Wonderware InTouch
Interface to the PI System

Rev A


UniInt End-User Interface to the PI System

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UniInt End-User Interface to the PI System

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Reference Manuals 1

Supported Features 1

Diagram of Hardware Connection 5

Principles of Operation 7

Installation Checklist 9

Interface Installation 11

Naming Conventions and Requirements 11

Interface Directories 12

The PIHOME Directory Tree 12

Interface Installation Directory 12

Interface Installation Procedure 12

Installing the Interface as a Windows Service 13

Installing the Interface Service with PI-Interface Configuration Utility 13

Installing the Interface Service Manually 16

Digital States 17

PointSource 19

PI Point Configuration 21

Point Attributes 21

Tag 21

PointSource 21

PointType 21

Location1 21

Location2 22

Location3 22

Location4 22

Location5 22

InstrumentTag 23

ExDesc 23

Scan 25

Shutdown 25

Output Points 25

Trigger Method 1 (Recommended) 26

Trigger Method 2 26

Convers 26

Performance Point Configuration 27

Configuring Performance Points with PI ICU 27

Configuring Performance Points Manually 28

I/O Rate Tag Configuration 29

Monitoring I/O Rates on the Interface Node 29

Configuring I/O Rate Tags with PI ICU (Windows) 29

Configuring I/O Rate Tags Manually 31

Configuring the PI Point on the PI Server 31

Configuration on the Interface Node 31

Startup Command File 33

Configuring the Interface with PI ICU 33

Wintouch Interface Page 36

Command-line Parameters 38

Sample PI_InTouch.bat File 43

System Variable Path 45

Interface Node Clock 47

Security 49

Starting / Stopping the Interface on Windows 51

Starting Interface as a Service 51

Stopping Interface Running as a Service 51

Buffering 53

Configuring Buffering with PI ICU (Windows) 53

Configuring Buffering Manually 57

Sample piclient.ini File 58

Appendix A: Error and Informational Messages 59

Message Logs 59

Messages 59

System Errors and PI Errors 60

Revision History 61


Wonderware InTouch Interface to the PI System 25


The PI Wonderware InTouch interface is designed to integrate the PI System from OSIsoft with the InTouch system from Wonderware. It consists of the OSI Universal Interface core linked with a module, which customizes it for the InTouch environment. The interface is compatible with InTouch versions 6.0b – 9.x.

This interface transfers data between the InTouch database and the PI archive via the InTouch Database External Access (IDEA) Software Development Kit (SDK). The interface runs on Microsoft WINDOWS. Input tags (for sending data from InTouch to PI) as well as output tags (from PI to InTouch) are supported.

Reference Manuals


·  UniInt Interface User Manual

·  PI Server Manuals

·  PI API Installation manual


·  The Extensibility Toolkit for InTouch User’s Guide

Supported Features

Feature / Support /
Part Number / PI-IN-WW-INTCH-NTI
* Platforms / Windows NTI NT4/W2K/XP/2003
APS Connector / No
Point Builder Utility / No
ICU Control / Yes
PI Point Types / Digital, Int16, Int32, Float16, Float32, Float64 and String
Sub-second Timestamps / Yes
Sub-second Scan Classes / Yes
Automatically Incorporates PIPoint Attribute Changes / Yes
Exception Reporting / Yes
Outputs from PI / Yes
Inputs to PI: Scan-based / Unsolicited / Event Tags / Scan-based / Event Tags
Supports Questionable Bit / No
Supports Multi-character PointSource / Yes
Maximum Point Count / Unlimited
*Uses PI SDK / No
PINet String Support / N/A
* Source of Timestamps / PI Server
*History Recovery / No
* UniInt-based
Disconnected Startup
SetDeviceStatus / Yes
* Failover / Yes – InTouch I/O Server failover supported
* Vendor Software Required on PI Interface Node/PINet Node / Yes
Vendor Software Required on Foreign Device / No
Vendor Hardware Required / No
Additional PI Software Included with Interface / No
* Device Point Types / Discrete, Integer, Real, and String

* See paragraphs below for further explanation.


The Interface is designed to run on the above mentioned Microsoft Windows operating systems and greater. Windows XP requires service pack 2 (SP2).

Please contact OSIsoft Technical Support for more information.


The PI SDK and the PI API are bundled together and must be installed on each PI Interface node. This Interface does not specifically make PI SDK calls.

Source of Timestamps

When the value of a tag is read from InTouch, the PI server time is used as the event’s timestamp. This timestamp may be adjusted using the /to=n parameter. This parameter specifies the number of seconds (as a positive or negative number) to adjust the timestamp by. This offset, when specified, applies to all tags and all scans.

There is also a mechanism for adjusting the timestamp of individual tags. This is typically used when there is a significant delay between the value of a tag actually being scanned in the field and the value being received by InTouch. For example, a tag may be scanned in the field every 15 minutes but takes several minutes to reach InTouch. In this case you would typically want the timestamp in PI to represent the time the tag was scanned in the field rather than when it was written to InTouch. This can be achieved by using a combination of scan class and Location2 settings. See the section on Location2 on page 22 for more information.

The /tm parameter tells the interface to output timestamp messages to the error log file. This is useful for debugging any timestamp manipulation that is configured.


UniInt stands for Universal Interface. UniInt is not a separate product or file; it is an OSIsoft-developed template used by developers, and is integrated into many interfaces, including this interface. The purpose of UniInt is to keep a consistent feature set and behavior across as many of OSIsoft’s interfaces as possible. It also allows for the very rapid development of new interfaces. In any UniInt-based interface, the interface uses some of the UniIntsupplied configuration parameters and some interface-specific parameters. UniInt is constantly being upgraded with new options and features.

The UniInt Interface User Manual is a supplement to this manual.


The Wonderware InTouch Interface is built with UniInt New functionality has been added to support health tags. The Health tag with the point attribute Exdesc = [UI_DEVSTAT], is used to represent the status of the source device. The following events can be written into this tag:

a) “1 | Starting” - the interface is starting.

b) “Good” - the interface is properly communicating and reading data from the Wonderware InTouch system.

c) The following event represents a failure to communicate with the Wonderware InTouch system (the system is not running):

"3 | 1 device(s) in error | InTouch is not running"

This event will be written into the Health tag only if the interface is running interactively. If the interface is running as a Windows service, this event will never be written into the tag. The interface service will stop when Wonderware InTouch View service stops.

Please refer to the UniInt Interface User Manual for more information on how to configure health points.

d) “4 | Intf Shutdown” - the interface is stopped.


In a typical Wonderware InTouch – PI InTouch application, there are three components that can fail:

  1. I/O Server (The means by which real-world data is brought into InTouch).
  2. InTouch (The actual MMI product).
  3. PI InTouch (The interface used to exchange data between InTouch and PI).

The Failover mechanism built into the PI InTouch Interface only applies to failure of the I/O Server.

The failover mechanism in this interface is very simple and works with any number of InTouch hosts. The interface simply examines a specified InTouch point, which holds the name of the active/online I/O Server, and if it is not the current host (also specified), then it does not scan that InTouch node for updated point values.

To operate using failover simply install and run the interface on the two or more InTouch hosts, making sure to specify the /fp and /fs parameters in the startup command file. The /fp parameter (InTouch failover point name) will be identical on each of the hosts, but the /fs parameter (local server name for failover) will differ. See the “Command-Line Parameters” section on page 38 for a description of these parameters.

Vendor Software Required

The IDEA SDK (InTouch Database External Access Software Development Kit) must be purchased with InTouch version 6.0b. Subsequent releases have the necessary components embedded.

Device Point Types

InTouch uses the following point types: Discrete, Integer, Real, and String. The interface supports the following point types: Digital, Int16, Int32, Float16, Float32, Float64, and String. The interface supports all combinations and makes every effort to convert between types – even strings.

Diagram of Hardware Connection


Wonderware InTouch Interface to the PI System 25

Principles of Operation

The PI Wonderware InTouch interface is a console-based, UniInt-based, interface.

The interface starts by first searching the PI tag database for all tags whose PointSource matches the interface’s PointSource as designated at startup. The interface then attempts to make a connection to each of the associated tags within InTouch.

When the interface process has completed these initial tasks, it enters a permanent loop in which it checks for the expiration of the update period for each scan class, and the expiration of the tag attributes update period. This loop is repeated until the interface is stopped.

The PI Wonderware InTouch interface supports scan-based input tags, event-based input tags, and output tags. The interface groups all the event-based tags having a common event tag into a dynamic list for servicing together, so that all event-based tags in the list are updated when their event tag has an exception.

The manner in which the interface manages the connection to InTouch is determined by the /ws and the /ht parameters that are specified in the startup command file. If the /ws parameter is not specified, the interface will exit when a connection attempt fails – this includes the initial connection at startup. Otherwise, the value of the /ws parameter is the number of seconds to delay between reconnection attempts. This allows the interface to start before InTouch does, in which case a connection will be attempted periodically until successful. Also, if InTouch exits, the interface will continue to operate, attempting a connection periodically until successful.

The /ht parameter tells the interface to hold a tag connection open between scans. If this is not specified, a tag connection is made, the tag is read, and then the tag is disconnected, for each scan. This is obviously an inefficient way to process tags. For the sake of efficiency this parameter should be specified except when the system resources are low and the interface becomes unstable.


Wonderware InTouch Interface to the PI System 25

Installation Checklist

For those users who are familiar with running PI data collection interface programs, this checklist helps you get the PI Wonderware InTouch interface running. If you are not familiar with PI interfaces, you should return to this section after reading the rest of the manual in detail.

1.  Install the PI Interface Configuration Utility (which installs PI SDK and PI API)

2.  Verify that PI API has been installed.

3.  Install the PI Wonderware InTouch interface.

4.  Choose a point source.

5.  Configure PI points.
Location1 is the interface number.
Location2 is the time offset in seconds.
Location3 specifies whether the point is an input point (0) or output point (1).
Location4 is the scan class.
Location5 is not used.
ExDesc specifies whether tags are event-based.
InstrumentTag specifies the InTouch point name associated with the PI tag.

6.  Configure the interface using the PI ICU utility or edit startup command file manually. It is recommended to use PI ICU whenever possible.
/id=# defines the connection.

7.  Configure performance points.

8.  Configure I/O Rate tag.

9.  Add the InTouch directory to the System Variable Path.

10.  Set interface node clock.

11.  Set up security.

12.  Start the interface without buffering.

13.  Verify data.

14.  Stop interface, start buffering, start interface.


Wonderware InTouch Interface to the PI System 25

Interface Installation

OSIsoft recommends that interfaces be installed on PI Interface Nodes instead of directly on the PIServer node. A PI Interface node is any node other than the PI Server node where the PIApplication Programming Interface (PI API) has been installed (see the PI APIInstallation Instructions manual). With this approach, the PI Server need not compete with interfaces for the machine’s resources. The primary function of the PIServer is to archive data and to service clients that request data.