CIS6101/005-- Summer 2003

Software Processes and Metrics (3 credit hours)

Instructor: Dr. Neal S. Coulter Class Times: T, Th 6:10 - 8:10 PM, May 8-July 14

Building 10 (Honors Hall, Room 2337) Office Hours: T, Th 5-6 PM, Others by appointment

904/620-1350; fax x2385 e-mail:


No text required. Numerous handouts and articles will be used. Materials will be distributed electronically, placed on library reserve, or sold in the bookstore, as needed.

Catalog Description: IS 6101 - Software Processes and Metrics (3 credit hours)
Prerequisite: CEN 6016. Topics covered in this course include: software life cycle and process models; software metrics, software estimation, software standards, configuration management, version control, planning, scheduling, tracking, risk management, maintenance and re-engineering; capability measures such as CMM; process approaches such as PSP, extreme programming, and TSP; ethical and professional issues; support tools; team- oriented project used methods, techniques and practices learned.

Grading: Each student will complete and report on minor and major research topics. The reports will be both written and oral.

The minor and major oral reports will be 10 and 20 minutes long, respectively, including discussion. Specific topics and a presentation schedule will be determined early in the course. The major written report must be approximately 3,000 words long; the minor one must be approximately 1,000 words long. Further guidelines for written and oral presentations will be issued in class.

In addition, there will be one exam which will cover lectures, class notes, and other assigned readings.

The grading percentages are:

Major report 35%

Minor report 15%

Oral presentations (includes preparation)

5% minor report

10% major report

Exam 35%

Special Dates:

1. Exam date – June 10

2. Written project reports due—NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!

Minor project – June 24

Major project – July 10

These are absolute deadlines; no late projects will be accepted

3. Class Holidays - None


Cheating: Don’t. All work must be individual unless agreed otherwise. Cheaters will receive an F in the course and a recommendation for dismissal from the University.

Grades of Incomplete (I): Must first be passing the course and have extreme and documented circumstances beyond your control. Otherwise, don’t ask. Final approval is the instructor’s.

Abandonment of the Course: If you abandon the class, grades of zero will apply to all missed tests and assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course.

UNF Summer 2003 Calendar – Be Sure You Are Aware of Important Dates!!!

May / 1 / Thurs / Last acceptable postmark for mailed tuition payments (Summer A&C)
2 / Fri / Last day to apply for a financial aid advance - Financial Aid Office
Last day to apply for a UNF Student Loan or Half-and-Half Loan - Cashiers Office
5 / Mon / Open Registration
6 / Tue / State Waiver/Senior Citizen Registration
7 / Wed / Summer A and C Classes Begin
7 - 13 / Wed - Tue / Late registration begins (additional $50) (Summer A&C)
Add/drop for Summer A and C
13 / Tue / Last day to pay/pend/defer fees (Summer A&C)
Residency reclassification ends
20 / Tue / Anticipated date for mailing refund checks (Summer A&C)
23 / Fri / Anticipated date for mailing financial aid checks (Summer A&C)
26 / Mon / Memorial Day
June / 6 / Fri / Last day to reinstate (Summer A&C)
Last day to apply for graduation
Last day to withdraw (Summer A)
Last day to withdraw with a 25% refund (Cross-term courses only,
12 / Thur / Last acceptable postmark for mailed tuition payments (Summer B)
17 / Tue / Summer A Classes End
18 / Wed / Open Registration (Summer B)
State Waiver/Senior Citizen Registration (Summer B)
19 / Thur / Summer B Classes Begin
19 - 25 / Thur - Wed / Late registration begins (additional $50) (Summer B)
Add/drop (Summer B)
25 / Wed / Last day to pay/pend/defer fees (Summer B)
26 / Thurs / Last day to withdraw (Summer C)
Grades available online (Summer A)
July / 2 / Wed / Anticipated date for mailing refund checks (Summer B)
4 / Fri / Independence Day
7 / Mon / Anticipated date for mailing financial aid checks (Summer B)
17 / Thurs / Last day to reinstate (Summer B)
21 / Mon / Last day to withdraw (Summer B)
August / 1 / Fri / Summer B & C Classes End
1 / Fri / Commencement
7 / Thurs / Grades available online (Summer B&C)