BAHA Minutes May 21, 2017

Present: Craig Trenary (pres), ErlingRingquist (VP), Kara Smidt (sec), Kurt Krenz (Girls’ Pres), Stephanie Cossette (Jefferson Pres), Matt Walton (Kennedy Pres), Renae Spencer (Tourn), Heather Bartfield (Tourn), Melissa Thurston (concession), Brent Jensen (ice), Dave Stark (advertising), Jack Bartsh (Kennedy VP),

Meeting opened at 7:08 pm

1. Minutes for March and April reviewed and approved

2. Old Business

a. Insurance Review-Bob is heading up this review-concession agreement is needed, official opinion is coming soon from John Hauge; TABLED until report received

b. BIG improvements-Craig and Erling met last week with Randy and Bob; the City will use the Kraft money as seed dollars to increase the current planned investment; school referendum may be a competing interest in a couple of months’ time; Nick Sperides is working on a final update of our wish list; need a way to promote and fundraise to raise approx. $1.2 million for the current wish list; there was a lot of support from Hockeyville run so would like to “strike while the iron’s hot” to fundraise; once the update is in from Nick we can move forward to get on the June City agenda

-current item list is locker room updates, sidewalk in front widened, front corridor opened, outside front facelift, access for wheelchairs, painting and lighting updates, dryland area added, canopy and double doors (like the armory); parking lot restriping and possibly changing direction so kids aren’t crossing in front of cars so much; question about losing spaces and answer is maybe 10; other discussion is about high school lockers and those are not high on the general list; other question about moving the entrance and answer is yes with redesign of ticket booth but all depends on funding; Nick’s fees need to stay under $10000 otherwise it has to go into the City’s public RFP and we’d be delayed in securing funding; Craig hopes to stay with the committee to work on this; City will keep us updated on the progress

c. Jodi Haugen was the winning essay for Hockeyville so Erling is heading up the plans to commemorate this with a plaque. MOTION by Kurt K to have Erling spend $150 to create plaque and get Jodi a gift card, second by Erling CARRIED

d. Bylaw review- basically equal representation across all 3 organizations so eliminate voting positions to create a 9 member board plus 5 positions non-voting; formalization of paid positions with job descriptions, the amount to be compensated, terms and requirements for termination/leaving, plus a formal review each year with the 3 assoc presidents; terms will be 1 year for now

Discussion about 18 month position for Treasurer but that means another position would also have to be and then there would have to be mid-year appointments for those 2 so probably difficult at best to secure; talk about outsourcing the accounting which was tabled for next year’s board; currently, Bob has said he would be available to shadow for about 6 months for the next person to ease the transition; Erling will email the bylaws and voting will be by email

3. New Business

a.i. Advertising-Dave S is leaving so he has put together a job description; he is available to help over the next couple of months; Craig has a list of people from sign companies that he would like to approach; discussion about costs and Dave said we’re similar to Eden Prairie at about $1000/yr

MN made makes the advertiser pay for printing; BAHA pays for printing and allows ads for 3 years; Craig will check to see if any of the sign companies will take this on

-are there other ad opportunities? Costs are very high for other types of things which is why we do the 3 year term too

-who keeps track of the advertiser contracts? Treasurer?

-Dave has a flash drive with current contracts and usually sends those electronically to the advertisers

-what is the new contact? Erling and Craig will wrap up with Dave and likely use the PO BOX

ii. Treasurer-Kennedy is working on confirming someone

iii. BAHA VP-candidate is going through conflict checks so we should know by Friday

iv. Secretary-Jefferson needs to appoint someone to keep balance; was overlooked at last meeting; question from Kara as to where records should be kept-concession has a spot on rink 3; will be kept somewhere at the rink anyway

b. Year End Review-submitted sheet

4.a. Advertising-discussed previously

b. Concessions-open for summer tournaments; always need more help and good time to train in

c. Treasurer-report submitted; expects to know payout in June for associations

d. Tournaments-currently planning; registration will open June 1; ad in Let’s Play Hockey; ice is reserved; question about Richfield ice use and Heather talked to RF guy –BAHA will use almost as much as last year but only Fri afternoons or later (no morning or prior to Friday); there won’t be tournament check ins there so probably not as much traffic

e. Ice-BAHA ice is booked; Jeff Smidt is new ice coord for Kennedy and they will meet Tues to discuss ice for Try Hockey dates; he has not talked to Jeremy yet about Jefferson

-we gave back a lot of ice this year and there was a substantial amount in lost dollars for ice not used, especially in Nov (approx. $6000 in Nov and over $8000 total); ice needs to be given back by Aug 1 for fall ice; should they give back more this year? This doesn’t count Richfield ice either; there is a 30 day window for giving back; decided there needs to be more discussion how to book and return ice so should look at for next year and improving communication regarding ice availability

f. Kennedy-coaching interviews and selection have started;

g. Jefferson-coaching interviews have started

h. Girls-named some coaches; hope to confirm a VP by next week; have first golf tourney planned in conjunction with the High School girls for June 23rd

Adjourn 8:28 pm