Registration Form

Economic Society of Singapore (ESS) Annual Dinner 2012

“Opportunities and Challenges in the Next Phase of Singapore’s Development”

Date:8th June 2012 (Friday)

Time: 1900 – 2200hrs (Registration commences at 1900hrs)

Venue:Island Ballroom

Shangri-La Hotel Singapore

Singapore 258350

Attention:Ms. Vivian Tan(DID: 6773 2913/ HP 90253329)


Salutation / Mr./Ms/Mdm./Dr/Prof/ Assoc Prof (Please delete accordingly)
Organisation/ Institution
Mailing Address / Postal Code:
Contact Number / Office:Fax:
Name & Designation of Liaison Officer

CORPORATE RESERVATION:Yes! I/We would like to sign up for:


Please tick accordingly / Description
PLATINUM Corporate Sponsor (Sponsorship of S$25,000 for 10 tables)
GOLD Corporate Sponsor (Sponsorship of S$15,000 for 5 tables)


Please tick accordingly / Description
ESS Corporate Membership (S$5,000 for 1 year)
ESS Corporate Membership (S$10,000 for 2 years)
ESS Corporate Membership (S$15,000 for 3 years)


No. of Tables / Description
ESS Corporate/ Individual Member (S$1,850 per table)
ESS Non-Member (S$2,250 per table)

*PLATINUM Corporate Sponsor:

- The nominee and one other representative will have an opportunity to join the main VIP table with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

*GOLD Corporate Sponsor:

- The nominee will have an opportunity to join the main VIP table with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

*ESS Corporate (including Platinum & Gold) Sponsor/Member:

- The nominee will be invited to an exclusive pre-dinner interaction session with other VIP guests

All Platinum and Gold Corporate Sponsors, as well as our corporate members, will be acknowledged duly in our publicity materials, including the stage backdrop and flyers for distribution.

INDIVIDUAL RESERVATION:Yes! I/We would like to sign up for:

No. of Seats / Description
ESS Member @ S$185 per seat
Non-ESS Member @ S$225 per seat
Student @ S$150 per seat
(Junior College/ Polytechnic/ Centralised Institute/ InternationalSchool/ Tertiary)
Teacher @ S$170 per seat
(Junior College/ Polytechnic/ Centralised Institute/ InternationalSchool)
ESS Essay Competition 2012 participant/ parent @ S$150 per seat

Meal Preference:

Please note that Chinese Dinner set menu will be served. Should you prefervegetarian cuisine instead, please indicate thenumber of dinner sets below. A name list of the vegetarians should also be provided:

Vegetarian Cuisine

Total Payable:S$

Cheque No. :

Note: Please make Cheque payable to “Economic Society of Singapore” with your Name and Company written on the back of the Cheque. Please mail to the address listed below. For e-invoice please provide the contact person and sub-unit.