

Current convenor:

Current members:

Date of this remit:Autumn 2017

Purpose and underlying principles:
Ensures that the library is well stocked and organised so that it can be a powerful aid to the life of the Meeting and its outreach.
Main tasks
  • to be aware of recent Quaker publications and to maintain and add to the library stock in order to
meet the needs of the meeting;
  • to be familiar with the contents of the library and be prepared to offer recommendations to those wanting to use it (e.g. producing reading lists, reviews, making a regular contribution to the
  • to link with various groups within the meeting (e.g. Elders, Outreach, Children’s Committee,
Alternative Book Group) regarding the provision of resources;
  • to share experiences, where possible, with other librarians in the Area Meeting for the mutual
benefit and development of all our libraries.
a)recommended number of members: 3
b) what would you look for among your members? (skills, knowledge, personal qualities)
  • Members who are systematic and organised in the way they work
  • have an enthusiasm for books and are willing to link with recent Quaker publications and resources available through Friends House
  • attend Meeting regularly

How often does your committee meet?
The committee meets roughly every two months throughout the year, plus some practical sessions.
Roles and responsibilities.(How are the responsibilities allocated?)
As a result of decisions made at committee meetings, the following tasks are shared between the committee members: buying books and preparing them for the library shelves, organising and keeping the library tidy, updating the on-line catalogue, writing a regular article for the newsletter, liaison with groups in the Meeting (as required), admin, keeping a file with reviews of new books.
No-one is appointed because they have a formal role within the Meeting.
Links. (i.e. which other committees and groups have you worked with or consulted?)
Links are fostered with a number of groups within the Meeting (see main tasks point 3 for examples of this).
Review point: It is recommended that you review your work as a committee about half-way through the triennium and consider what the committee has achieved, any difficulties encountered and whether the membership needs to be augmented in order to complete its work. This is primarily for the benefit of the committee. A very short report is then sent to the PM clerk.
Are there any issues that you are unclear about?
None identified

Relevant references in Quaker Faith and Practice

1)Guidance on Meetings for Church Affairs

Please refer to QF&P 2 85-92 for guidance on meetings for church affairs, which also includes guidance on Quaker business methods.

2)Particularly relevant references in Quaker Faith and Practice

(Please add any relevant references that you find helpful)

Responsibilities specific for this committee

Guidance / Reference
Overall responsibility / QF&P 4.33 (n)
Shared responsibility with Area Meetings / QF&P 13.41
Its contribution to the life of the Meeting and its Outreach / QF&P 13.42

Updated July 2017Confirmed minute 17.10.10