Chairman’s Report 2014


Held at Suyian Ranch Rumuruti.

10thDecember 2014.

Firstly, I would like to thank Gilfrid and his team for letting us hold the AGM and Field day on their ranch.

A warm welcome to you all.

This financial year’s events:

  • Paul Epson passed away tragically on the 4th of January of this year. I would like to send our condolences to Maria, Harry and Jasper and the rest of the Epson family. Paul was a Boran fanatic, a passionate and dedicated supporter of the breed and will be very sorely missed by us all. He sat for many years on the executive committee and his tireless efforts at the show will not be forgotten.
  • On the 14th of June 2014 we had our bi-annual field day and bull sale at Ol Pejeta. It was a great and very informative day. The sale was a success and for the first time groups of heifer went on sale, which also went very well.

Congratulations to Ol Pejeta for selling the highest priced bull. A big thank you to Ol Pejeta for the wonderful day, and to Giles and his team for all their effort.

  • We have changed our web domain hoster to a local company -Bespoke Software’s and online solutions. Thank you to Philip, Shaban and Jimmy for implementing this.
  • Regarding the Registration of Society, we have now been told to get an authority letter which must come from the Ministry of Agriculture. We have to go to Kilimo House and get a letter saying we are legitimate from the Director of Livestock. Thanks to Jimmy for all his hard work in the matter.
  • Embryo’s -Giles yet again has been working on this to get it opened up again. SA is waiting for Kenya to come up with their new vaccine that SA will recognize.

Finally I must thank my Committee and Shaban for all their input this past year and their commitment to the Boran breed in general. Members should know that their committee volunteers much of their time on behalf of the members and the Boran Cattle.

Boran Inspectors have had a busy year with 759 new registrations. Well done to them and thank you for your time and support. This figure is up from 449 from 2013

Lastly, we are indebted to our sponsors of the day who make these events what they are. Thank you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.