Colorado Chapter Partners of the Americas

Meeting Agenda –December 4, 2016

1 Cheeseman Park, 1201 Williams, Denver

Welcome was provided by Francis Wardle, President, who explained that this gathering constitutes the Annual Business Meeting, as required in Chapter by laws.

Attendees, asked to make personal introductions, were John & Marilyn Beattie, Mary Brennecke, Roger & Betty Brown, Gylton DaMatta, Mary Gershwin, Tom Griggs, Dwight Hicks, Dina London, Linda Nedved, Reed Pritchard, Francis Wardle, Dana Walker, and Ruth Warner

A gift was presented to Mary G. to thank her for making arrangements for today’s meeting and to thank her for her service as Chapter President, since she could not attend the June meeting when Past-Presidents were recognized.

Guests in attendance wereNancy Billica,Rafael Rossotto Ioris,Ed Ladon, and PedroBotelho Viotti de Almeida, from Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Sending regrets were Lin Allen, Erica Atchison, Louise Jennings, Sherilyn Marrow, Theresa McGuire, Elaine Steneck,Co Odette VanHerwaarden,Jan Brummond & Steve Waechter, and Carissa Zevallos.

Minutes of September Chapter meeting sent in advance by Betty, Secretary,were approved (Marilyn moved; Dwight seconded).

Financial report, with balance of $5969.97, was provided byMarilyn, Treasurer, who reminded all to pay dues and/or make a year-end contribution.

Election of Officer/Board for 2017 was held, conducted by Linda and Betty. Only those with current/paid dues could vote. No nominations were received from the floor (Linda moved to close nominations, Ruth seconded). The slate presented was approved unanimously (Roger moved, Francis seconded). Marilyn was re-elected for Treasurer, Mary B. and Reed were elected for two year Board terms, and Dina was elected for a one year Board term.

International Convention in Guadalajara, Mexico report given by Roger & Betty Brown and John Marilyn Beattie emphasizing the benefits of being with old and new friends and making connections with other Partners to expand our network of volunteers. Approximately 250 were in attendance at the convention. John participated on a panel discussing education projects.

International Board elections will be held this month. Francis announced that Steve Vetter is retiring as President and CEO of Partners International. A card was distributed for signatures and messages of appreciation for his leadership since 2007.Francis commented that Steve had been very supportive of the Colorado/Minas Chapters, and had enthusiastically attended - with the International Board – the 2013What Works Conference in Greeley.

The Teacher In Residencein Minas Gerais, September 2016, report given by Tom Griggs, who spent one month conducting workshops in Belo Horizonte. He showed photos of interactions with Partners there and talked about the interest teachers have for continuing these exchanges that help teachers of English. An average of twelve teachers attended each workshop focusing on “What English learners need to know to be successful.” He addressed the challenges in classrooms to link learning English to something important and meaningful to each student. He developed a listserve to dialogue with these teachers and also recognizes the usefulness of iEARN connections. The four teachers who were in Colorado for TRIP 2015 participated.

TRIPJuly 2017 (Teacher Readiness Improvement Pedagogy) report was supplied by John. There will be 15 days of instruction using a multi-discipline approach ,linking cultural activities to class work, and treating the teachers as colleagues. Class size will be capped at ten. Recruitment is taking place within the Belo Horizonte city program, “Improve Your English,” as well as in other Chapters in Latin America. An important meeting was held with members of the Aims educational community last week; a member of the Foundation Board was there, too. John’s goal is to raise enough funds to cover tuition costs at no additional cost to our Chapter.

Fund raising committee meetings were reported by Dwight. A series of pancake feeds will be co-hosted with five YOSA volleyball tournaments with proceeds divided equally. Receipts for Chapter will be applied to scholarships, tuition needs for TRIP. A golf tournament for warmer weather is being considered and will be managed by Co.

Vander Finotti Bosco, from Goiania, Brazil visited October 2016, hosted by Reed & Charlotte, who took him to visit HIEs in Denver as well as some tourist areas, to celebrate his 19th birthday, which included a successful search for snow on Mount Evans. Discussions with educators tied to his political science studies and related to US elections were held during his visit. Francis & Ruth took him to Laramie, Wyoming for another series of appointments.

Glaucio Antonio Menezes de Jesus, an active member of the Minas Gerais Chapter, from Belo Horizonte, Brazil,will visit Colorado, January 9-20. 2017, Glaucio teaches geography and works on UNESCO projects in addition to being part of the iEARN network. Tom will host him and is setting up appointments with schools the Poudre School District. Betty and Mary B. will help arrange meetings with educators in the Greeley area. A Chapter socialfor Partners to meet Glaucio will be organized.

Four door prizes were awarded by drawing to Pedro, Rafael, Dwight, and Ed.

Next meeting will be Sunday, March 5th; a location will be announced at a later time.

There was no new business.

The meeting was adjourned (Roger, moved; Dwight, seconded) for a time of refreshment with entertainment: – Grupo Chegando Lá, and with cultural notes by Gylton, providing some history of samba.The excellent entertainment was enjoyed by all, adding a wonderful Brazilian ambiance to the event.