Unit 12: Executive Branch Exam

Multiple Choice: Choose the answer that best fits the question.

1. The job of the Executive Branch is to:

a) Make laws b) Enforce laws c) Interpret laws d) Change laws

2.   The Department of Justice is headed by:

a)   The Chief Justice b) The Secretary of Law

c)  The Attorney General d) The vice-president

3. In which article of the Constitution would you find information about the powers of the president?

a) One b) Two c) Four d) Twelve

4. Which of the following is not one of the “Big Four” states?

a) California b) Illinois c) Florida d) Texas

5. The second step in the election process narrows down the candidates to only one per political party. This happens in the:

a) Primary Election b) General Election c) Nominating Convention d) Electoral College

6. How can the President pass a law without the consent of Congress?

a) Make an executive order b) Make a presidential decree
c) Follow the merit system d) Only Congress can make laws

7.   The difference between an executive agreement and a treaty is that:

a)   Executive agreements do not have the force of law

b)   Treaties do not have the force of law

c)   Treaties require the consent of the Senate

d) Executive agreements require the consent of the Senate

8.   The responsibility for sending United States troops into battle belongs to:

a)   Congress b) The president c) The military d) Both the military and Congress

9. How many total Electoral College votes are there?

a) 538 b) 435 c) 100 d) 15

10. The Senate approving all Presidential appointments is an example of:

a)   Federalism b) Sovereignty c) Limited Government d) Checks and Balances

11. Who is the only president who was not a Protestant?

a) Calvin Coolidge b) John F. Kennedy
c) George Washington d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

12. The power to grant forgiveness from punishment to an individual is a:

a)   Reprieve b) Pardon c) Amnesty d) Diplomacy

13. The General Election always takes place every ______in November.

a) second Tuesday after the first Sunday b) first Thursday after the third Tuesday

c) first Tuesday after the first Monday d) second Sunday after the last Friday

14. According to the Constitution, a candidate for President must have lived in the
United States for:

a)   All of his/her life b) 9 years c) 7 years d) 14 years

15. How many Electoral College votes does it take to win a Presidential Election?

a) 535 b) 270 c) 435 d) 100

16. The leader of the Department of State would have the job title ______

a) Secretary of State b) Attorney General c) State Senator d) Diplomatic Ambassador

17. According to the Constitution, a candidate for Vice President must be a:

a) naturalized citizen b) natural born citizen c) citizen for at least 9 years d) dual citizen

18. How many electoral college votes is the state of North Carolina allotted?

a) 3 b) 25 c) 32 d) 15

19. The order of succession is President, Vice-president, ______, President pro
tempore, Secretary of State, Secretary of treasury….

a)   Secretary of Defense b) Attorney General

c) Speaker of the Senate d) Speaker of the House

20. Which of the following is not part of the Executive Branch?

a)   President b) Ambassadors c) Attorney General d) Speaker of the House

21. Which level of government has the power to conduct elections?

a) Federal b) State c) Local d) Executive

22. Which of the following is not a complaint against the use of the Electoral College?

a) The general election votes are unequal and non-democratic

b) A candidate who wins the popular vote can still lose the election

c) The primaries only allow voters registered under a certain political party to vote

d) Third party candidates are not able to win elections

23. What is a special interest group?

a) a group of people supporting a specific candidate for president

b) a group of people supporting a specific cause, concern, or purpose

c) a group of people supporting a law to send money to their home state

d) a group of people supporting the rights of individuals

24. The Anti-Federalists would not support the Constitution until:

a)   George Washington became President b) The Preamble was added

c) The Bill of Rights was added d) Nine states ratified the Constitution

25. When a President vetoes a bill:

a)  It cannot be passed

b)  It can be passed if a majority of one house overrides a veto

c)  It can be passed if two-thirds of the members of both houses vote to override

d)  It can be passed if three-quarters of the majority party vote to override

26. Representation in the Senate is:

a)   Equal, two per state b) Based on the State’s population c) Different every 10 years

27. What was the purpose of Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense”

a)  to encourage independence from England

b)  to spread Loyalist propaganda

c)  all of the above

d)  none of the above

28. Which of the following is not an example of credit?

a) credit cards b) checking accounts c) installment accounts d) revolving accounts

29. A tax on imports is called:

a) a quota b) an embargo c) a tariff d) comparative advantage

30. What is the purpose of a non-profit organization?

a)  To meet the needs of its members not provided by the market

b)  To provide funding for a cause or charity

c)  To hold fundraisers to build community unity

d)  To offer a cheaper option for consumers

31. What does it mean when the United States has a negative trade relationship with another

a)  The US exports more than they import from that country

b)  The US imports more than they export from that country

c)  The US will not trade with that country due to bad relations

d)  The US is at war with that country

32. Which of the following occurs when one business dominates the sale of a particular item?

a) monopoly b) oligopoly c) joint venture d) monarchy

#33-40 on the back…
Matching: Match the presidential role with the description.

33. ___ Can give amnesty to a group A. Chief Executive

34. ___ Negotiates treaties B. Economic Leader

35. ___ Uses the coattail effect. C. Chief of State

36. ___ Issues executive orders D. Legislative Leader

37. ___ Orders troops into battle E. Party Leader

38. ___ Signs a bill into law F. Judicial Leader

39. ___ Throws the first pitch at the World Series G. Commander In Chief

40. ___ Creates the federal budget H. Chief Diplomat

Extra Credit:

1. Time zones were created because of what form of transportation?

2. Before he had it painted pink in 1955, what color was Elvis Presley's first Cadillac?

3. Who sings the song with the following lyrics:

My daddy left home when I was three

And he didn’t leave much to Ma and me

Just this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze.

Now I don’t blame cause he run and hid

But the meanest thing that he ever did

Was before he left, he went and named me Sue.