Policy Connection
April, 2014Katrina Kinman, Editor
The Policy Connection is a free quarterly publication provided by the KSBA Policy Service that is sent to all board members, superintendents, and others who request to receive it.
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eMeeting Service - Elliott and Webster County Boards of Education, Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services (NKCES)
2014 Annual Policy/Procedure Update Preview
Following adjournment of the 2014 General Assembly, the KSBA Policy Staff is hard at work preparing update recommendations for your policies and procedures based upon the latest statutory and regulatory changes. The updates will be emailed to the superintendent/policy contact of each member district. Below are selected areas of interest.
Bill # / Policy Code / Policy TopicHB 5 / 01.61 / New requirements for investigation and reporting of information security breaches
7 C.F.R. 210 & 220 / 07.111 / New definitions and nutrition requirements for competitive foods
704 KAR 3:035 / 08.113 / Early graduation certificates
HB 98 / 09.224/09.2241 / Trained personnel administering or assisting in the administration of Diabetes and FDA approved seizure medications may receive training other than that under 702 KAR:1:160
SB 109 / 09.4232 / Prohibit use of alternative nicotine or vapor products by persons under the age of 18
SB 200 / 09.43 / Juvenile Justice bill creates new reporting requirements for schools
Free/Reduced Meal Program or Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
KSBA Policy and Legal Staff have worked together to update school district nutrition policies and procedures in our annual update to clarify proposed changes to the interim final rule effective July 1, 2014.Also, for those districts that subscribe to our administrative procedures service, several procedure areas will be impacted based upon whether the district participates in the Free/Reduced meal program, the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) or both.
Policy Reference 07.11
PGES and Upcoming Policy-Related Training Event
The policy department has been receiving questions regarding the new PGES regulation and its impact on local board policies. KSBA is working with KDE as it moves through the regulatory process and will provide guidance to districts once the regulation is final. In the meantime, there will be a presentation on the total PGES presented on Friday morning at the May 8-9 State and Federal Law Update Conference. Registration for the conference is available at
Policy References 02.14/03.18
Mileage rate update
If your district reimburses for mileage at the state rate, be advised that the rate per mile effective April 1 through June 20, 2014 is 46 cents per mile. This information can be reviewed quarterly via this link:
Policy Reference 03.125/03.225
Tobacco Free Schools
The Governor’s office and kyhealthnow have a goal to reduce Kentucky’s smoking rate by 10% by 2019. To accomplish this, one strategy is to partner with school districts to implement tobacco free campuses. For more information, go to If your district would like to go tobacco free, please contact your policy consultant for draft policy language.
Policy References03.1327/03.2327/06.221/09.4232/10.5
Save the Date – Upcoming KSBA 2014 & 2015 Conferences: See our web-site to register for these important conferences.
May 8 & 9, 2014
Federal & State Law Update: Impact on Your School District (Embassy Suites, Lexington)
July 25, 2014 (4 hours)
Restraint and Seclusion Training (Embassy Suites, Lexington)
August 27 – 29, 2014 (2 ½ Days)
Director of Special Education/Special Education Legal Update (Marriott Griffin Gate Resort, Lexington)
September 17-19, 2014 (2 ½ Days)
Section 504/ADA Coordinator/Section 504 Team Chair (Marriott Griffin Gate Resort, Lexington)
October 31, 2014 (4 hours)
Child Abuse Reporting & Intervention Resources (Marriott Griffin Gate Resort, Lexington)
November 14, 2014
Harassment & Bullying Conference (Marriott Griffin Gate Resort, Lexington)
December 12, 2014
Supervisors of Classified Personnel Training (Embassy Suites, Lexington)
May 8, 2015
9th Annual Federal & State Law Update: Impact on Your School District (Embassy Suites, Lexington)
Your Online Connection
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