ON TUESDAY MAY 13, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M.

Present: Mayor – Patricia Sydoruk

Deputy Mayor Manon Joice

Councillor Tom Villeneuve

Councillor – Ron Campbell

Councillor – Joanne Chelick

CAO – Ben Boettcher

Recorder – Thelma Dreger

The Signal – Danny Zahara

Order: Mayor Patricia Sydoruk called the meeting to order at 7: p.m.

2. Agenda

2.1 Adoption of Agenda:


Councillor Chelick Appointment to Boards and Committees #8.7

Budget (time permitting)

2014-05-02 MOVED by Councillor Villeneuve that Council accepts the April 22, 2014 Agenda as amended. Carried

3.1 Minutes of Regular Council Meeting April 22, 2014.

2014-05-03 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Joice that Council accepts the April 22, 2014, Council Meeting Minutes as presented.


3.2 Minutes of Special Council Meeting April 28, 2014


2014-05-04 MOVED by Councillor Chelick that Council rescind motion #2014-04-42 from Special Council meeting April 28, 2014. Carried /Unanimous

2014-05-05 MOVED by Councillor Campbell that Council rescind motion

#2014-04-43 from Special Council meeting April 28, 2014.


2014-05-06 MOVED by Councillor Villeneuve that Council rescind motion #2014-04-44 from Special Council meeting April 28, 2014.


2014-05-07 MOVED by Mayor Sydoruk that Council accepts the April 28 Special Meeting Minutes as amended.


3.3 Minutes of Special Meeting May 07, 2014

2014-05-08 MOVED by Councillor Campbell that Council accepts the May 07, 2014 Special Meeting Minutes as presented.


4. Public Hearings


5. Delegations:





7.1 Friends of Rycroft Community Hall Request

-Previous request from Friends of Rycroft Community Hall for interest free loan.

2014-05-09 Moved by Deputy Mayor Joice that Council approve an interest free loan from the Village of Rycroft to replace present lighting with energy efficient lighting and the loan not to exceed seventy five hundred dollars ($7500.00) to be paid by equal installment payments over a period of one year.


7.2 Village Contribution to May 24, 2014 Cleanup.


- Donations received to date total $1630.00

- Total with Village contributions for Non Profit organizations $3260.00

2014-05-10 Moved by Councillor Campbell that the Village of Rycroft match all public donations to bring total to $3260.00 available to non-profit organizations participating in the Village May 24, 2014 Cleanup and place this total in the Signal add.



8.1 Supply and Apply Hot Patch to Potholes


-  Cost

-  Quote

-  Timing

-  Preparation work

2014-05-11 Moved by Councillor Campbell that Council approve the hire of Kevin Keddy to supply and apply hot patch to the Village paved streets at quote price of $3000.00 per day for a maximum of 2 days as soon as weather permits..


8.2 Plus 55 Winter Games


- From G5 discussion

- Participation in Plus 55 Winter Games

- Cost

- Volunteers

- Housing

2014-05-12 MOVED by Councillor Campbell that Administration apprise the G5 members that the Village is not in a position to host the Plus 55 Winter Games but are in full support any G5 members that may choose to do so.


8.3 Central Peace Clinic Committee Update

Saddle Hills County has prepared a media release for the G5 release concerning the Central Peace Clinic Committee Update and would like approval.

2014-05-13 MOVED by Councillor Villeneuve that Council approve the media release prepared by Saddle Hills County concerning an update for Central Peace Clinic Committee.


8.4 Central Peace Clinic Costing Formula


- Formula presented for perusal

- No conclusion reached

2014-05-14 MOVED by Councillor Campbell that Council receive as information.


8.5 Central Peace Attraction Study

Request from Saddle Hills County for a motion to contract Dan Dibbelt and Mary Joan Aylward to complete the Central Peace Attraction Study.

2014-05-15 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Joice that Council award Dan Dibbelt and Mary Joan Aylward with the Contract to the Central Peace Attraction Study for the G5 municipalities.


8.6 Seniors’ Week Proclamation

2014-05-16 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Joice that Mayor Sydoruk declare June 2 – 8, 2014 as Seniors Week 2014.


Mayor Sydoruk declared June 2 – 8, 2014 Seniors Week.

8.7 Councillor Chelick – Appointment to various Boards and Committees

Public Works Committee - alternate

Regional Assessment Review Board – member

Grande Spirit Foundation – alternate

Rycroft C.A.P. – alternate (non voting)

Central Peace Waste Management Committee – member

FCSS – alternate

Regional Water Commission – alternate

Rycroft Arena Board – alternate

Regional Inter Municipal Services Partnership Committee – alternate

2014-05-17 MOVED by Councillor Villeneuve that Council appoint Councillor Chelick to the above boards and committees.

9. Councillor Reports

9.1 Councillor Villeneuve – verbal

- FCSS Meeting –

- Drama Trauma was successful

- Storage shed needed will be built by High School students

- Swimming will be opened June 07, 2014

- A Recreation Director is in place

- FCSS will be having a table at the June Jamboree and having a draw for $ $25.00

- Some problems with our seniors and the increase in Van usage costs

- should be ascertained if the increased costs are actual hardships

- Attended Special Council Meeting

- PLS Meeting – Municipal Affairs attending – their total costs for attending these meeting is less than 1% of their budget.

- will put forward a resolution requesting more funding for municipalities

to comply with the downloading from Provincial and Federal Governments.

-  Councillor Villeneuve has been appointed to the Executive for PLS.

9.2 Councillor Chelick – verbal -Budget meeting – informative

- should keep the residents well informed

- residents should feel confident in the decisions of Council and that Council is acting on their behalf

9.3 Councillor Campbell – written report

Attended Preda meeting:


- shadow population, certainly a help in grant applications

- Preda has received confirmation of a substantial grant forthcoming.

9.4 Deputy Mayor Joice – verbal - Budget meeting


-Central Peace Medical Clinic meeting – progressing well

9.5 Mayor Sydoruk– verbal

- Grande Spirit Foundation meeting –

- As of April – 3 empty suites in Spirit River and 1 empty in Rycroft

- Most are full

- looking at 2 possible sites for more accommodations in Grande Prairie

- Discussion:

- assisted housing

2014-05-18 Moved by Councillor Chelick that Council accepts the councillor reports from the Regular Council Meeting May 13, 2014.


10. CAO Report

- CAO Ben Boettcher – verbal

- Thank you to all for the kindness and generosity during illness.

- The constant communication

- Concerned about the subtle Government down loading to the Municipalities

- Pleased to see the grant process is now being done properly

- Keep in mind our priorities

The balance of report will be in-camera.

2014-05-19 MOVED by Councillor Villeneuve that Council accepts the CA verbal report as presented for May 13, 2014.


10.2 Public Works Report

Written report – general update of projects completed in the Public Works department.

-  Have hired seasonal employee – Heather Goryniuk, working very well getting NARDAM ready for opening on the weekend.

2014-05-20 MOVED by Councillor Chelick that Council accepts the verbal and written Public Works Foreman Robert Kobylanski as presented May 13, 2014.


11. Financial Reports

11.1 Taxes Trial balance May 09, 2014

2014-05-21 MOVED by Councillor Campbell that Council accepts the May 09 2014

as presented.

11.2 Utility Trial Balance May 09, 2014

2014-05-22 MOVED by Councillor Villeneuve that Council accepts the Utility Trial Balance for May 09 2014.


11.3 Cheque Listing to May 09, 2014

2014-05-23 MOVED by Councillor Chelick that Council ratify the cheque listing for accounts payable in the amount of $112,730.03 as of May 09, 2014 as presented..


12. Correspondence For Information


13. Question Period

No questions

14. In Camera

2014-05-24 MOVED by Mayor Sydoruk that Council go in camera

at 8:32 p.m


2014-05-25 MOVED by Mayor Sydoruk that Council rise from in camera

at 10.05 p.m.


2014-05-26 MOVED by Councillor Campbell that Council award the Village of Rycroft Aggregate and Hauling Project 2014 tender submission in the amount of one hundred twelve thousand dollars ($112,000.00) to Bill Hawrylenko Trucking Ltd. Box 122, Rycroft, AB T0H 3A0.

Carried /Unanimous


Being that all matters have been concluded this meeting is adjourned at 10.10 p.m.


Mayor Municipal Administrator