Effective Instructional Practices for English Learners: Level 1

Week One: 1 hour PD on 9/29 or 9/30 and 1 hour self- directed study of online learning module
In class (1hour) / Cover course expectations , review of materials etc.
Teachers will watch, reflect on and discuss a video of a teacher teaching a science lesson in Portuguese.
Online learning module will cover the following topics (1 hour) /
  • English language learners, definition and statistics
  • Research Shows Characteristics of ELLs
  • Familiarity with English ◦
  • Language distinctions among ELLs •
  • School Experience ◦
  • Examples of school experience
  • Socioeconomic Status

Week 2: 2 hours of self- directed study of online learning module
Online learning module will cover the following topics/activities (2 hours) /
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Inappropriate expectations about ELLs might lead to. . .
  • Second language proficiency develops incrementally
  • BICS and CALP ◦ Second Language Acquisition ◦

Teacher will watch the video of an ELL student and her teacher and determine whether the student has BICS or CALP
Week 3: 1 hour PD on 10/13 or 10/14 and 1 hour self- directed study of online learning module
In class (1hour) / Topic: Review of Programs for EL students include a wide range of instructional approaches
  • Two-Way Immersion
  • Developmental Bilingual Education
  • Transitional Bilingual Education
  • English as a Second Language

Topic: Sheltered Instruction
  • Purpose of sheltered instruction
  • Comprehensible Input

Online learning module will cover the following topics (1 hour) / Audio: Audio: Leonard Baca talks about the interconnection between comprehensible input and various aspects of language ◦
Support for Comprehensible Input
  • Link: cognates
  • Link: idioms
  • Link: referents
  • Link: syntax

Students will watch a video in which A teacher provides a lesson without using sheltered instruction • Then they will watch a video in which a teacher provides a lesson using sheltered instruction
Activity: Identify the instructional supports used by the teacher • Culturally Responsive Instruction
Week 4: 2 hours of self- directed study of online learning module
Online learning module will cover the following topics/activities (2 hours) / Topic: Contextual Supports
Cummins’ framework
Video: Janette Klingner talks about how this framework demonstrates a range of contextual supports for teaching ELLs
Activity: Based on Cummins’ framework, is the lesson taught in the Challenge cognitively demanding or undemanding? Context embedded or reduced?
Topic: Teach Vocabulary
Audio: Kathy Escamilla describes how a math word problem can be confusing to ELLs • The math problem “18 – 9 =” can be expressed in many different ways.
Topic: Academic Language Toolkit (OSPI)
Video: Webinar 1: Academic Language: Important for ALL, Essential for English Language Learners
Week 5: 1 hour PD on 10/27 or 10/28 and 1 hour self- directed study of online learning module
In class (1hour) / Topic: Teaching Comprehension Strategies
Demo Reading Lesson
Discussion and Reflection
Online learning module will cover the following topics (1 hour) / Provide Opportunities for Students To Practice • Teachers can support ELLs by providing opportunities to practice not only their academic skills but also their use of the English language ◦ What Teachers Can Do/Putting It Into Practice
[bullet points and chart] ❖ Page 11: Measuring Performance • Keep in Mind • Classroom Assessment ◦ In order to create a semantic map, the students... [bullet points] • Standardized Assessments ◦ What Teachers Can Do/Putting It Into Practice [bullet points]
Week 6: 2 hours of self- directed study of online learning module
Online learning module will cover the following topics/activities (2 hours) / Topic: Academic Language Toolkit (OSPI)
Webinar 2: Academic Language: From paper to Practice(93 Minutes)
Webinar Reflection Form (30 minutes)
Week 7: 1 hour PD on 11/11 or 11/12 and 1 hour self- directed study of online learning module
In class (1hour) / Overview of SIOP
Overview of GLAD
Online learning module will cover the following topics (1 hour) / Teachers will choose from a list of videos through the OSPI Migrant and Bilingual resources that assist educators and districts better understand the challenges and possibilities of teaching academic language across different content areas.
Students will complete a reflection on the instruction implications of what they have learned.
Week 8: 2 hours of self-directed study
Online learning module will cover the following topics (2 hours) / Teachers will create a lesson plan for El’s in their classroom using their students’ proficiency levels, Washington ELP’s, EL strategies.
