Engineering Geologist 1 SG-20

Engineering Geologist 2 SG-24

Job Description:

As an Engineering Geologist 1, you would be responsible for performing and supervising geologic and geophysical field survey work for transportation projects, structural sites, hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal sites, mining operations and the development of groundwater supplies, and for analyzing the results of such investigations. You would investigate, analyze, and interpret data and reports and prepare geologic reports of findings. You might analyze rock cores, aggregate samples and boring logs, and evaluate the suitability of rock for use as stone filling, riprap, or aggregates. You might make recommendations pertaining to slope designs and foundation designs of structures; evaluate, conduct, and/or supervise blasting operations; and evaluate the stability of slopes and make recommendations for the stabilization of slopes. You might evaluate water quality sampling procedures and protocols and perform and evaluate hydrogeologic, groundwater, water supply, solid waste, and hazardous waste disposal site investigations and programs. Geologic and hydrogeologic evaluations might include the use of computer-assisted techniques including groundwater flow modeling and geographic information system analysis. You might assist in field and laboratory analysis of complex geological problems and supervise the operation and maintenance of geophysical and geological test and survey equipment. You also might assist in the preparation and review of the geotechnical aspects of engineering and environmental investigations, reports, studies, and expert testimony.

As an Engineering Geologist 2, you would be responsible for planning, conducting, and supervising geologic investigations for transportation projects, structural sites, hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal sites, mining operations and the development of groundwater supplies, and for analyzing the results of such investigations. You might analyze field survey procedures, geologic reports, and geophysical data; make recommendations pertaining to rock-cut slope designs and foundation designs of structures; evaluate, conduct, and/or supervise blasting operations; and evaluate the stability of rock slopes and make recommendations for the stabilization of such slopes; and evaluate the suitability of rock for use as stone-filling and riprap. You also might prepare specifications and develop testing and quality assurance procedures for mineral aggregates and investigate and resolve problems relating to aggregate performance; perform studies to improve methods and equipment used in geological surveys; plan and evaluate hydrogeological investigations of conditions at proposed or existing waste disposal sites and in the development of groundwater supplies to include water quality sampling procedures, protocols, and data evaluation; evaluate and resolve groundwater contamination problems; and provide expert testimony at hearings and court proceedings. The above evaluations might include the use of computer-assisted techniques for groundwater flow modeling and geographical information system evaluations. You may supervise subordinate engineering geologists and be responsible for the preparation of reports and recommendations concerning the geotechnical aspects of engineering and environmental investigations, reports, and studies.

Minimum QualificationsFor Engineering Geologist 1:

A bachelor’s or higher-level degree in earth science, geology, geological engineering, geophysics, geochemistry, or hydrology; AND you must have had two years professional experience in geology*

Minimum QualificationsFor Engineering Geologist 2:

A bachelor’s or higher-level degree in earth science, geology, geological engineering, geophysics, geochemistry, or hydrology; AND you must have had four years professional experience in geology*

*Examples of professional geology experience are, but are not limited to: Experience that involves actual evaluations of subsurface conditions. For example, all forms of hydrogeology (including environmental or water supply subsurface investigations), exploration work in the mining or oil and gas industries, or production drilling. Geophysical and geotechnical investigations focused on geologic conditions and interpretation of data from laboratory analysis and studies.

How To Apply

To be appointed, you must have taken and passed the most recent examination.

Sign up for the NYS Department of Civil Service’s email notification subscription service, to find out about upcoming state examinations.


Starting salary for an Engineering Geologist 1 is $61,496.

Starting salary for an Engineering Geologist 2 is $75,674.

Promotion opportunities:

Promotion opportunities exist in this series through examinations held periodically.