/guardian for emergencies:
E-mail address (parent/guardian):
Candidate’s date of birth:
Parish where you normally attend Mass:
School you attend:
Which school year are you in?
Date of baptism at St Edmund’s:
If you were not baptised at St Edmund’s you must attach a copy of your baptism certificate. We need sight of this before the course begins and we need the parish details as we are obliged to inform them of your confirmation.
Please indicate your preferred evenings for attending the Confirmation classes.
Number them 1st or 2ndin order of preference / Preferred evenings for Confirmation Classes:


I agree

  • To attend all classes, and Saturday formation sessions.
  • That a parent or guardian will let my Catechist know in advance if I am unable to attend any part of the programme.
  • That my mobile phone and/or personal electronic equipment will be in silent mode and put away during classes.
  • To arrive on time and be picked up on time.
  • Not to leave any groups without prior agreement between my parent or guardian and catechist.
  • To take part in the group discussions and exercises.
  • To respect the members of my group and their freedom to share their thoughts and ask questions.
  • To respect the property of St. Edmund’s Hall andthe home of my catechist.
  • To let my catechist know if I’m having difficulties within the group or with any part of the course.

St. Edmund’s agrees to provide:

  • A comprehensive programme to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation.
  • One or two Formation half-daysand a programme of evening classes.
  • Catechists (DBS checked) to facilitate groups and provide support and guidance to students.
  • Written material to back up class sessions.
  • Light refreshments and snacks at the Formation half-days.


We have read and understand the terms and conditions of the St Edmund’s Confirmation programme.

A payment of £15(to cover the cost of the facilities, administration, light refreshments on the formation half-days, church flowers and liquid refreshments for the Confirmation Celebration) is included with this agreement – together with a copy of my Baptism Certificate (only if not Baptised at St. Edmund’s).


