Annual Report Under MS4 General Permit No. WI-S050075-1

Supplemental Data

Section IV

a.  Public Education and Outreach

UW-001: Partnership with City

The campus has partnered with the City of Whitewater and with other municipalities in the Rock River basin in forming the Rock River Storm Water Group with the objective of meeting the educational requirements of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources MS4 permit requirements and to promote sustainable practices in the Rock River basin.

In addition, the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater and the city are working together and will voluntarily partner together wherever and whenever possible.

UW-002: Storm Water Management Plan

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Storm Water Management Plan was completed in August 2006, by Norris and Associates, Inc of Milwaukee, WI. A public meeting was held on October 26, 2006 at which this plan was presented. This plan serves as the guide for the university in compliance with stormwater regulations.

Additionally a Stormwater Quality Management Plan was also completed for the university by Strand Associates of Madison WI on December 3, 2008, in conjunction with a Stormwater Quality Management Plan that Strand completed for the City of Whitewater. The campus is currently reviewing this plan.

This storm water management plan is being maintained and updated as required to reflect significant progress and/or change in regulations. It is being used as a guide in managing storm water issues, new construction, etc. on campus.

UW-003: Storm Water Management Mass Communication Program

The campus has partnered with the City of Whitewater as well as other municipalities in the Rock River basin in forming the Rock River Stormwater Group in December 2008 for the purpose of coordinating efforts in public education and public outreach on storm water issues.

The campus is also developing and implementing multiple channels of communicating storm water management goals and information to the campus community. This comprehensive mass communication program includes the following:

1) The campus has distributed storm water management educational and informational brochures to students, faculty, and staff, as well as campus visitors. (Appendix B)

2) The campus is posting pertinent storm water management goals, guidelines, information on the campus website.

3) The campus will periodically send campus-wide email with pertinent storm water management goals, guidelines, information, and external links.

4) Periodically broadcast public service announcements relative to storm water management goals and guidelines through campus media outlets.

5) Develops and posts informational and educational storm water management podcasts/videocasts to the campus web site.

Materials include and highlight current practices for some or all of the following management areas: fuel/oil/coal, lawn/turf, debris/leaf, salt/deicer, fertilizer, pesticide, and hazardous material. Materials will also include formal communication protocol and contact information relative to campus storm water management and illicit discharge detection and prevention.

UW-004: Earth Day Events

The campus incorporated educational and informational storm water management displays and/or presentations during its annual Earth Day activities in 2008 and will continue these activities in 2009. (Appendix B)

Annual Earth Day activities are advertised on campus through the campus newspaper, campus-wide email, web site postings, and flyers/posters placed around campus. Typical Earth Day activities include debris/trash cleanup across campus, and numerous instructional presentations, displays, and handouts.

Dr. Brian Davis, Senior Design Engineer, with Jacques Whitford NAWE, a world leader in engineered wetland technologies will make a presentation on Earth Day, April 22, 2009. He recently returned from a project in Azerbaijan, where his company is employing engineered wetland design principles to determine the feasibility of treating water from offshore oil wells in the Caspian Sea.

b.  UW-001: Partnership with City

The Campus and the City have developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to detail their mutual responsibilities and have developed a close working relationship with respect to compliance.

UW-002: Storm Water Management Plan

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater partnered with the City and with Stand Associates of Madison Wisconsin in developing Storm Water Management Plans. Strand completed the Storm Water Management Plan for the City in June 2008 and for the Campus in December 2008. A previous Storm Water Management Plan was completed for the Campus by Norris and Associates, Inc of Milwaukee Wisconsin in August 2006 and a public meeting was held on October 26, 2006 at which that plan was presented.

This storm water management plan is being maintained and updated as required to reflect significant progress and/or change in regulations.

The storm water management plan is being used to coordinate the preservation of sufficient amount of the best space on campus for storm water management. Storm water management is being incorporated and coordinated on campus with all current and future site development. Storm water management efforts are being scheduled to comply with the compliance deadlines. This plan serves as a resource guide and application/implementation reference for future storm water management BMPs.

The storm water management plan includes details on the following topic areas:

1) Various campus maps

a) geography

b) land use

c) soils

d) floodplain/wetland designations

e) drainage basins (regional and local)

f) storm water utility system

2) Various management and control policies

a) lawn/turf management

b) debris/leaf management

c) fertilizer management

d) pesticide management

e) hazardous materials management

f) fuel/oil/coal management

g) spill prevention control & countermeasure plan

h) batch discharges

i) deicer/salt management

j) street sweeping

k) fleet maintenance & management

l) nutrient management

m) manure management

3) anticipated and proposed campus development

4) anticipated and proposed campus acquisitions

5) anticipated and proposed storm water management efforts

UW-003: Storm Water Management Mass Communication Program

The campus has partnered with several communities in the Rock River Basin as mentioned above in fulfilling the public outreach and education pertoion of the storm water regulations. The Rock River Storm Water Group is currently hiring a Stormwater Outreach and Public Education Coordinator to assist in this effort.

In addition the campus has distributed numerous educational materials on campus and partnered in sponsoring a Stormwater Best Management Practices Workshop to be held in Watertown WI on April 21, 2009 and the following day in Milton WI, as mentioned above.