Defence Aviation Safety Authority / DASR Form 26
Military Aircraft Maintenance Licence


These guidelines are designed to assist you to complete the DASR Form 26 for the acceptance of nominated personnel under an approved exposition and the Defence Aviation Safety Regulation (DASR).


It is the applicant’s responsibility to apply for DASA approval only if they have a requirement for the approval and can demonstrate compliance with all the relevant regulatory requirements.

Please carefully read this document and any relevant Acceptable Means of Compliance or Guidance Material issued by DASA and available on the Defence Aviation Safety Program (DASA) website to assist with the application process.


  1. The document shall be printed in the standardised form shown but may be reduced in size to accommodate its computer generation if desired. When the size is reduced care should be exercised to ensure sufficient space is available in those places where official seals/stamps are required. Computer generated documents need not have all the boxes incorporated when any such box remains blank so long as the document can clearly be recognised as a MAML issued in accordance with DASR 66.
  2. The document shall be printed in English.


  1. Each MAML holder shall have a unique licence number starting with the three-letter ISO3166 country code, ieAUS for Australia, followed by ‘DASR66’, followed by an alpha-numeric designator (see page 1 of the MAML).


  1. The document may be prepared by:
  2. the DASA, or
  3. the DASR 145 AMO with whom the proposed licencee is employed (if the DASA agrees and subject to a procedure developed as part of the MOE referred to in DASR 145.A.70, except thatDASA will issue the MAML), or
  4. a DASR approved Military Training Organisation (except thatDASA will issue the MAML), or
  5. an individual.


  1. The preparation of any change to an existing MAML may be carried out by.
  2. the DASA or;
  3. any DASR 145 AMO, if the DASA agrees and subject to a procedure developed as part of the MOE referred to in DASR 145.A.70, except that the NMAA will change the MAML, or
  4. an individual.


  1. DASA may issue more than one Military Aircraft Type Rating page or refer to a supplementary annex.


  1. The MAML shall clearly indicate that:
  2. The limitations are exclusions from the certification privileges. If there are no limitations applicable, the ‘DASR 66 LIMITATIONS’ (see page 6 of the MAML) will be issued stating ‘NO LIMITATIONS’.
  3. The extensions are additional certification privileges. If there are no extensions applicable, the ‘DASR66 EXTENSIONS’ (see page 7 of the MAML) will be issued stating ‘NO EXTENSIONS’.

Annex to Form 26

  1. The annex to ‘DASR Form 26’(see page 8 of the MAML) is optional and may only be used to include national privileges, where such privileges are covered by the national military airworthiness regulations outside the scope of DASR 66.


  1. Once issued, the MAML is required to be kept in good condition by the holder. The holder shall remain accountable for ensuring that no unauthorised entries are made.
  2. Failure to comply with paragraph 9 may invalidate the document and could lead to the holder not being permitted to hold any certification privilege and may result in disciplinary action and / or prosecution under national law.
  3. Before granting an authorisation to certify aircraft maintenance, aDASR 145 AMO needs to be satisfied that the person holds a valid DASR 66 MAML (DASRAMC 145.A.35(b)). This shall be confirmed with the DASA.
  4. Where a pre-printed format is used, any category, subcategory or Military Aircraft Type Rating box which does not contain a rating entry shall be marked to show that the rating is not held.

Privacy Policy

  1. DASA requires the provision of information as listed in this form. All such information received will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed to any third parties unless that disclosure is required or authorised by law. DASA will safeguard personal information, however, please be aware that DASA policy is to publish approvals on its website.


  1. Submit the electronic form to DASA Part 66.

NOTE:If there is insufficient space in any of the fields, please attach additional information to this form.

DASR Form 26–V1.0

Date and place of birth:
Nationality of holder:
Military Aircraft Maintenance Licence Number:
DASR Form 26 (DASR 66 edition 1.0)
Sponsor: DAVREG / Signature of holder:
MAML number:
AUS.DASR66.XXXXXPage 2 of 8
This MAML shall be signed by the holder.
Endorsement of any categories on the page(s) titled ‘DASR66 CATEGORIES’ only, does not permit the MAML holder to issue a ‘Certificate of Release to Service’ for aircraft.
The privileges of the holder of this MAML are described within DASR66.
This MAML remains valid for an unlimited duration subject to the holder remaining in compliance with the requirements of DASR66 and the MAML not being suspended, surrendered or revoked.
The privileges of this MAML may only be exercised with the certification authorisation of an DASR145 Approved Maintenance Organisation and may not be exercised unless in the preceding two year period the holder has had either six months of maintenance experience in accordance with the privileges granted by the licence, or met the provision for the issue of the appropriate privileges.
VALIDITY / A / B1 / B2 / C
Aeroplanes Turbine
Aeroplanes Piston
Helicopters Turbine
Helicopters Piston
Base Maintenance
Signature of issuing officer and date:
Seal and stamp of issuing authority:
AUS.DASR66.XXXXX Page 4 of 8

DASR Form 26–V1.0

Military Aircraft Type Rating / Category / Stamp and Date
AUS.DASR66.XXXXXPage 5 of 8 / AUS.DASR66.XXXXXPage 6 of 8
DASR66 EXTENSIONS / Annex to DASR Form 26
PRIVILEGES outside the scope of DASR66 in accordance with Defence Aviation Safety Regulations.
Official Stamp and date:
AUS.DASR66.XXXXXPage 7 of 8 / AUS.DASR66.XXXXXPage 8 of 8

DASR Form 26–V1.0