Pastor: “Lanny” Lancaster

Ministers: The Whole Congregation

February 20, 2011 Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 10:45 AM

Prelude and Lighting of the Candles

*Choral Call to Worship The Lord’s My Shepherd Crimond

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The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want. He makes me down to lie,

In pastures green he leadeth me the quiet waters by.

The Christian Greeting: L. The Lord be with you! P: And also with you!

Welcome, Announcements and Passing of the Pew Pads

`Prayer for the Holy Spirit

*Hymn of Praise: .368 My Hope is Built Mote

*Hymn of Praise 583 You Are the Seed Gabarain

The Mission of Stony Hill United Methodist Church is to: FOLLOW JESUS, MAKE DISCIPLES, AND TRANSFORM THE WORLD.

Psalm Reading: # 842 Psalm 119:33-40 Lay Reader: Becky Yates

UMW Mission Recognition

Children’s Story

Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer

Stewardship Scripture (read together) 2 Corinthians 9:6: “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”

Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings

*Doxology 94 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Lasst Uns Erfreun

Anthem The Longer I Serve Him Gaither

Scripture: Colossians 1:3-6

Sermon: Message by Tonya Lanier

*Hymn of Dedication: 707 Hymn of Promise Sleeth

The altar is always open during the last hymn


*Choral Benediction Father, I Adore You

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Father, I adore You, Lay my life before You;

How I love You.


* Stand as you are able

Serving Today

Greeters: Phyllis Huneycutt, Angie Peele Sound: Matthew Troutman

Ushers: Sylvia Burris, Bonnie Springer Piano: Patty McCormick

Counters: Gary Wagoner, Dean Springer Organ: Lois Ray

Nursery: TL & Becky Troutman Pastor: Lanny Lancaster

Acolytes: McKenzie Boone, Casey Lemons assisted by Ophelia Riggins

Projection System: Jacob Lancaster

We welcome our special speaker, Tonya Lanier, for United Methodist Women’s Sunday

Sunday today!

Flowers are placed in the sanctuary to the glory of God and in honor of UMW.

Every Week at Stony Hill

Sunday 8:30 am Jesus and Java – Fellowship Hall

8:45 am Worship Service (traditional)

9:45 am Sunday School for all ages

10:45 am Worship Service (traditional)

5:00 pm Youth Group meets

6:07 pm Contemporary Worship Service – No Service tonight

Monday 7:15 pm Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall

Tuesday 10:00 am Disciple Bible Study

7:00 pm Young Adults Study Group

Wednesday 8:00 am Breakfast Bunch at Sunrise Pancake House

6:00 pm Kid’s Club: First & Third Wednesdays (Snack Served)

7:00 pm Choir

7:00 pm Wonderful Wednesdays: MATTHEW: The First Gospel Bible

Study. Bring your Bible & Notebook and join us.

Thursday 6:30 pm Cub and Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall

SCCM NEEDS: February – Canned Beans

Visitors: We warmly welcome all visitors today to our church and community! Please fill out one of the visitor’s cards and place in the offering plate.

You are welcome and there is a place for you at Stony Hill!

Prayer Concerns

Chad Archer, Zelma Johnson, Estella Floyd, Gene Kirk, Rusty Fesperman, Tari Parsons, Carolyn Terry, the Ralph Myers family, Dewell Cook, Ben Jay, Marie Wood, Brenda Cain, Atlas and Ellen Lancaster, Gilbert & Ruby Pickler, Christine Smith, Dean Speight, Jean and Harold Holt, Iris Holt, Tonya Icenhour, Pastor Lanny, Janet and family. Shut-ins: Alberta Boggan, Pauline Davis, Robbie Fesperman, Deane Mullinix, Ruby Murray, Eunice Plyler, Helen Smith, Kate Swaringen. *If you have a prayer concern that you would like added or deleted from the list, please call or e-mail Pastor Lanny.

Announcements, continued

New Small Groups: You are invited to join one of our prayer groups:

1. Sunday nights at 5:00 pm at the church, New Beginnings Classroom: Contact: Marcie Lemons

2. Monday at 10:00 am at Tony & Frances Furr’s house, contact Tony & Frances Furr.

3. Mondays at 7:00 pm (every two weeks) at the church. New Beginnings Classroom.

Contact: Bonnie Russell

4. Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm, alternating homes: Contact: Vanessa Mullinix

We continue to Support Our Soldiers: Care packages are being assembled. Needed items: Beef jerky, bottled water, water flavoring, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, Lance snack crackers, Rice Crispy treats, cookies, potato chips, You may bring these to the altar rail.

Youth Sunday Night Alive: Sunday, February 20 at Pfeiffer University. Meet at the church at 4:45 pm today.

Mission Day: Tuesday, February 22, to the Conference Mission Response Center. For more information, contact Pat Mills. Will leave church around 8:30 am.

Many thanks to the UMW for helping make the Mission Study on the 12th a great success.

Administrative Council will meet February 23 at 8 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Baby Shower: for Holly Fesperman Lee: February 20, 2-4 pm in the Choir Room

State of the County Health Expo: March 17 5-8 PM Stanly Regional Medical Center, Magnolia Room. Admission is free, includes dinner, exhibits, buffet is open from 5-6 PM. Hear from an expert panel focusing on Substance Abuse.

Sunday Schedule

8:30 am – until: “Jesus and Java:” coffee fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall.

8:45 am: Early Service with traditional music, preaching and monthly Communion.

9:45 am: Sunday School for all ages

10:45 am: Traditional worship service featuring the Stony Hill Choir, traditional

music, preaching ,and monthly Communion.

6:07 pm:” The 607” Contemporary worship service featuring “generations” Praise Band, brief message from the Bible, and modern praise and worship.

Announcements, continued

New Small Groups: You are invited to join one of our prayer groups:

1. Sunday nights at 5:00 pm at the church, New Beginnings Classroom: Contact: Marcie Lemons

2. Monday at 10:00 am at Tony & Frances Furr’s house, contact Tony & Frances Furr.

3. Mondays at 7:00 pm (every two weeks) at the church. New Beginnings Classroom.

Contact: Bonnie Russell

4. Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm, alternating homes: Contact: Vanessa Mullinix

We continue to Support Our Soldiers: Care packages are being assembled. Needed items: Beef jerky, bottled water, water flavoring, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, Lance snack

crackers, Rice Crispy treats, cookies, potato chips, You may bring these to the altar rail.

Youth Sunday Night Alive: Sunday, February 20 at Pfeiffer University. Meet at the church at 4:45 pm today/

Mission Day: Tuesday, February 22, to the Conference Mission Response Center. For more information, contact Pat Mills. Will leave church around 8:30 am.

Many thanks to the UMW for helping make the Mission Study on the 12th a great success.

Administrative Council will meet February 23 at 8 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Baby Shower: for Holly Fesperman Lee: February 20, 2-4 pm in the Choir Room

State of the County Health Expo: March 17 5-8 PM Stanly Regional Medical Center, Magnolia Room. Admission is free, includes dinner, exhibits, buffet is open from 5-6 PM. Hear from an expert panel focusing on Substance Abuse.

Sunday Schedule

8:30 am – until: “Jesus and Java:” coffee fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall.

8:45 am: Early Service with traditional music, preaching and monthly Communion.

9:45 am: Sunday School for all ages

10:45 am: Traditional worship service featuring the Stony Hill Choir, traditional

music, preaching ,and monthly Communion.

6:07 pm: “The 607” Contemporary worship service featuring “generations” Praise

Band, brief message from the Bible, and modern praise and worship.