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The Observations about Last Month
for August 2016
Hello to you for “August 2016/9” - I hope all’s well in your part of the world. This month’s Observations about Last Month outline some of what surfaced energetically in “July”. It goes without saying: last month was a powerful time, globally and for individuals. It also highlighted the power of numerology as it can manifest in events or people. This doesn’t detract from what occurred in Nice, Turkey and Munich (to name a few places). I hope that any hardship that emerged is followed by a speedy recovery.
Cartoon by Australian cartoonist, writer, painter, philosopher and poet, Michael Leunig. Reproduced with kind permission.
The thoughts below precede This Month’s Observations, which outline what “August” holds in store. The two pages are connected and offer more when they’re read together.
Scroll down to read about Last Month, “July”;
click here to read about This Month, “August”; or
revisit earlier Observations in The Archives.
Prefer to hear the Monthly Observations - on their own or whilst you’re reading them? Learn more here…
Space Clearings!
Every so often, ghosts, technological frequencies, habits and stuckness build up in our spaces. In doing so, they can magnify the stuff we need to attend to. This said, such dynamics don’t have to be permanent features (i.e. unless we let them be). Book a clearing to learn, clear and rebalance your self, space and any “real-world” issues. Enquire here.
“July 2016” brought us three “5”s to deal with
… two of which present in this year’s numerological profile. I don’t usually outline rhythms that present three times but, given last month’s events, it may be useful. “2016” has an M.O. of “86/5”, which signals how we’ll arrive at more balance and closure (“2016/9”). Together, these two vibes produce the reality number, which indicates what we’ll manifest more of collectively. “2016” delivers a “2102/5” reality and, as “5” signals “change”, this may explain a few things.
“5”, being “change”, can surface as a new direction driven by peaceful intentions. However, it can (as a spiritual force) emerge via unexpected challenges to norms and expectations. “5” can be a curveball, hijacking one’s agenda in ways that find us reeling or rebelling. It’s often flavoured with stuff that we’d not anticipated, no matter how well we had planned. “5”, in this sense, is the wave I often refer to in order to depict the spiritual growth it promotes. “5” often arrives out of the blue, unexpectedly, in ways we would never wish for. “5” can manifest as a force for evolution that helps people step beyond and deal with excess. When “5” appears, life (Source) can demand adaptability towards “change” that doesn’t seem reasonable. “5”, in this sense, is flexibility - i.e. our ability to acknowledge and work with life as it unfolds AND make whatever adjustments are needed to uphold equity and justice. “5”, as “2016/9”s M.O. and reality number, hints at how we’ll attain more peace and balance (“6”) this year - globally and at individual levels - and become more genuinely inclusive and compassionate, and attend to what we need to (“9”). Perhaps, from this angle, last month’s challenges are partly explained.
Now, “5” isn’t only “change” as a subject or verb - it’s also flexibility; the need to adapt. “What needs to change?” can be a potent question when “5” figures strongly. “5” can trigger chaos and over-reaction - it’s an active vibe that tends to heighten things. As a spiritual vibe, it can ask people to remain grounded (using their breath to do that). “5”, in this sense, can present as the illusion that we’re going under, no matter what we do. “5”, here, is the wave that seems too big; the type that dumps and hurts us. “5”, therefore, can hint at us failing or drowning when, in fact, it’s asserting “we can”. It doesn’t always feel like this as “5” emerges but its aim is to help us out of limitation. “5”, as sudden change, can see faith dwindling in seconds, yet this is one of its overall missions - i.e. to help us remember that, irrespective of upheaval, goodness is there and that we are never deserted. This isn’t to trivialise any of last month’s events, yet nothing is never an only-wrong experience. Nor can “unpleasant nothing” ever kill all goodness off (although it can feel like it will at first). When Source requires spiritual (i.e. fundamental) change, it often strips away all cotton wool without warning. Here, “change” can surface out of left field, in ways that hurt and stun us “unfairly”. Our first response, in these situations, can be loss of faith, balance, confidence and empowerment.
Now, this is where numerology helps to explain challenges without ignoring what they may bring. “5” zones can deliver amazing marvels; they can also leave us feeling annihilated. “5”, literally, is the moment “that” wave barrels in; dragging you under; pummelling and scratching you. Yet, remembering breath, the essential and egoic self begin to recover (re-surface) into “I can do it”. “5”, therefore, helps us to remember such things - i.e. that, when we process healthily, we can float. None of this negates any loss or pain that’s experienced but it can certainly help us to get through it.
“July” also brought us five “0”s to deal with
… and “0” can signal loss and “nothing going as planned”. “0” is “nothing” - the nerve-wracking kind or the nirvana experienced as we merge with One-ness (again). As learning curves, “0” periods can be jarring, providing us with less than we’d expected. “0”, via such aspects, often reveals the difference between negative and positive “nothing”. “Negative nothing” is strongest when we honour egoic stances in self or others. It often presents as less than we’d thought we would have - “0”, from this angle, can trigger loss or not enough. Here, “0” often helps people appreciate how they’d been projecting or managing life (and Source) too keenly. In this light, “0” can manifest as too much stillness, challenging our models and helping us to turn in on ourselves. At a time when one push of a button can lead to immediate fulfilment, “July 2016/9” could have seemed to turn against people.
Also noteworthy is the dance between “0” and “5” when they emerge as spiritual rhythms. As dynamics that test perceptual limits, they often highlight underlying issues re faith. Both of these numbers can trigger panic or tension as life presents differently “now”. “0”, with “5”, can enhance one’s conscious awareness by testing what s/he’d come to. “5”, succeeding “4”, can audit ideas and models: Is what we built at “4” strong enough and what’s needed? Where are we skimming along life’s surface (unconsciously) and, thereby, reducing the overall experience? Here, “0” and “5” can present as quality checks emerging out of any human, date or scenario. “0” and “5” can see a short-term collapse in people, beliefs, systems and models. In doing this, “0” and “5” often highlight any lack of faith we’d been harbouring. Understanding that what we affirm, we tend to create, the term “faith” (here) isn’t about blind belief. On this website, “faith” is one’s experience-based knowledge that more exists than the physical realm; that goodness exists as a vibe and as an energy that guides us (even as we’re “going under”). “0” is very much Divine guidance; invisible phenomena; intuitive guidance; heroes; and miracles. These can appear suddenly, without notice; they can also emerge as we consciously act and clear. “0”, in itself, includes all of the experiences that can occur between lack or loss, and fulfilment. It also represents the energetic and physical shifts which can emerge when we focus spiritually well. “0”, in this ilk, is psychic and energy work - knowing that Source is real and letting It help. It’s also the fact that one can forget this often, only to recall it and learn anew. “0” and “5” can find us confidently stating that we can’t do “it” (only to practically discover the exact opposite).
So, “0” often asks us to look beyond the “illusion” - i.e. the unpleasantness or pessimism that can surface in our world. This doesn’t involve ignoring or devaluing scenarios, nor making light of any hardship. No human being should have to endure “negativity” yet, human being human, sometimes choice is the issue. Here, “0” can push people to ask, “Why me, them, this, etc?” “0” can easily heighten the egoic wavelengths, where things are “bad” because they don’t match our theories of life (i.e. “this shouldn’t be happening”). Sometimes, life is “bad” - this can’t be refuted; it “shouldn’t” be but, sometimes, it is. Yet “0” and “5”, in such cases, ask us to refuse to adopt this as our long-term stance. Whilst unpleasantness, conflict, radical loss and trauma can manifest, we owe it to everyone to look beyond that. We maximise goodness by holding it as our long-term objective and allowing what we sense and know to be “right” to strengthen. “0” and “5” can push us to the point of having “nothing” but breath, our wits and a willingness to keep going. As challenges, “0” and “5” often attack any unconscious belief that we know or have “it” all. They often wipe out our sense of security - which was in place, seconds before - to find us hurt, lost and “alone”.
Last month had an M.O. of “100/1”
… and one could say that this is where the problems started. “1” denotes self - essential or egoic - and, in the Year of the Fire Monkey, “excess” was likely last month. Monkey, as soul, tends to be highly strategic - the type of forward-thinking that only adds (genuine) value. Out of kilter, however, Monkey’s knack for planning and plotting can promote the less-inclusive. Monkey corresponds with Leo - a Fire sign - the energy to co-create with; an amazing force for good. Leo can protect, lead and nurture inspiringly; out of whack, however, it can heighten reactivity, egoic self-indulgence and fallouts. Fire Monkey “2016/9” has manifested recently in ways that help us to address these sorts of wavelengths.
Enter “100/1” - self-ness, stillness and a sense of “nothing” that helps us get “there”. This is totally fine when we’re channelling integrity (i.e. not entertaining the lower levels too much). “1” can be “me”, above and beyond any other, as equally as it’s the “I” that includes all needs equally. “0”, again, can promote “nothing’s happening as it should” that totally stuns us. “1” can also represent the need to centre and channel more “adult” to address wobbliness. “1”, therefore, can denote the level of groundedness and maturity required when “negativity” reigns. “1”, with Fire Monkey, can urge us to win at all costs - doing whatever “I” need to myopically. “1”, with some “0”s, can promote too much self-focus and reduce the level of care for “the other”. “1” is the self and, therefore, can see us overly-focused upon what’s human or physical. “0” often unfolds to help us remember and actualise the benefits in embracing much more. These themes presented loudly last month, globally and at individual levels. Examples? Issues around self, greed, faith, “I can” and “I can’t”, plus some amazing examples of leadership.
You know, this year marks the 100th year after the end of the first World War. Around now, back then, treaties were entered into which squeezed certain parts of Europe too hard. Out of this emerged Nazism, its “leaders” and their 10-12 year reign. Some say that Nazism took hold in 1932/33 - i.e. Years of the Monkey and Rooster. The end of WWII - 1945/46 - and 2016/17 are Monkey and Rooster years, too. I’m not predicting the start of World War III, but “odd things” can come out of such phases. If nothing else, it’s curious that (at this moment in time) loud issues around control, power, inclusion and integrity feature. This isn’t new, but potent spiritual shifts (and healing) can arise at the 10-year mark. At the 100th anniversary (10 x 10), such dynamics are also possible, with old issues surfacing to be dealt with. Sometimes, what’s immediate isn’t only about the present; life’s also about clearing historical issues. To what degree are we working through earlier “excesses” that were never dealt with to their completion - examples? The use of propaganda, marketing, media channels; PR and lobbying for selfish gain - not to mention, the challenge of embracing and responding to difference well. This is human development and we rarely process everything at once (especially the big stuff, which can take ages to clear). The fact that “2016/9” promotes closure adds weight to these Observations. None of this needs to detract from current-day issues but the power of the 100th year cannot be ignored. To what degree are we witnessing or experiencing “excess beyond reason” to help us address broader issues?
You know, numerology is interesting because it often reveals how something will present, as well as what it will encourage. Numerology always signals how these aspects work together to stretch and help us grow. At the same time, it also highlights the strengths, breakthroughs and achievements that any challenge could lead to. “100/1” denotes personal and solid unfolding, as we deal with (and mentor) excessive egoic “I” (anywhere). Via such experiences, people are often strengthened and stretched into the next level “I” they can be. Through difficult “100” phases (like “July 2016/9”), we often see previous limits dissolving. In so doing, we often come to greater awareness, understanding and confidence about self, others and life in general. Through such moments, too, we often become more compassionate towards others (especially as their “turn” arrives). So…? Goodness is always (somehow) “out there”.
So, “2016/9” has two “5” dynamics….