Minutes 10 May 2017

Matt Eaton, Chairman
Bill Watts, Vice Chairman
Geoff Hall, Councillor / Ray Jakes, Councillor
Donna Linsey, Councillor
David Kerney, Councillor / Robert Turner, SC District Councillor
John Williams, County Councillor
Tracey Thorby, Parish Clerk
Mr Martin Flack
Mr Flack (jnr)
No / Agenda Item / Action
1 / Election and Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office:
Election of Chairperson: / Matt Eaton
Bill proposed, Geoff seconded
Election of Vice Chairperson: / Ray Jakes
Bill proposed, Geoff seconded
Election of Sub Committees/Groups/Trusts:
Financial Sub Committee (4PCs): / 1.  Matt Eaton
2.  Ray Jakes
3.  Donna Linsey
4.  Tracey Thorby
Bill proposed, Geoff seconded
Tree Warden: / Bill Watts
Matt proposed, Geoff seconded
Childes Charity Trust (4 Parishioners): / 1.  Gregg Foster
2.  Brian Thorby
3.  David Hurrell
4.  Bill Watts
Matt proposed, Geoff seconded
Quy Fen Trust (2 Parishioners): / 1.  Bill Watts
2.  Chris Butler
Matt proposed, Geoff seconded
Village Hall Representative (1PC) / Geoff Hall
Matt proposed, Ray seconded
Bottisham United Charity (1PC) / 1.  David Hurrell
2.  Richard Watts
Matt proposed, Geoff seconded
Childes Charity Trust, Bill advised that Gregg was trying to get some slightly younger members involved and had asked Jason Hall but Bill was not aware of outcome so will follow up. Agreed Bill would stay on Trust but was willing to step down.
All agreed proposals. / Bill
2. / Apologies:
David Hurrell, Councillor
3. / Members’ Declaration of Interest for items on the Agenda
4. / Minutes from 12 April 2017 meetings
Agreed and signed as a true record.
5. / Matters arising from previous meeting including:
A / Cambridge C.C. Highways matter:
Nicola Burdon her contact is
Tracey contacted Nicola Burdon and advised the following:
1.  Reference: 00260175 (Old Ref: NM-83670) Signpost at top of Albert Road/Newmarket Road still not replaced. Tracey to keep pursuing.
2.  NM-83671 Footpath by Mr & Mrs Carr very bad. Nicola has put this footway forward for further surface treatment, they will continue to monitor and will action any defects that meet their intervention levels.
3.  NM-83678 Wheatsheaf to offices path in a terrible state. Nicola has put this footway forward for further surface treatment, they will continue to monitor and will action any defects that meet their intervention levels.
4.  Drain outside thatch cottage opposite village hall still blocked. Clarified it is drain outside 15-17 Main Street. Nicola suggested on 20 April 2017 about sending a Jetting Crew in to jet along the whole of Main Street, will discuss further when Tracey meets Nicola on Tuesday 16 May 2017. Tracey to keep pursuing.
5.  Grass overflowing the footpaths need cutting back. Tracey sought quote for information initially from Paul Moore on 24 April 2017, need to contact Truelink. Nicola request more information, Tracey drew on map scanned and e-mailed Nicola on 26 April 2017 with guidance of footpaths and whether single or doubled edging is required.
6.  Reference: 00258695 road surface/potholes between Newmarket Road and the cycle path under the A14, CB25 9AG, Cycle Route 51. On 20 April 2017 Andy Rowlinson advised that CCC Highways have round and marked up the path/road and will be commencing work shortly. Tracey to keep pursuing.
7.  Leaves in drains, especially down Church and Stow Road as the drains are not working as they should. Tracey to keep pursuing.
Nicola suggested meeting to discuss what she/the service is able to provide and possibly visiting the areas in Stow-Cum-Quy which have been raised. Tracey meeting with Nicola on Tuesday 16 May 2017 and all issues above will be discussed. / Tracey
B / Speeding in the village:
John advised the County are keen on mobile speed activated cameras, the camera flashes the speed and has vehicle registration number recognition software and records the speed and retains this data. Those that are recorded as speeding are written to, if they receive 3 letters then they are visited by the police. It is an expensive piece of equipment and it has been suggested the CCC Highways should purchase and let the parishes use. The camera would be owned/retained by County Council and utilised within the parishes. This is not a solution but a way of warning motorists.
The problem regarding the pinchpoints is those who do give way and how the pinchpoints cause the traffic to back up. Agreed the Parish Council needs to continue to push forward. Confirmed it is Highway bywall under the highway traffic acts which requires the village has 10 pairs of cushions which would require to be placed every 90meters.
Agreed prepared to put new scheme in to seek funding. May require to work with Project Manager to make sure our scheme meets the requirements. HLI funding the parish scored very lowly and it is probably due to the fact we already have pinchpoints in situ. The Parish Council has the scheme provided by Marshalls so Matt needs to contact them to seek approval to use. The Parish Council needs to check the scheme is still compatible to be used as is a few years old, to make sure there are no additional requirements/changes. John suggested providing the plans to Mr Gaskin to make sure his quote is compliant and covers all work so no hidden costs suddenly happen. John will check why the first scheme was declined. / Matt
C / Jackdaw:
Discuss items to include in Jackdaw Chatter at next meeting.
Mr Richard Cox continues to litter pick at least once a week. He also cleared all the verges once Truelink had been through the village and cut recently. All agreed Mr Cox deserves thank you gift. Mr Cox likes gardening so agreed to get him £30.00 Scottsdale voucher, Tracey to arrange. / Tracey
D / Internet/Website:
Tracey uploading agenda and minutes as required within timeframes. Tracey changed WI page to Planning Application and has updated The Art Group and Carpet Bowls page and some of the Contact Page.
David advised ‘Finance Page’ required, Matt is going to add to website. / Tracey
E / Rec maintenance:
Andy and Ray have reviewed the Inspection Summary and very minor concerns:
Bolt/nut covers are always going missing but Andy is going sort some more.
Skate ramp - suggested sign by skate ramp to ‘recommend they wear safety equipment’.
Litter bin – knocked over and litter everywhere. If can attach to back of skate ramp. Ray will ask Andy or purchase from Glasdon, agreed up to £100.00.
Safety sign – does not feel necessary, discussed ‘use at your own risk’ sign but this is not covered by the law.
Discussed about bird poo on the swing seats, would it be possible to put cover over the top. Discussed, David has plastic pointy strip which you stick along the top which he uses up the allotment and agreed to organise. / David K
F / Accounts:
Zurich Insurance:
3 year long term agreement with option of extending a further 2 years. £1,516.10 for year 7 June 2017 to 6 June 2018. The rates have remained unchanged in accordance with the terms of the current Long Term Agreement and any increase is a result of any changes in cover advised by the Parish Council, the increased Insurance Premium Tax to 12% and index-linking has been applied to the property sums insurance to keep re-build costs and replacement values in line with inflation. This is currently set at 3%. Cheque raised.
G / Allotments:
4 Allotment agreements outstanding and one payment. Plot 5 is available, this has not had any work over the past 12-18 months so is overgrown and messy.
David suggested all the allotment owners get together and clear the plot and then Bill covers with manure which will maintain it for a while. Tracey to provide David with e-mail addresses and he will contact and arrange date. / Tracey/ David K
H / Parish Clerk:
Tracey to arrange meeting with Matt and Ray to review role and how job progressing as been 6 months. / Tracey
I / Cemetery:
Tracey advised about recent issue where she had allocated a burial plot recently for a funeral on Monday 8 May 2017. She went to mark the grave for the gravedigger on Thursday 4 May 2017 to find a couple were already buried in the plot. After a debate, discussion with Richard Watts, Bill Watts and Donna Linsey, Tracey marked up Mr Alan Farndale’s reserved plot as advised he is on his third wife so he may not be planning to be laid to rest in the cemetery. Tracey to try and track down Mr Farndale, if unable to contact or he confirms he does want the plot, Mr & Mrs Linsey have kindly agreed to move to plot in same row as their son (rather than diagonally), there would be one plot in-between them. Donna is purchasing this plot and if we do require to move the plots are reserved and Donna will move elsewhere in the cemetery.
David provided Tracey with the new print out of the cemetery plan and will forward the electronic version. David and Tracey need to go through the reserved records.
No response yet from Mr Gaskin. / Tracey/ Donna
David K/ Tracey
J / Church/Fable Farm:
Robert confirmed that a meeting has been arranged for Wednesday 17 May 2017 to commence at 10.00hrs at South Cambridgeshire District Council. Environmental Health, Legal and Enforcement Departments should be represented. Agreed it would be good if Parish Council can attend and also Mr Flack if he was available and prepared. Tracey, Ray and Mr Flack going to attend.
Arrowhead is the company who has been delivering the soil recently and they have provided all the money receipts as proof.
Illegal dumping, as it is cheaper than taking to dump. Roughly £450,000 worth of soil has been dumped on land.
Advised District Council will prosecute the County Council as they are the land owners. Both will prosecute the tenant.
Mr Flack states that he cannot see Mr Jones is going to sort the soil, he is more likely to do a runner.
Concerned who will foot the bill for moving the soil as there is no monies and if the tenant does not remove who has the has the responsibility to remove/sort out. Advised the County Council has the legal requirement.
Once the meeting next week has taken place, the Parish Council will approach County Farms to address outstanding issues/concerns.
Concerned could the site be turned into waste site? Mr Jones would have to put into an application to the County Planning Department to turn it into a minim waste/landfill site.
Matt concerned that this issue is going to turn into ‘table tennis’ match between County and District Council. Both Robert and John want to get this sorted. It’s easier as the farm is owned by County Farms and not privately owned. After the meeting John will be able to approach County Farms to see what they are going to do about it. The County Council is law abiding so will address the issues.
There will be minutes from the meeting and Robert will seek itinerary of what is going to happen and a timeframe to be able to forward to parishioners.
All councillors to e-mail questions to Tracey by Sunday, Tracey will collate the questions, check with all the council and then forward to Bill Trotter and copy in Robert and John on Monday 15 May 2017. Tracey will collate all the paperwork, photographs etc that we have to take to meeting.
Concerned about the site getting worse. Parishioners to keep an eye. Would the District be interested in putting a camera for surveillance up the Church Tower, add to the list of questions for meeting.
Further ‘Rave/Party’ held on Saturday 15 April 2017. After discussion, a further e-mail was sent on 25 April 2017 to SCDC Planning, Enforcement Team and County Farms regarding the recent ‘rave/party’ and the additional loads of ‘white’ (about 13) loads of soil which photographs were provided which had been taken from the clock tower of St Mary’s Church.
Mr Bill Trotter responded straight back to advise:
“A Planning Enforcement Notice was served on the tenant of this property on Friday 21/4/17 requiring the removal of all of the imported materials from the site. He has 28 days in which to lodge any appeal against the enforcement notice. If he does not lodge any appeal he then has a further three months compliance period, by the end of which he is expected to have removed all of the imported material from the site.
As I understand, any issues regarding raves/parties are being delt with by the licencing dept and Cambs county Council.”
A further ‘rave/party’ had been organised by Chemrez on Sunday 30 April 2017 but advertised at being held at The Missing Sock. At 10.15pm Tracey drove past The Missing Sock which was closed and drove along Newmarket Road towards Fable Farm/roundabout. It was clear on approach that the ‘party/rave’ was taking place at the farm. Two young adults walked across the road and went into the churchyard by climbing over the wall. Tracey parked up in the church car park and watched several teenagers/young adults milling around at the entrance to the farm, the gate was closed but could clearly hear the music. Several teenagers/young adults to and fro between the farm and the churchyard, climbing over the wall and could see some which just stayed in churchyard. Tracey found this disrespectful of the church and those laid to rest so called 101. Another complaint had already been made so police were on their way. Tracey watched the police arrive but left about 11.25pm. Tracey took photographs of the rubbish in the churchyard on Monday 1 May 2017, couple of balloons found, 1 in churchyard, 1 in cemetery but bus shelter clean. Advised by parishioners along Newmarket Road that canisters had been thrown into their front gardens.