Wincanton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Notes of meeting held on 2nd June 2015 at Churchfields

Present : Cllr Colin Winder (CW – WTC CW), Richard D’Arcy (WIC RD), Matt Day, (Consultant MD) , Nigel Engert (Resident NE), Howard Ellard, Richard Pratt (Resident and business RP), Dawn Old (WTC DO), Vicky Vagg (WTC VV), Tim Cook (SSDC TC)

Mr and Mrs Trott were also in attendance.

  1. Apologies: John Smith, Bryony Loader, David Norris, Maureen Emery, Anna Groskop
  1. Welcome & Summary of last meeting – CW reported the resignation of John Hayden, Chuck Downton and Martin Russell and welcomed new councillors to the group. It was pointed out that the Term of Reference (ToR) would need to be changed to reflect the membership. ACTION: MD/TC to review the ToR.
  1. Steering Group membership

Covered in item 2

  1. Business Survey and Event

MD described the purpose of the event and the publicity done so far. 11 had booked at the time of the meeting.

One of the key issues identified through the consultation was the roll out of faster broadband and the exclusion of Bennetts Field trading estate. The group agreed that the issue should be raised with Anna Groskop. ACTION:MD to investigate the issues behind the exclusion and report to Anna with a request for support.

In terms of the NP, existing broadband provision needs to be included as a constraint and a barrier to attracting business.

  1. Community Consultation plans

Matt explained the format for the event on the 24th July. The group discussed and agreed the best ways to promote the event.

  • Flyer to every household – ACTIONS:MD to design. CW to arrange for printing. Everybody to help with distribution.
  • Facebook – ACTION: VV to promote
  • Town Website – ACTION: CW to ask Sam A
  • Banner – ACTION:CW to arrange

ACTION: Vicky to produce badges for the event.

  1. Resources and forward planning

MD explained that while he was happy to continue to support the group, it would be necessary to get some technical planning support alongside the general support that he could give. There is funding available towards this support. ACTION:MD/TC to meet with Sam A to work out the details.

  1. AOB

Matt had received some feedback about the business survey analysis from Jo Wilkins. ACTION:MD to circulate feedback and response to the group.

Colin raised the need for funding towards completing an audit of the town in terms of mobility scooter users.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

It was agreed that the group should meet at 6.30pm on the 14th July 2015.