Circuit Advisory Board Comprehensive plan template:

In accordance with section 985.664 (2), Florida Statute, each Juvenile Justice Circuit Advisory Board shall develop a comprehensive plan for the circuit.

The comprehensive plan shall include data review and analysis of each county in the circuit and benchmarks that may include but are not limited to:

  • Reducing juvenile delinquency
  • Decreasing Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)
  • Preventing youth from entering the juvenile justice system
  • Increasing the use of alternatives to secure detention
  • Working to establish community resources to increase prevention, alternatives to detention and community interventions

Section 1: Mission statement: Include the overall mission of your board in relation to the mission of the Department; incorporate abovementioned benchmarks as focal points of your mission.

DJJ’s Mission: To increase public safety by reducing juvenile delinquency through effective prevention, intervention and treatment services that strengthen families and turn around the lives of troubled youth.

Example Mission: The mission of the Circuit 22 Advisory Board is to reduce juvenile delinquency within our counties through persistent and effortful application of our knowledge, resources, and status as members of the community and juvenile justice advocates.

Section 2: Benchmarks – Please list any and all benchmarks you plan to be assessing as a JJCAB

Benchmark 1: Reduce DMC within County 1

Benchmark 2: Provide at-risk youth with increased educational and employment opportunities

Benchmark 3: Educate community members on juvenile assessment/treatment strategies (i.e. principles of trauma informed care, etc.)

Benchmark 4: Reduce human trafficking victimization

Section 3: Now take each benchmark from Section 2 and apply a SWOT analysis: Include strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats as it pertains to juvenile benchmarks within each county; this may help you determine the best opportunities to achieve your growth goals. It also helps you identify which areas need more direct focus.

Benchmark 3: Educate community members on juvenile assessment/treatment strategies (i.e. principles of trauma informed care, etc.)

  1. Strengths: There are currently 10 facilities within County X that provide trauma counseling and services to at-risk and DJJ involved youth. Staff has been trained on how to use proper techniques when addressing these youth. These strategies go hand in hand with statutory revisions which place emphasis on providing alternatives to secure detention.
  1. Weaknesses: County Y does not make use of the trauma informed care strategies. We believe this has led to increased recidivism rates in youth over the past 5 years.
  1. Opportunities/threats: County X has the opportunity to work with County Y to facilitate the use of successful counseling and treatment services for youth; however, lack of funding in County Y could establish a threat to the enhancement of such services.
  1. Which areas need focus: County Y needs direct attention and focus as it pertains to the use of effective counseling services for youth. The lack of training, education, and funding regarding such services causes setbacks in such areas.
  1. Additional comments:

Section 4: KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators): These will be critical in understanding how/why a specific issue still exists, help streamline the identification of improvements/regressions, and highlight proposed solutions to problems.

  1. Issues: Human trafficking has become a major issue within County Z. There has been a 6.7% increase in human trafficking victims over the past ten years especially in minors (under age 18) induced into commercial sex.
  1. Improvements/regressions: County Z has experienced significant regression with human trafficking; victimization has increased exponentially, ultimately leading to more children involved in the system. We believe these minors who have been forced to perform labor and/or services in conditions of involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery, via force, fraud or coercion have been primarily victimized by International organized criminal syndicates.
  1. Solutions: Increase community awareness regarding human trafficking, work with law enforcement to target these crime organizations, increase services offered to runaways, etc.

4. Goals: Identify goals that can be achieved within a 3 year time span. Break down these goals into six-month increments in order to stay on track. What do you plan to do? Specifically within each county? Which areas will you focus on? Etc.


Benchmark: Reduce human trafficking victimization

Goal: We plan to reduce human trafficking victimization by 10% within our community by March 2014.

  1. We plan to organize a team of individuals who will serve as advocacy leaders for human trafficking victims
  1. In County Z, we plan to provide educational services to community members on how they can identify and provide assistance to those at risk of victimization or those already being victimized.
  1. We will focus primarily on education, services for runaways, and identification of criminal organizations within County Z.

Additional comments:

Section 5: Operations Plan: How to transform goals and plans into reality; assess individual projects that will provide the baseline of your overall goal; how will these be accomplished? Human resources available to execute plan? If not, how will you obtain them?

Our goal of providing youth with increased educational and employment opportunities will be assessed with various community engagement projects. We currently have a team of individuals working on the development of an employment center for youth. This center will provide youth with the necessary skills and training to acquire employment within our counties. Services will range from mock job interviewing to resume development. Our team is lacking the skills of a school superintendent, so our next goal for this team is to reach out to school X to see if Mr. Smith will participate on our board and team.

Section 6: Executive Summary: Should be completed last; explanation and summary of your Board’s plan, and how you plan to achieve your goals.

The mission of the Circuit 22 Advisory Board is to reduce juvenile delinquency within our counties through persistent and effortful application of our knowledge, resources, and status as members of the community and juvenile justice advocates. Our benchmarks include:reducing DMC within County 1,

providing at-risk youth with increased educational and employment opportunities, educating community members on juvenile assessment/treatment strategies (i.e. principles of trauma informed care, etc.). and reducing human trafficking victimization. Our goals will be assessed with individual teams working on each issue we have identified in this plan. We will set goals in six-month increments that will help us to stay on track. We will address community awareness through educational and advocacy programs that we plan to develop within the Circuit 22 board. We will recruit the necessary individuals required to achieve such goals. We will continue to develop our plan of action throughout the course of our board development in order to fulfill our mission and that of the Department.