January 19, 2016


The conference call meeting was called to order by President Jeff Dolan at 6:04.


Judi BidwickBill GarvinMitzi PaniaguaFrank Clymer

Virginia AustinJim Lenahan*7:15John WellsLinda Johnson (illness)

Jo Ann TollengerKara Moyer*6:21Bev Townsend

Jeff DolanEd Penfield*Cyndy Dennison, Mgr

The minutes from the last conference call meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

The report was sent by email to all BOD members. There were questions asked about back fees. J said all attorney costs were included and paid with late fees.

An owner in building 11 owes back fees of $999. Fee is to be paid. There is a clause in the by-laws whereby the entire unit fees must be paid prior to be beginning of the year. The Board of Directors may require this. If we have the ability, in this case, we should request the yearly fees up front. This particular owner is in arrears continually. The question was asked if there are any extenuating circumstances. The owner has not responded at all when we send reminders, etc. The last time the owner responded was when we went to the attorney to request payment. Bylaws 6 sect 1, the bylaws will be accelerated ….etc. Jo Tollenger has tried to reach out to this owner but so far not much has worked.

The attorney will be contacted by J.

Storm preparations for removal of furniture from three units are paid. Permit 64 should be sent a notice that oldest debts are to be paid first. J took $50 from latest monthly dues payment to pay for the storm preparation fee.

J related that there are changes to the way the budget is shown; some areas are heavy in summer and not in winter, etc. This change enables us to see what we’ve done and how we’re doing. Jeff made a suggestion but j says it’s not as easy to do what he suggested. They will talk off line about the change. Jeff wants to see full year budget; J understands but feels this was the best he could do.

Page 3 Are we going to do anything about the shims in the windows? Cyndy feels Anderson won’t do anything—they didn’t feel like shims were needed so they weren’t installed. It would mean there’s a need to take off the molding to see which ones need the shims…we would need to pull off the trims to determine this. Cyndy says we would act on a case by case basis if someone had a leak in the window. The one in McCoy’s building was not a shim issue. Jeff thought we agreed previously that we wouldn’t do anything at this time. We did put in the claim at the time when warranty was still in effect. We will delete this from our reserve expenditure list then.

Cyndy noted that there are low areas on the concrete and mailboxes need to be addressed. (At bottom of page 3) Balcony staining can be put on hold

Mailboxes really need to be replaced; there is rust, etc. and mail is getting wet.

Concrete pads within the compound will be replaced under warranty---they are not on list

End of year 2016 is May 30; pool repairs are the only things we must look forward to in 2016

Sidewalks have been a problem for a number of years;

Jo asked about the columns that need to be shored up. We are only 6 months away from when we were going to attack the problem. We should move the twoTBDs up

Cyndy needs to get a real number before we move the two ---find out just how much it will cost for the building supports. Then we can see where we want to move the TBDs. Cyndy will check on a recent amount.

We may be able to do one of these in 2017 but it will depend on how much the support columns will be.

The structural engineer felt that not all of them need to be redone. She will check with the contractor and have info for the March meeting.

Move to accept the Treasurer’s Report, second. Passed.

Additional question:

Was there any response from increase of dues to $200? J said no one has complained. Apparently many people don’t read their mail…20% of the dues submittedin January were at the old rate. Letters and emails will go out to remind people of the new fee. Three owners remaining have not applied the remaining 25 dollars to bring their dues payment up to $200. 18 paid at the old rate. But 3 are left to pay the additional 25 dollars. Each of the other 18 owners sent in the additional 25 dollars.


Judi Bidwick, Maureen Paniagua, Jim Lenahan, John Wells and Kara Moyer are up for elections this coming July. Update copies of bios and front facial digital photo are needed for the website.

Bill asked that we copy him with digital photo and bio.

Concern issued by Jo….there was no quorum last year at the General Meeting; what do we do if it happens this year? We can move forward with those that are in attendance and hope that attendance is better in the future.

We will do a headliner in the newsletter for voting this year to help with the communication for our owners to both vote online and also to attend the General Meeting.

If you look at a list of owners, we have a number of folks who are older and may be electronically challenged.

Linda should send a letter out to members to let them know they can request a ballot. We will try e-voting again this year. Owners should bear some of the responsibility and do their share by voting or letting us know that they want a paper ballot. On line they can write in a candidate; they can fill in a proxy also. The real issue is that not enough owners attend the meeting in July. They can vote at the meeting.

Storm fee assessment: 2 appeals, 4 appeals in all.

The three were charged and they paid. One lives at Gullway year round;

Owners just need to bring in their furniture in a timely way when storms are imminent. Cyndy did have to lay the furniture down and secure it so work had to be done by the manager with the one condo whose owner felt the furniture was so heavy it didn’t need to be brought inside. Jeff will talk with Cyndy then he will get back with the person.

Strength comes with rules and they will ultimately be followed consistently for all owners.

Resident Manager Report

Cyndy—see attachment sent to all BOD

Pole light was hit and insurance will pay

Fire extinguishers checked--only one needed to be replaced

Termite inspection was done…nothing obvious

Tree trimming was done in conjunction with adjoining condo assoc. Completed

Insurance renewal—$60,603--up from last year. Foundations we thought were covered are excluded from our policy. As a policy, foundations are specifically excluded and we were not aware of that last year.

New coverage comes down to $56,165 because of changes and deletions that Cyndy was able to find. She found out that 7% of our premium was being wasted on things that were specifically excluded or were covered by riders already included in our policy. Spike clause--The spike clause is an additional option that was new last year and is now available. This new provision would allow us to purchase up to 15% of additional insurance, at the same rate, AFTER A LOSS. This means that we could insure for up 15% less per year and pay for up to 15% in additional coverage, if necessary. However, it only covers named storms.

Coverage Premium Savings

New 2016 coverage $ 908,000 Premium $ 56,165 ($4,128)

15% less coverage - $ 771,800 Premium $ 47,740 ($8,425)

10% less coverage $ 817.200 Premium $ 50,548 ($5,617)

Total savings from original quote with new coverage and 15%: $12,553

Total savings from original quote with new coverage and 10%: $ 9,745

Motion to approve new coverage, seconded, and passed.

Spring contract for cutting grass, 150 per cut; pool contract still waiting on—will have by the March meeting.

J needs a proposed budget by March meeting

Fresh water lines are fine, no issues

Arch committee—one approval, Bev toilet replacement.

One unit for sale--424 Bayshore Drive, #102 @ $135,000.

Next meeting March 15, 2016

Motion to adjourn at 7:35. Passed

Respectfully submitted,

Judi Bidwick
