(CTC510) The Spiritual Roots of Disease

Masters Level Student Assignments – General Directions

Preliminary instructions: Exercises #1 and #2 can be copied to a new document, and you can then type the answers to each item. To do this, follow these steps. (Note: If you do not have Adobe Acrobat 9.5 installed on your computer, you should do so now. It is free from

1. Open your Microsoft Word program and create a blank document, then return to this document.

2. If your mouse pointer in the screen containing the assignment page shows as a hand as you move it around on the page, go to the upper tool bar and left click on the “mouse pointer” icon. This will change the hand to a true mouse pointer.

3. Beginning at the top of the first assignment page, click and hold the left mouse button as you drag the pointer down through all the pages for Assignments 1-3. This will highlight the text.

4. Click the right mouse button and, from the drop-down menu, select “Copy.”

5. Go back to your newly-created Word document. Place the cursor at the top of the page, click the right mouse button, and select “Paste” from the drop-down menu.

6. Save your newly-created Word document someplace on your computer. You are now ready to work in these documents to complete the exercises.

7. When the exercisesare complete, save the document again. Then send it as a file attachment to an e-mail message to Dr. Robert Rundall, Dean of Academic Services. His e-mail address is .

The exercises begin on the next page. Make sure the font size you use is “12.” Be aware that, as you type in your answers, some lines may cause the rest of the text to be moved downward toward the next page. You may have to use the “Backspace” or “Delete” key to adjust the beginning of succeeding pages.

NOTE: You are not required to personally purchase the tools needed for this assignment. They may be available to you through your local public library, or through your church’s library, or perhaps from your pastor. Ultimately, however, you should consider purchasing these tools for future use, whether to complete other courses, or simply to assist you in your personal studies in the Word.

(CTC510) The Spiritual Roots of Disease

Student Assignment #1

Word Study –“Faith”

Student Name: Date Submitted:

Tools needed: A Strong’s Concordance, a New Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, a Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, and a KJV Bible.

Assignment: Read the verses listed below. Look up in each reference book the Greek word for “faith” in each verse. Then supply the proper information under each book below.

1. Hebrews 11:1 – “Faith”


A. Dictionary number –

B. Transliteration –

C. Etymology –

D. Definition –

E. Ways translated –


Primary definitions (There may be only one or more than three, but do not show more than three.)





1. Transliteration (from Strong’s) –

2. Definition –

2. Titus 2:10 – “Fidelity”


A. Dictionary number –

B. Transliteration –

C. Etymology –

D. Definition –

E. Ways translated –


Primary definitions (There may be only one or more than three, but do not show more than three.)





1. Transliteration (from Strong’s) –

2. Definition –

(CTC510) The Spiritual Roots of Disease

Student Assignment #2

Word Study –“Heal”

Student Name: Date Submitted:

Tools needed: A Strong’s Concordance, a New Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, a Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, and a KJV Bible.

Assignment: Read the verses listed below. Look up in each reference book the Greek word for “heal” in each verse. Then supply the proper information under each book below.

1. Luke 7:3 – “Heal”


A. Dictionary number –

B. Transliteration –

C. Etymology –

D. Definition –

E. Ways translated –


Primary definitions (There may be only one or more than three, but do not show more than three.)





1. Transliteration (from Strong’s) –

2. Definition –

2. Acts 4:14 – “Healed”


A. Dictionary number –

B. Transliteration –

C. Etymology –

D. Definition –

E. Ways translated –


Primary definitions (There may be only one or more than three, but do not show more than three.)





1. Transliteration (from Strong’s) –

2. Definition –

3. Luke 8:36 – “Healed”


A. Dictionary number –

B. Transliteration –

C. Etymology –

D. Definition –

E. Ways translated –


Primary definitions (There may be only one or more than three, but do not show more than three.)





1. Transliteration (from Strong’s) –

2. Definition –

(CTC510) The Spiritual Roots of Disease

Student Assignment #3

Essay Assignment

Preliminary instructions: This exercise must be typed as a separate Microsoft Word document and submitted at the same time as the two word study assignments. Follow the instructions listed below to complete this assignment.

1. This essay must be typed and double-spaced. It must be no longer than ten pages, but no shorter than four, in length. An essay that contains fewer than four, or more than ten, pages will be returned to you for re-writing.

2. If your essay is only four pages long, the fourth page must be at least half full of text.

3. The type font to be used is “Times New Roman,” and the font size is “12.” Your page margins must be no less than one inch (1”) all around.

4. The heading for this essay should appear in the same fashion as the heading at the top of this page, with an added line showing your name, a comma, and the date you submitted it. The lines of the heading should be single-spaced, but the rest of the essay must be double-spaced.

5. Do not use any color other than black for anything in your essay. Do not include any illustrations of any kind. Do not use bold or italic lettering in your essay.

6. Grammar, punctuation and spelling count!

7. If you include any material other than your own from books, articles or the Internet, you must give proper attribution to the source. If you do not, you will be guilty of plagiarism and will be given a failing grade. If you have any questions about this, contact Dr. Rundall at 410-634-9005.

8. If you include material from the Internet, check the grammar, punctuation and spelling. Such material is often incorrect.

9. Save your newly-created essay someplace on your computer.

10. When the exercise is complete, send it as a file attachment to an e-mail message to Dr. Robert Rundall, Dean of Academic Services. His e-mail address is .

The specifics about this essay exercise begin on the next page.

Essay Topics

This essay assignment may be written from a “personal experience” standpoint, or it may be an objective examination of a topic related to the subject of health or healing, or it may incorporate both. In either case, you must choose one topic from the list below, incorporating your own knowledge, your knowledge of Scripture, and the knowledge and insight you have gained from reading the textbook.

1. “In Everything Give Thanks” (1 Timothy 5:18)

2. Does God Cause Disease?

3. Why are Some People not Healed?

4. Spiritual Wholeness versus Physical Wholeness

5. Differentiating Between Healing and Divine Health

6. Generational Curses and Healing

CAUTION: This essay is to be written as objectively as possible, even if it is a personal testimony. Under no circumstances should you be sidetracked into “preaching,” and you must avoid “chasing rabbits.” In other words, you must stick to your specific subject. You are to simply share what you know, or what you have learned, or what your experience has been. You are not to try to convince anyone to believe in a particular theological doctrine regarding healing, nor are you to use this essay as a platform to attack anyone who disagrees with your beliefs.