Helena Regional Airport Authority

Airport Authority Meeting

FEBRUARY 17, 2015


In Attendance:

Peter Donovan, Chair

Janice Schenk, Secretary

Mark Eichler, Commissioner

Howard Skjervem, Commissioner

John Grant, Commissioner

Jon Moe, Commissioner

Jeff Wadekamper, Airport Director


Jane Fournier, Vice Chair

Others Attending:

Tim Orthmeyer, Morrison-Maierle, Inc.

Hanna Warhank, Gough, Shanahan, Johnson & Waterman

Connie Lundin, Financial Manager

Pete Hartman, RMESTC Coordinator

Kerry Johnson, Administrative Assistant

Ross Marty, Business & Compliance Manager


Motion was made by Schenk, seconded by Skjervem, to approve the Minutes of the January 20, 2015 Authority Meeting. The motion carried unanimously.




AIP-47 & 48. Wadekamper met with Morrison-Maierle, Inc. and Robert Peccia & Associates to discuss the Independent Fee Review that Peccia provided on the proposed engineering fees for AIP-47 and AIP-48. After detailed discussion on the scope of work, both Peccia & Morrison-Maierle reviewed the proposed fees and were able to reduce the variance between them to a level acceptable within FAA standards. One item of note is that Morrison-Maierle, Inc. included updating the Airport’s Storm Water Plan into the Master Plan Review (AIP-48). The Storm Water Plan has not been altered since 2000, and Wadekamper and Orthmeyer think including it in the Master Plan Review is appropriate. Wadekamper recommended approval of the engineering fees as revised.

Motion was made by Grant, seconded by Moe, to approve the engineering fees as proposed by Morrison-Maierle, Inc. for AIP-47 and AIP-48, subject to approval by the Federal Aviation Administration. The motion carried unanimously.


A-7 Aircraft Display at RMESTC. In 1995, the US Air Force Static Display Program donated a retired A-7 fighter plane for display at the Rocky Mountain Emergency Services Training Center. The City of Helena is the designated sponsoring entity, although the Airport provides any on-going maintenance and insurance coverage. The aircraft originally came from the Ohio National Guard, and has no historic ties to the Helena area. Wadekamper mentioned the A-7 to Castle Air Museum, the entity that is taking possession of the Lockheed Constellation aircraft that was originally owned by Helena College–University of Montana. Castle Air Museum is interested in obtaining the A-7 for their museum; the City of Helena has indicated it will support relocating the aircraft to that facility.

Motion was made by Eichler, seconded by Schenk, to approve the transfer of the A-7 military aircraft to Castle Air Museum, pending the approval of the US Air Force Static Display Program and acceptance of the transfer and associated costs by the Castle Air Museum. The motion carried unanimously.

Wadekamper will work with the US Air Force Static Display Program and Castle Air Museum to facilitate the transfer.

Long-Term Parking Lot Improvements. Airport staff compiled a list of capabilities and features for the automated payment and vehicle access equipment for the Long Term Parking Lot. Orthmeyer developed specifications for the electronic system, and the request for bids has been advertised. The Bid Opening is scheduled for March 6, 2015. Fencing costs, reconfiguration of entrance/exit lanes, and asphalt work will be accomplished by in-house staff and/or a separate design and bid process. Wadekamper reported that the community has generally expressed support for the project but is opposed to significant increases in parking rates. Wadekamper said that although a slight increase in parking costs may be required to fund the improvements, he is committed to keeping the rates low.

Rocky Mountain Emergency Services Training Center. Hartman reported that many early registrations for Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting classes have been received. He is optimistic that the 2015 training season will be one of the most successful to date.

The Authority and Airport staff discussed the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of leasing out the mobile training units to entities that are located a significant distance from Helena. The Authority directed the staff to develop cost estimates for the operation and related costs for those mobile units. Hartman and Marty will have a recommendation of the maximum cost-effective area the units can be transported for consideration at the March Authority Meeting.

Turf Runway. The Airport received a Letter of Determination from the FAA designating the turf landing strip as an official runway. This will allow the Air Traffic Control Tower to utilize their standard aircraft separation distances, and will also allow the Airport to designate that only “A-1” category single-engine aircraft can use the turf runway.


Federal Motor Carriers. Wadekamper outlined in detail the proposed long-term lease terms that he is submitting to GSA for the Federal Motor Carriers agency. He said the proposal is for ten years, with the first five being a firm term. The rates are very competitive, and the proposal includes an escalation clause.

Motion was made by Skjervem, seconded by Grant, to approve the Offer to Lease Space to Federal Motor Carriers as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

Captain Jack’s Lease Extension. Angela Blixt, owner/operator of Captain Jack’s Restaurant & Lounge, requested an extension of her concession agreement as provided for in the lease. Wadekamper and Blixt discussed several operational issues, some of which were incorporated into the extension agreement. Wadekamper recommended approval of the extension.

Motion was made by Grant, seconded by Moe, to approve the Addendum extending the Concessionaire’s Lease with Captain Jack’s through February 28, 2017. The motion carried unanimously.

James Olsen. James Olsen requested the renewal of his Non-commercial Aviation Ground Lease. Wadekamper recommended approval of the renewal.

Motion was made by Eichler, seconded by Grant, to approve a five-year extension of the Non-commercial Aviation Ground Lease with James Olsen. The motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Eichler, seconded by Moe, to accept the Income and Expense and Past Due Financial Reports as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Moe recommended that staff expand the map on the Airport’s website depicting commercial lots available for development. The Authority concurred that depicting businesses such as Costco, Home Depot, and motels in the immediate area is likely to make the area seem more attractive to prospective businesses.




Airport Director’s Comments – Jeff Wadekamper

Business & Compliance Manager’s Report – Ross Marty

RMESTC Coordinator’s Report – Pete Hartman

Income & Expense and Past Due Accounts Reports – Connie Lundin

/s/ Peter Donovan

Peter Donovan, Chair


/s/ Janice Schenk

Janice Schenk, Secretary (SEAL)

Helena Regional Airport Authority Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2015

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