Civic Action Plan: Center Grove High School

January 2008

School Issues Report

As a result of issues brought up by students in summit one, and solutions presented by students in summits two and three, the Leadership Team as identified the top five issues of concern at Center Grove High School: Vendors, Microwaves, Flex Lunches, Open Campus Lunch, and Parking.

Action Recommendations

A.  Issue One- Vendors: The cafeteria vendors never change. Students would like to have the option to choose more vendors.

·  I Personally Need to:

-Fill out survey regarding possible vendors

·  Everyone Needs to:

-Contact vendors to see which are interested in serving at the high school
-Fill out survey regarding possible vendors

·  Administration and Faculty Need to:

-Approve 4 new vendors picked by students
-Set up a rotating schedule choosing between:

8 vendors, in 2 week shifts

Allow students to vote on 4 vendors every semester.
-Research and compare prices of several vendors to find most reasonable prices for students.

B.  Issue Two- Microwaves: There is no place for students to warm food. Students would like the use microwaves in the cafeteria during lunch.

·  I Personally Need to:

-Not abuse the microwaves

-Understand this is a privilege which can be taken away if abused

·  Everyone Needs to:

-Not abuse the microwaves
-Donate a quarter when using the microwaves

·  Administration and Faculty Need to:

-Purchase a set of 2 - 5 microwaves
-Buy / make a box for quarters to place next to microwaves
-Set up a policy that states if microwaves are abused or purposely broken, they are taken away
-Set up a policy where students donate 25 cents to Riley anytime they use a microwave

·  Possible Microwave Locations:

-Next to grab and go line
-Next to Sweet Shoppe

-Place on roller carts which are moved in and out of cafeteria

-In salad line

C.  Issue Three- Flex Lunches: The cafeteria is too crowded. Students would like to explore the option of flex lunches.

·  I Personally Need to:

-Go to lunch when specified

-Instead of standing in the middle of the cafeteria go straight to a lunch line and sit down immediately after obtaining food

-Be responsible for returning to class when lunch period is over

·  Everyone Needs to:

-Make sure when they get their lunch they sit on their assigned side of the cafeteria

-Create more room in the cafeteria by sitting closely together without leaving empty seats amongst groups

-Remain in the cafeteria unless a pass is given to them by the office

-Return all trays once used and clean up eating space

·  Administration and Faculty Need to:

-Enforce the cafeteria rules on students

-Discipline should be used if the students fail to abide by set rules

-Faculty will be responsible for making sure that students sit on the correct side of the cafeteria they are assigned

-Faculty needs to enforce students to clean up their own mess.

D.  Issue Four- Open Campus Lunch: The cafeteria is too crowded and lunch choices are limited. Students would like the have the option of open campus lunch.

·  I Personally Need to:

-Not take advantage of the situation

-Be aware of return times and be punctual in returning on time

-Bring money to eat

-Consider bringing my own lunch

·  Everyone Needs to:

-Be respectful when leaving school, know they represent Center Grove. Any reported problems could result in disciplinary action or the privilege of Open Campus Lunch removed.

-Drive safely

-Return immediately following lunch

-If possible carpool at lunch to decrease traffic

-Be patient and mature

·  Administration and Faculty Need to:

-Take attendance when students return following lunch

-Designate for upperclassmen only. Teachers may revoke privileges dependent on behavior and attendance.

-If students do not return following lunch, marked unexcused.

1: warning, 2: privilege removed

-Monitoring the parking lot

-Finding appropriate places to eat outside of school

-Create an additional sticker that can be added to ID to present before leaving school

-Divide lunches into three time slots to allow for more time

-Create a checkout system in which students show their Jr/Sr ID card when exiting the building

E.  Issue Five- Parking: Parking pass prices are too expensive and the parking lot is too disorderly. Students will purchase a parking pass and be assigned a parking area. As the area gets further away from the building the cost will go down. Students will purchase the pass of their choice and will have preference by grade level. (Seniors first, juniors second, etc.)

·  I Personally Need to:

-Park in the area assigned to me

-Follow parking lot rules and regulations

-Stay clam and be a cautious and safe driver

-To help parking lot issues I could carpool to eliminate accidents and congestion (GO GREEN!!)

·  Everyone Needs to:

-Stay clam and be respectful of other drivers

-Park in their assigned spots and follow the parking lot rules

-Support and follow any set rules

·  Administration and Faculty Need to:

-Enforce the set parking lot rules

-Help with directing traffic and getting more police officers to stop and direct traffic (ex: on Stones Crossing and Trojan Lane)

-Explain to students why the prices are so high and how this can solve that concern

-Create a disciplinary action for students who violate their parking privileges by parking in the wrong spot

-Help with costs and organizing color coordinated and numbered passes to match spots

-Offer different registration days.

-Address the idea of having staggered release