ECE member states

Ms. / Enkeleida / GJINALI / Advisor to the Prime Minister on Water Policy and Issues / Council of Ministers / Keshilli i Ministrave, Tirane / ALBANIA / Tel: 00355-682027713, (mobile 1) 00355 68 20 27 713, (mobile 2) 00355 68 20 91 188 /
Mr. / Reuf / HADZIBEGIC / Assistant Minister / Ministry Of Foreign Trade And Economic Relations / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel:00387-206141 /
Mr. / Enes / ALAGIC / Head of Water Management Sector / Sava River Watershed Agency / 71000 Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387 33 56 54 03 /
Mr. / Emil / BAKULA / Referent, Hydrologic Sector / Adriatic Sea Watershed Agency / Ante Starcevica bb, 88000 Mostar / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00 387 36 397 881 /
Mr. / Samir / BESIREVIC / Environmental Specialist / Environment and Social Development Department / Hamdije Kresevljakovica 19/IV, 71000,Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387 (33) 251 555, (mobile) 0090 533 926 6780 / ,
Mr. / Branislav / BLAGOJEVIC / Director / Sava River Watershed Agency / Milosa Obilica 51, Bjeljina / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387 65 661 006 /
Ms. / Tihana / GASEVIC / Referent in water supply sector / Adriatic Sea Watershed Agency / Ante Starcevica bb; 88000 Mostar / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00 387 36 397 881 /
Ms. / Alma / IMAMOVIC / Advisor for international obligation in water resources / Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management / Titova 15, Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387- 33 233 802 /
Mr. / Nebojsa / JAKSIC / Advisor to Minister / Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management / Trg Republike Srpske 1, 78000 Banja Luka / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387- 51 338 424 /
Ms. / Danita / KARKIN / Junior Expert Associate in Planning Sector / Sava River Watershed Agency / Grbavicka 4/III
71000 Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387- 33 56 54 13 /
Mr. / Miroslav / STEINBAUER / Head of Departmant of Development (Head of the Implementing Team of the Republic of Croatia for the inter-state “Neretva and Trebisnjica Management Project“) / Croatian Waters -Zagreb / Zagreb,Ulica grada Vukovara 220 / CROATIA / Tel: 00385-6307303, (mobile) 385 98 281 091 /
Mr. / Fritz / HOLZWARTH / Water Director / Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety / Robert-Schumann-Platz 3, 53113, Bonn / GERMANY / Tel: 0049 228 305 3405 /
Dr. / Laszlo / GODA / Head of Hydrographical Department / Lower Danube Water Directorate (ADUKÖVIZIG) / H-6501 Baja, Pf. 84. / HUNGARY / Tel: 0036-30 488 5706 /
Mr. / Dragan / RADOJEVIC / Chief of department for hydrogeology and geotechnic / Geological Survey / MONTENEGRO /
Mr. / Viktor / SUBOTIĆ / Project Coordinator / Ministry Of Tourism And Environment Of Montenegro - Lake Skadar-Shkoder Integrated Ecosystem Management Project / Rimski trg 46, 81000 Podgorica / MONTENEGRO / Tel: 00382- 67 231 142, (mobile) 00382 67 23 11 42 / ,
Ms. / Ruxandra / BALAET / Senior Adviser / Ministry of Environment / 12 Libertatii Bdv., Sector 5, Bucharest, 040129 / ROMANIA / Tel: 0040- 21 3165386 /
Ms. / Ana / DRAPA / Senior Counsellor / Ministry of Environment / B-dul Libertatii nr. 12, Sector 5, Bucuresti / ROMANIA / Tel: 0040- 21 3162 184 /
Mr. / Dusan / DOBRICIC / Department for Strategic Planning and Management and International- Cooperation in Water Sector- Directorate for Water / Ministry Of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management / 2° Bulevar umetnosti
11070 New Belgrade, Serbia / SERBIA / Tel: 00381- 11 201 33 67 /
Ms. / Dragana / NINKOVIC / Lead Research Engineer / JAROSLAV ČERNI – Institute for the Development of Water Resources / 80 Jaroslava Černig Str, 11226 Belgrade / SERBIA / Tel: 00381- 11 3908239, 00381 63 601 143 /
Ms. / Andrea / MÁJOVSKÁ / Secretary-IWAC / Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute / Jeséniová 17, 833 15 Bratislava / SLOVAKIA / Tel: 00421- 2 59415 415 /
Mr. / Mitja / BRICELJ / Secretary - Directorate for Environment / Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning / Dunajska 48, SI-1000 Ljubljana / SLOVENIA / Tel: 00386 1 478 7464, 00386 1 478 7351 /
Ms. / Tanja / CEGNAR / Adviser to the director general / Environmental Agency / Vojkova 1 b
SI-1000 Ljubljana / SLOVENIA / Tel: 00386 51 671 721 /
Mr. / Petar / GJORGJIOSKI / Adviser / Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
Administration of Environment
Department for waters / St. MTV Building
1000 Skopje / THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA / Tel: 00389 70 737375 /
Ms. / Jadranka / IVANOVA / Head of Department / Ministry for Environment and Physical Planning – Department for EU affairs / Ul. Drezdenska, 521000 Skopje / THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA / Tel: 00389 23066 930 – 157 /
Mr. / Aaleksandar / IVANOVSKI / Project Specialist / UNDP/GEF Project : Integrated Ecosystem Transboundary Protection of Prespa Lakes Basin in Albania, FYR Macedonia and Greece / III Makedonska Brigada 10a, Office 9,
1000 Skopje R. / THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA / Tel: 00 389 2 3289276 /
Ms. / Darinka / JANTINSKA / Head of Division for bilateral cooperation and instrument for pre-accession aid
Department for Cooperation and Project Coordination
Coordinator of UNDP/GEF project “Integrated ecosystem management in the Prespa Lakes Basin of the Albania, Mace / Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning / Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
Drezdenska street No.52
Skopje / THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA / Tel: 00389 2 30 66 930, 00389 75 404 411 (mobile) / ,
Mr. / Ilber / MIRTA / Head of Department / Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
Administration of Environment
Department for waters / St. MTV Building
1000 Skopje / THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA / Tel: 00389 71 356 405 /
Mr. / Nikola / ZDRAVESKI / Project Specialist / UNDP/GEF project “Integrated ecosystem management in the Prespa Lakes Basin of the Albania, FYR Macedonia and Greece / Municipality of Resen
Marshal Tito Square No.20
O.O. Box 78
7310 Resen / THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA / Tel: 00389 78 43 44 45 (mobile), 00389 47 455 185 /
Mr. / Yakup / DARAMA / Assoc. Prof. Dr. / Deputy Director / State Hydraulic Works – (DSI) / Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlügü, Etüd ve Plan Dairesi Başkanlgı
İnönü Bulvarı, Yücetepe, 06100, Ankara / TURKEY / Tel: 0090 312 418 34 20 (office), 0090 532 4229509 (mobile) /

UN Agencies

Mr. / Mish / HAMID / GEF IW:LEARN / Grosslingova 35, 81110, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA /
Mr. / Vladimir / MAMAEV / GEF Regional Technical Advisor / UNDP Europe & CIS / Grosslingova 35, 81110, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA / Tel: 004212 59337 267 /
Mr. / Igor / PALANDEZIC / Environment National Officer / UNDP BRM / Marsala Tita 48, 71000 Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387-(0) 33 563 804 /
Mr. / Patrice / ROBINEAU / Senior Adviser to the Executive Secretary / UNECE / 21 Rue de Geneve, 01210 Ferney Voltaire, FRANCE
Ms. / Francesca / BERNARDINI / Secretary/UNECE Water Convention / UNECE / 12 Chemin Malombre, 1206 Geneve, SWITZERLAND / Tel:0041- (0)22 917 2463
Mobile: 0041- 79 277 3867
Ms. / Sonja / KOEPPEL / Associate Expert in Environmental Affairs / UNECE / 52 rue de Vermont, 1202 Geneve, SWITZERLAND / Tel: 0041- (0)22 917 1218
/ /
Mr. / Philippe / PYPAERT / Programme Specialist / UNESCO BRESCE / Castello 4930, 30122, Venice, ITALY / Tel: 0039 - 041 - 2601 512, 0039 348 51 61 045 (mobile) /
Ms. / Aude / VINCENT / UNESCO-IHP / Division of Water Sciences
1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris cedex 15, FRANCE / Tel: 0033- 1 45 68 39 54 /
Mr. / Kindler / JANUSZ / Expert water resources consultant / World Bank / Karlowicza 18 m.1 -02-552 Warsaw / Tel: 0048- 605 305 777 /
Mr. / Ron / HOFFER / Environment and Water Advisor / World Bank / Tel: 001-202-841-0305 (mobile), 001-202 458-7219 /
Ms. / Mirjana / KARAHASANOVIC / Operations Analyst / World Bank / Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Mr. / David / MEERBACH / Water and Agriculture Specialist Sustainable Development Unit Europe and Central Asia / World Bank / The World Bank – MSN H5-503
1818 H St, NW
Washington, DC 20433, USA / 001-202 458 8326 /

International organizations/institutions and Specialised Agencies

Ms. / Aleksandra / GJORESKA / Executive Coordinator / Southeast European Cooperative Initiative - SECI / Heldenplatz 1, 1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA / Tel: 0043- 1 531 37422 /
Ms. / Jasenka / PEROVIC / EC delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mr. / Dimitris / FALOUTSOS / Programme Officer / GWP-Med / Kyrristou 12, 116 36, Athens, GREECE / Tel: 0030 210 32 47 490 /
Ms. / Bessie / MANTZARA / Administration / GWP-Med / Kyrristou 12, 116 36, Athens, GREECE / Tel: 0030 210 32 47 490 /
Ms. / Julie / PROUNTZOU / Secretary / GWP-Med / Kyrristou 12, 116 36, Athens, GREECE / Tel: 0030 210 32 47 490 /
Mr. / Michael / SCOULLOS / Chairman / GWP-Med / Kyrristou 12, 116 36, Athens, GREECE / Tel: 0030 210 32 47 490 /
Mr. / Tarik / KUPUSOVIC / Director / Hydro Engineering Institute / Stjepana Tomica 1, 71 000 Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387- 33 207 949 / ,
Mr. / Neno / KUKURIC / Deputy Head / International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre - IGRAC / P.O. Box 80015, 3508 TA Utrecht,THE NETHERLANDS / Tel: 0031-30 256 49 35 /
Mr. / Dejan / KOMATINA / Secretary / International Sava River Basin Commission / Nova Ves 11, 10000, Zagreb / CROATIA / Tel: 00385 -1 488 69 60 /
Ms. / Nadezhda / ALEXEEVA / Assistant Advisor for Europe / Ramsar Secretariat / Rue Mauverney 28, CH-1196 Gland, SWITZERLAND / Tel: 0041(0)22 999 0178 /
Ms. / Jovanka / IGNJATOVIC / Project Manager / REC / Andy Endre ut 9-11, 2000 Szentendre / HUNGARY / Tel: 0036-26 504 00 (ext.) 303, (mobile) 0036-20 934 5839 / , , /
Mr. / Miroslav / KUKOBAT / Head of Unit, Senior Expert on Energy and Infrastructure / Regional Cooperation Council / Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1 71000 Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387 33 561 707 /
Mr. / Jacques / GANOULIS / Coordinator of UNESCO Chair INWEB Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at AUTh / UNESCO Chair / INWEB / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki / Tel: 0030- 2310 995682 /
Ms. / Angela / KLAUSCHEN / Freshwater Policy Officer / WWF Mediterranean Programme Office / Via Po 25C
00198 Rome, ITALY / Tel: 0039- 347 297 2856 /
Mr. / Branko / VUCIJAK / Neretva Freshwater Projects Manager / WWF MedPO / Stjepana Tomića 1, 71000 Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387- 33 212 466 /


Mr. / Martin M. / WOLFF / Dipl. Eng. / WOLFF -Environmental Consulting GmbH / 1190 Vienna / AUSTRIA / Tel: 0043- (0) 1505 18 93, (mobile) 0043-(0) 699 1185 9239 /
Mr. / Laurent / MESBAH / Consultant / International Environment Forum / Antuna Hangija 112, 71000 Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387-(0) 61 16 5033 /
Mr. / Rijad / TIKVESA / President / EKOTIM / Grbavicka 50, 71000 Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Tel: 00387-62381 701 / ,
Mr. / Ratko / DORDEVIC / Procurator / Dvokut Ecro / Trnjanska 37
HR-10000 Zagreb / CROATIA / Tel: 00385 (1) 61 14 867, 00385 (1) 61 14 868 / ,
Ms. / Marta / LAZARSKA / Egis Bceom International / 78, allee John Napier – 34965 Montpellier Cedex 2 / FRANCE / Tel: 0033- 4 67 99 22 00 /
Ms. / Elizabeta / STANIĆ VOJNIĆ HAJDUK / Samostalni referent za zaštitu životne sredine / JP VOJVODINAŠUME ŠG SOMBOR / Apatinski put 11, 25000 Sombor,
AP.Vojvodina / SERBIA / Tel: 00381- 62 389 656 /
Ms. / Olivera / SUŠA / Director / Representative Office of Egis Bceom International / Trg Nikole Pašića 2 – 11000 Belgrade / SERBIA / Tel: 00381- 11 30 31 888 /