NES Physiotherapy Education Advisory Sub-group

NES Physiotherapy Education Advisory Sub-group


Venue:Seminar room, kings Cross Hospital, Dundee, DD3 8EA

Time: 11.00 a.m.–3.00p.m.

Number / Objectives/desired outcomes
There was a discussion about the Practice Development Network and having a Practice Development Knowledge Network. There was discussion about if this was needed and what was the added value. It was agreed to trial this for two years and see if there is a benefit to having this site for sharing resources.
Action: PG to structure the existing Knowledge Network web pages and upload some materials. A communication strategy is needed to raise awareness
1. / Welcome and apologies
Anne Wallace (Chair), Karin Massie, Evelyn Linton, Louisa Ross, Lauren Mulhall, Grant Burns, Razwana Leonard, Sara Conroy, Peter Glover, Janice McNee, Sheila McEwan, John Mclennan, Linda Renfrew
Claire Tochel: Information Analyst from NHS Education for Scotland attended part of the meeting
Fiona Macmillan, Laura Cameron, Johanna Thorburn, Jill French, Catrina Henderson, John Paul Reejo,
2. / Supporting members within the group
The paperwork to support members was circulated prior to the meeting and copies available during the meeting
3. / Action notes of the last meeting
The action notes were approved as accurate.
A correction about the date of the meeting being the 25th of September and not the 29th was noted.
4. / Matters Arising/ Action Points
Unfortunately, Heather Hall (AHP consultant based within the Alliance), and Elaine Hunter (AHP Consultant within Alzheimer Scotland) were unable to attend and present to the group. Both have asked to attend a future meeting.
Action: PG to inviteHeather Hall (AHP consultant based within the Alliance), and Elaine Hunter (AHP Consultant within Alzheimer Scotland)to the next meeting .
Linda Renfrew updated the group about a successful bid between NHS Ayrshire and Arran and Chest Heart and Stroke following on from the last meeting.
Catrina Henderson did submit a Career Fellowship Bid related to the AHP Fit Note. It was unsuccessful on first submission.
The group were updated about two motions proposed by the CSP Scottish Board related to topics identified by this group:
  1. Supporting the development of Third Sector Practice Placement Provision
  2. Measuring the impact of moving from Supplementary Prescribing to Independent Prescribing

5. / Feedback from service users & carers
No information was available from members.
It was agreed that this will be a standing agenda item.
Action:All members to be aware of local service user engagement mechanisms and to report key outcomes/ messages into this group.
6. / Allied Health Professions Education & Workforce Report: Physiotherapy
(paper circulated) / 1Does the data on number of pre-reg students, registrants andNHS staff seem accurate according to your knowledge / experience?
2. Are all the correct pre-reg courses captured? Do you know of any good sources of data on support worker education?
3. Are there other published policy documents or initiatives which are likely to have an influence on demand for physiotherapy services, or the flow in/out of the workforce?
4.Do you know of any detailed information onphysio services delivered privately, or in other sectors?
5. Are there issues not described in the report which are currently, or are predicted to have a strong impact on the workforce?
The group were taken through the draft version of the report chapter by chapter. Each profession will have a similar report depending on what reliable data is available.
The group fed back comments and answered questions whilst progressing through the report.
Action: Grant Burns to proof read and provide comment on draft pages of the Education and Workforce report and feedback to Claire Tochel.
Fiona Macmillan highlighted that she did not receive the workforce and education report and therefore was unable to advise on modifications.
8. / NES AHP Education Strategy
See below
9. / Physiotherapy Education Workplan Document & NDP Educational Needs Document
The members met in two groups and discussed the two documents that capture physiotherapy education priorities.
The NDP group did not feel that there were significant educational needs related to this. Numerous resources were identified to help meet different NDP requirements. However, raising awareness of resources and using and implementing the resources was the challenge – alongside maintaining current practice provision. Leadership was a recurrent issue and a it was noted that there is NES support to develop leadership and Q uality Improvement capacity
Action: Peter Glover to update the workplan document for April 2014
10. / Update from the NES AHP Advisory Meeting
Janice McNee shared an update from the meeting on the 28th April.
The group were updated about a new approach to help AHPs meet deliverables within the National Delivery Plan. Susan Shandley has been appointed to a two-year secondment to support the Leadership and Quality Improvement skills of appointed individuals taking forward Unscheduled Care and Children and Young People. David Wylie is supporting the initiative in terms of evaluation.
The group were informed about the discussion related to the new AHP NES Strategy. There was considerable debate during the meeting about if the objectives were ‘outcomes’ and measurable. The term ‘commitments’ will be used in the next versionand annual progress will be shared
Action: PG to pass on comments about the AHP NES strategy from Janice McNee
12. / Date and Venue of Next Meeting:
Action: Anne Wallace & Janice McNee to indicate availability for early November & late April

5th November 2014 (West Port Offices, Edinburgh) & 28th April (Central Quay Offices, Glasgow)

Action Required / Responsibility
1 / Action: PG to structure the existing Knowledge Network web pages and upload some materials. A communication strategy is needed to raise awareness / Peter Glover
2 / Action: PG to inviteHeather Hall (AHP consultant based within the Alliance), and Elaine Hunter (AHP Consultant within Alzheimer Scotland)to the next meeting . / Peter Glover
3 / Action: All members to be aware of local service user engagement mechanisms and to report key outcomes/ messages into this group. / All
4 / Action: Fiona Macmillan and Grant Burns to proof read and provide comment on draft pages of the Education and Workforce report and feedback to Claire Tochel / Fiona MacMillan, Grant Burns
5 / Action: Peter Glover to update the workplan document for April 2014 / Peter Glover
6 / Action: PG to pass on comments about the AHP NES strategy from Janice McNee / Peter Glover
7 / Action: Anne Wallace & Janice McNee to indicate availability for early November & late April / Anne Wallace, Janice McNee