The cost of design work and conduct architectural supervision

Workshop Architecture and Design Michael Nekrashevich

(excluding VAT).

The cost of conceptual design of buildings and structures

№ / Thetotalbuildingarea / Unit / The project cost for 1 м2of the total area of the building
1 / Draft project the main building without furniture placement, power points, luminaires and switches. / 1 м2 / 10 $
2 / Draft project the main building with furniture, power points, luminaires, switches. / 1 м2 / 20 $
3 / Draft project accessory buildings and structures without furniture placement, power points, luminaires,switches. / 1 м2 / 7 $
4 / Draft project accessory buildings and structures withfurniture placement, power points, luminaires,switches. / 1 м2 / 15 $

The cost of the architectural design of buildings and structures

№ / The total area of ​​the building facade / Unit / The project cost for1м2of the total area of facades
1 / Architectural design of the main building facades / 1 м2 / 15 $
2 / Architectural design of facades accessory buildings and structures / 1 м2 / 10 $

The cost of the project to develop the interior design

№ / Total area / Unit / The project cost for 1 м2of the total area of ​​the premises
1 / ByCategorydecoration "Lux" / 1 м2 / 50 $
2 / ByCategorydecoration "Exclusive" / 1 м2 / From 7% to 10% of the cost of interior decoration

Cost of doing architectural supervision for the period of finishing works

with regular site visits, selection of materials, etc.

№ / Number of visits per month / Coast of project / The cost of architectural supervision (% of project cost).
1 / 4 - visits / 100 % / 40 %
2 / 6 - visits / 100 % / 60%
3 / 8 - visits / 100 % / 80 %

Note: The total cost of conducting architectural supervision is divided into planned period of finishing works and is payable in equal monthly installments.

Composition and milestones for the development of the project of interior design.

I stage. Development of the project of interior design

  1. Meeting with the customer and getting the design assignment.
  2. Obtaining advance payment of 50% of project cost.
  3. Measurements premises.
  4. Within 7 days to develop and submit 2 (two) planning solutions.
  5. Select the layout and the agreement with the customer.
  6. Based on the selected layouts within 7 days develop a revised work plan.
  7. Approvalofrevisedworkplan.
  8. After approval of revised work plan begin to develop the sketch of the project and plans with furniture, fixtures and switches, sockets, etc.
  9. After 15-30 days show sketches in pencil several rooms and above plans.
  10. Reconciliation of the sketch.
  11. Payment of 30% of project cost.
  12. Getting visualization. Term depends on the amount of work and is calculated individually.
  13. Alignment visualization.
  14. The final project consists of:

• Plan demolished walls

• the plan of building barriers

• the plan of arrangement of furniture

• floor plan

• ceiling plan

• Plan placement luminaires and furniture

• plan for the disposition of switches and luminaires

• plan for the disposition power points

• Scan the walls

• The necessary cuts, knots, cross section

• Statementof finishing materials

• sketches

• visualization

  1. Payment 20% of the project cost.

The starting point for our work is always a conversation with the customer and asking for his preferences, tastes and wishes.

Note: The time required by the Customer on harmonization plus to the above terms for the development of the project.

Stage II. Architectural supervision

1. Composition architectural supervision:

- Supervision of the proper implementation of the author agreed architectural design or interior design project.

- The required correction and addition of documentation.

- Selection of finishing and decorative materials.

- Consultations customer.

- Execution not work scheduled (volume and value of additional agreement).

- Logging architectural supervision.

The need for architectural supervision and the number of site visits, selection of materials, etc., is the responsibility of the customer and are usually installed in the design assignment object.

Note: Supervision HAS NO technical supervision. The functions of the Architectural supervision NOT INCLUDED hidden works acceptance, production technology, quality construction and finishing works, device engineering networks.

Travel expenses associated with the project design and implementation of field supervision, selection of furniture, lamps, accessories, decoration items, etc. charged additionally.