Please delete the answer NOT applicable to you:

Are you over 18 now? / YES / NO
Are you a Hong Kong residence? / YES / NO
Are you living in Hong Kong now? / YES / NO
Will you be staying in Hong Kong for this whole year? / YES / NO
Are you able to leave Hong Kong at short notice? / YES / NO
Are you available for flight training this July and August? / YES / NO
(If not, which months would you be available?)
Have you completed any aviation course(s)? / YES / NO
If YES - which one(s) and completion date?
Are you currently enrolled in any aviation course(s)? / YES / NO
If YES - which one(s) and expected completion date?
Will you apply for any aviation course(s) this year? / YES / NO
If YES - which one(s) and commence date?
Have you done any flight training? / YES / NO
(Including but not limited to: Flight Introductory, Flight Grading, Flight Training at the controls and all flights excluding airline travel)
If YES, a) where and when?
b) Aircraft type(s) and how many hours?
Have you joinedany airline Cadet Programme or Dragonair Aviation Certificate Programme? / YES / NO
If YES - which one, when, what stage?
Have you applied for GAPAN (HONG KONG REGION)YFS before? / YES / NO
If YES - Which year(s) and what stage? ______
Do you play any musical instrument(s)? / YES / NO
If YES- state which musical instrument(s) and Grade attained:


English name as shown in passport: ______

English and Chinese name as shown in HKID: ______

Your preferred name to be addressed: ______

Email address: ______

Date and Place of Birth: ______

Your age now: ______Gender: ______

Travel Document Type/ No. / Expire Date: ______

HKID Number: ______

High School Attended and year graduated: ______

University and Faculty now attending:

Subjects completed and/or still pursuing:

Expected month and year of graduation and degree to be granted:

If university education already completed, please state University and Faculty attended, degree granted, class of honours and year graduated:

Highest education level: ______

Are you working now? If YES - your company name and job title?


Home Address: ______


Home number: ______Mobile number: ______

Academic Achievements in Chronological Order

Please write down your academic qualifications (and attach copies of examination results, testimonials and certificates): (e.g. HKCEE/AL/DSE/Diploma/BSc/MSc)


Detailed Aviation Training History in Chronological Order

Please state your aviation training history/qualifications (and attach copies of certificates and log book), including those you are currently enrolled in and not completed.

Time / Organization / Course Name / Achievement
e.g. July 2014 -
August 2014 / The Honourable
Company of Air
Pilots / Youth Flying
Scholarship / Full PPL(A)


State briefly, in less than 200 words, why you want to apply for this scholarship:


Please complete the following to your best knowledge and belief.

(If you answer YES to any question(s), please provide particulars below)

Do you have any critical or chronicle illness? / YES / NO
Do you have any physical disorder? / YES / NO
Do you have to wear corrective lens? / YES / NO
Have you ever done any Lasik surgery? / YES / NO
Do you have any colour blindness? / YES / NO
Do you have diabetes, heart problems or hearing problems? / YES / NO
Have you been denied/delayed any kind of medical insurance? / YES / NO
Have you been denied/delayed any kind of aviation medical certificate?
Particulars to the above with Answer YES: / YES / NO


Please send the completed application, with supporting documents,

by 28th FEBRUARY 2015 to:

The Chairman,

The Air Pilots (Hong Kong Region) Youth Flying Scholarship,

Room D, 32/F.,

Lippo Centre, Tower 1,

89 Queensway,

Hong Kong.

Please note that late applications will not be accepted.


Any Applicant who has supplied incomplete, inaccurate or fraudulent information shall result in either disqualification or termination of the scholarship award.

If the scholarship is terminated on grounds mentioned above, the Applicant scholarship winner is not entitled to the remainder of the scholarship and shall be required to refund and reimburse The Air Pilots (Hong Kong Region) Youth Flying Scholarship in full for all payment made and expenses incurred for the Applicant on demand.


I understand and agree that all my information, data and documents collected shall be used for the purposes stated in the Privacy Policy Statement below.

I consent to my personal data being used for direct marketing, and be kept informed of future new scholarships available. I may opt out any time.

I do NOT consent to my personal data being used for direct marketing.


I understand and agree to the above terms and conditions and do hereby confirm and declare that all information given in this form and all documents furnished are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Date: ______Applicant's Signature: ______



1. / Your personal data
It is our company policy to protect our Applicants’ privacy and this policy also applies to the privacy of users of our company’s services. We may, however, collect a very limited amount of your personal data ("personal data", means information about you or which can be used to ascertain youridentity).
2 / Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance
Our Company complies with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (‘Ordinance’). You may visit the official website of the Office of the Privacy Commission at more information about this Ordinance.
3. / Collection and use of your personal data
Any personal data collected from you by our company will only be used for the specific purposes mentioned at the time of collection or for purposes directly related to those specific purposes.
The personal data and information collected from you through this Application Form will be used by our company for one or more of the following purposes:
a)to process your application for scholarship to be assessed and granted by our company;
b)to be used or disclosed to potential flight training organizations in Hong Kong or overseas;
c)to be used by the flight training organization(s) providing the flight training to the Applicants;
d)for our company’s statistics and research purposes on the condition that the resulting statistics or results of the research will not be made available in a form which will identity the data subjects or any of them; and/or
e)any other legitimate purposes as may be required, authorized or permitted by law.
4. / Direct marketing
We would like to use your name and contact details to send you marketing materials about our company’s services and future types of scholarships, but we must obtain the consent (or an indication of no objection) of persons who submit their applications after 1 April 2013 before we can do so. If you do not want to receive our marketing materials, please send our company an email stating this to to opt out.
5. / Retention of your personal data
We will retain your personal data only for so long as is necessary for fulfilling the purpose for which they were collected. After that time, your data will be deleted.
6. / Disclosure
Your personal data will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any other person without your consent. However, your data will be used or disclosed to third parties for the purposes for which they were collected. Your personal data may also be disclosed where we are required to do so by law.
7. / Security
We shall use our company’s best endeavours to ensure your personal data are not subject to unauthorised access.
8. / Your right of access to and to correct personal data
You are entitled, in accordance with the Ordinance's requirements, to check whether we hold data about you and to have access to those data. If any of these data are incorrect or inaccurate, you have the right to correct or update them. Requests for access to or to correct personal data should be addressed to the Chairman of our company in writing. In accordance with the Ordinance, we are entitled to charge a reasonable fee for processing any data access or correction requests.

Copyright©2014, The Air Pilots (Hong Kong Region) Youth Flying Scholarship

All rights are expressly reserved.



Application received on : ______

Prima Facie eligible : (tick if yes)

Date of examination (if appropriate) : ______

Date of interview (if appropriate) : ______

Shortlisted for 2ndinterview : (tick if yes)

Shortlisted for Dr. Lily Fenn YFS Final Interview : (tick if yes)

Outcome: Unsuccessful / Successful (the applicant is to be awarded a Flying Scholarship):

Fanny Li YFS Dr. Lily Fenn YFS

20 Hours Flight Training Full PPL(A) Training