Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura (inglés)

Adapted from British Curriculum


How can be a better consumer?
This unit belongs to the FIRST COURSE of SECONDARY EDUCATION (KEY STAGE 3) and promotes learning across the curriculum by including different subjects suchasNatural Science,Math, orreallife issues.
Ittries to include the Theory into Practice. In this way, itpretends that studentsbecome familiar witheverydaymagnitudes, since students like consumersmust know how tointerpretthe informationprovided in mass media or how to be good consumers at home. (e.g. saving electricity or water).
It will consist of 6sessions depending on the progress of the students.Also, students should extend their knowledge to family about the “Sustainable development” (S.D.)
Experimental and investigative work focuses on:
  • Making, recording and presenting observations.
  • Reasoning and deducting.
  • Drawings conclusions.

Language used in the unit / Important Resources
Children need:
  • To knowthe importance of properuseof natural resourcesand materialsthey useregularly.
  • To operate correctly with whole numbers.
/ Children will have opportunities to use:
  • Words and phrases related to matter and the water: homogeneous, heterogeneous, atoms, molecules, properties, raw materials…..
  • General vocabulary related tosustainable development: use, abuse,balance, sustainability
  • Phrases related to RRR: reduce, recycle, reuse.
  • Maths: Transforming units. Percentages.
  • Dimensions: length, surface and volume.
  • Mass and density.Temperature
  • Expressions to make generalizations and suggestions.
  • Written, verbal and non-verbal communication to express themselves clearly.
  • Use technical language accurately.
  • Interactive board.
  • Printable recourses, newspapers, magazines, booklets.
  • Online activities: WEBQUEST, virtual classroom, power point presentations, videos.
  • Apparatus for measuring the basis magnitudes of matter: Scales, test tube and thermometer.
  • Calculator in the Net: WIRIS

At the end of this unit all the children must /
  • Read and understand simple expositive text.
  • Listen to explanations of simple issues by the teacher
  • Answer questions orally and in a written mode
  • Recognise and describe general scientific terminology.
  • Appreciate the impact of humans on the planet
  • Recycle in the diary life.

At the end of this unit most of the children should /
  • Present results of investigation and study.
  • Recognise the proper use of natural resources.
  • Analyze and synthesize information.
  • Recognise the concept of Sustainable Development (D.S.): “We have to think globally but we should act locally” (when we open the tap….the reservoirs are emptied). E.L.F. (environment, local, future)

At the end of this unit some of the children could /
  • Utilize “Visual-Representation”and “Symbolic Systems”.
  • Use a more formal style (e.g. “reduce” instead of“becoming less”) in the written texts.
  • Participate in topics and discussion involving abstract thinking.
  • Recognise our global implication in the environment.

Lessons Overview
Lesson / Learning goals / Learning outcomes / Main activity / Assessment criteria
1 /
  • Use the specific and scientific vocabulary in an oral and written way about the matter.
  • Differentiate pure and mixed substances.
  • Know the composition of matter: Atoms and molecules.
  • Identify the states of matter and the changes the state: Gases, liquids, solids.
  • Use the scientific vocabulary in an oral and written way about the matter.
  • Understand and interpret if a substance is pure or mixed.
  • Know the composition of matter.
  • Identify the states of matter and the changes the state: Gases, liquids, solids.
  • Analyze the animated video of the states of the matter.
  • Sing the Karaoke about the topics of this lesson (with and without voice)
  • Remember the knowledge
learnt the year before and use them to understand the new information.
  • Understand when the teacher is talking about the matter.
  • Explain the changes of state: Gases, liquids, solids.

2 /
  • Know the apparatus for measuring the basic magnitudes of matter: Scales, test tube, thermometer.
  • Relate the magnitudes of matter:
a) Dimensions ( length, surface and volume)
b) Mass and density
c) Temperature
  • Transform units (using Maths)
  • Know the basic magnitudes of matter.
  • Express these magnitudes in different units.
  • User maths to go from one type of unit to another.
  • Use the apparatus for measuring the basic magnitudes: Scales, test tube, thermometer.
  • Use ICTs: WIRIS to transform units (With the help of Maths)
  • Complete a QUIZ about the matter
  • Classroom observations
  • Notebook activities
  • Worksheets: Using different magnitudes and going from one type to another

3 /
  • To look for information and a responsible use of materials.
  • Classify materials into two groups: natural and artificial materials.
  • Interpret, express and represent concept and processes from natural environment.
  • Use the correct and scientific vocabulary in an oral and written way.
  • Differentiate natural and artificial materials.
  • Know the raw materials: vegetable, animal and mineral.
  • Know the artificial materials in the 21st century.
  • Analyze the animated video about recycling.
  • Different containers to: a)Batteries
c) Paper
d) Glass.
  • Involve to families, friends, school about the need of recycling
  • Classroom observation
  • Notebook activities
  • Advantages and disadvantages about using natural and artificial materials

4 /
  • Use the specific vocabulary about water.
  • Think why our planet should be called Water.
  • Know that water is a basic component for living being.
  • Develop a critical knowledge about the water contamination.
  • Know water is constantly moving around the planet.
  • Know the focal points of pollution: Industrial waste, pollution of subterranean waters, oil slicks…
  • Tasks and processes about the WEBQUEST.
  • Research log book to record all your information and its bibliography.
  • Explain that human action creates many different types of residues which invade the atmosphere, the land and the water.
  • Be autonomous to look for the information they need to do their tasks: WEBQUEST.

5 /
  • Participate in group activities, adopting a responsible behaviour, respecting each other.
  • Experiment with densities like technique of investigation.
  • Register the investigation as a work plan.
  • Communicate the conclusions in writing or speaking.
  • Listening and comprehension of oral messages like instructions or explanations.
  • Explain the differences in density between the different types of water and the difference between liquid water and ice.
  • How use the laboratory.
  • Perform and analyse densities of different types of water.
  • Understand and follow the instructions to make the experiment.
  • Make the experiment in a right way and the students enjoy and respect each other in the class.

6 /
  • To be autonomous to look for information and a responsible use of technology.
  • Research as a technique to the development of a project.
  • Interpret, express and represent concept and processes from natural, social and cultural environment.
  • Use the correct and scientific vocabulary in an oral and written way.
  • Interpret ecological accidents which polluted rivers, seas and rivers.
  • Use the scientific vocabulary in an oral and written way.
  • Be autonomous to carry out a debate over our environment.
  • Debate
  • Review of this unit.
  • Classroom observation
  • Notebook activities
  • Worksheets (Rewiew)

Lesson 1: The matter
Learning objectives / Learning outcomes / Evidence for Assessment
  • To use the correct specific and scientific vocabulary in an oral and written way about the matter.
  • Differentiate “pure and mixed substances”
  • Atoms and molecules
  • Know the states of matter and the changes the state
  • Know the composition of matter
  • Identify the states of matter and the changes the state: Gases, liquids, solids.
  • The students relate the summary about the matter and the changes of state.

Discourse/Text targeted / Language targeted- Non-verbal L Targeted
  • Expositive discourse: Words and phrases related to the matter and their changes of state.
  • Descriptive discourse: Words to differentiate atoms and molecules.
  • Scientific vocabulary.
  • Qualifiers: The changes in the intonation when singing the karaoke (pitch, volume, intonation)
  • Affects displayers (eye contact when singing the visual karaoke)
  • Illustrators: The pictures used in the animated video.
  • Mediators: Matter graphs

Outline of leading activities
a)Brainstorming about matter surrounding us.
b) Animated video to recognize the composition of matter and the changes of state.
c) Karaoke about the topics of this lesson.
Classroom Management / Timing / Grouping / Pupils / Teacher / Resources
15 min / Whole group / They start by a brainstorming ideas and develop a clear outline of the matter. / Introduces the topic to the students and helps them to structure the brainstorming. / Board.
Digital board.
10min / Whole group / They have to watch the video and take notes / Put the animated video of the states of the matter. Stop it when it is necessary to explain something about it.
/ Digital board.
10 min / Groups of 4 people / They have to put in common their notes to make a general summary. They have to explain it to the rest of their partners. / The teacher solve the doubts that arise, listen and correct if it is necessary the student´s explanations. / Their own notes
5 min / Whole group / The students pay attention to the summary of the teacher. / The teacher gives a summary of the lesson / Board.
Digital board.
10 min / Whole group / They sing the Karaoke about the topics of this lesson (with and without voice) / The teacher gives the adequate intonation to the karaoke. / Karaoke lyrics on the board.(Video)
Assessment Criteria
All children must be able to
  • Distinguish pure and mixtures substances.
  • Recognize the three states of the matter: solid, liquid and gas.
  • Define the water and the change of a liquid state to a solid or gas state.
/ Most of the children will be able to
  • Distinguish homogeneous and heterogeneous substances.
  • Recognize that matter surrounding us is made up of atoms and molecules.
/ Some of the children could
  • Know andunderstand the properties of solids, liquids and gases to preserve the consumer products.

Lesson 2. The properties of matter. Basic magnitudes: International System of Units (I.S.) / (I.S.)
Learning objectives / Learning outcomes / Evidence for Assessment
  • Know the apparatus for measuring the basic magnitudes of matter: Scales, test tube, thermometer.
  • Relate the magnitudes of matter:
a) Dimensions ( length, surface and volume)
b) Mass and density
c) Temperature
  • Transform units (using Maths)
  • Know the basic magnitudes of matter.
  • Express these magnitudes in different units.
  • User maths to go from one type of unit to another.
  • Complete a QUIZ about the matter
  • Classroom observations
  • Notebook activities
  • Worksheets: Using different magnitudes and going from one type to another.
Discourse/Text targeted / Language targeted- Non-verbal L Targeted
  • Descriptive: Show the apparatus for measuring
  • Instructional: Sequence the actions to use conversion factors
  • Expositive: Relate the magnitudes of matter
  • Illustrators “Visual resources”: Posters, flash cards…
  • Mediators: Apparatus for measuring the basis magnitudes of matter.
  • Mediators: ICTs “Calculatorinthe network(WIRIS)”.

Outline of leading activities
  • Review the previous lesson usingoral daily routines
  • Opening session towritten(QUIZ)productionof students.
  • Using Conversion Factors to go from one type of unit to another

Classroom Management / Timing / Grouping / Pupils / Teacher / Resources
10 min / Whole
group / Pay attention and answer the questions. / Ask some concepts about the previous lesson. / Board.
Digital board
10 min / Groups of 2 students / They have to complete the QUIZ of matter states.
/ Helps to students with difficulties to understand the answer. / Computer:
Animated video
15 min / Whole class / Pay attention to the explanation of the teacher and take notes about the magnitudes and conversion factors. / Reports the basic magnitudes of matter.
Explain “Conversion Factors” to change magnitudes. / Digital board
15 min / In pairs / Complete and discuss the worksheet about the different magnitudes. / Give them a worksheet to complete (Using Maths).
Helpto different groups about the difficulties. / Worksheets
Computers: WIRIS
Assessment Criteria
All children must be able to
  • Recognize the properties of matter.
  • Use conversion factors to change magnitudes.
/ Most of the children will be able to
  • Recognize the basic magnitudes of matter.
  • Express different values in I.S. units.
/ Some of the children could
  • Knowequivalences used in I.S.

Lesson 3. Materials. Recycling.
Learning objectives / Learning outcomes / Evidence for Assessment
  • Be autonomous to look for information and a responsible use of materials.
  • Classify materials into two groups: natural and artificial materials.
  • Interpret, express and represent concept and processes from naturalenvironment.
  • Use the correct and scientific vocabulary in an oral and written way.
  • Differentiate natural and artificial materials.
  • Raw vegetable, animal and mineral materials.
  • Artificial materials in the 21st century.
  • Classroom observation
  • Notebook activities
  • Advantages and disadvantages about using natural and artificial materials

Discourse/Text targeted / Language targeted- Non-verbal L Targeted
  • Divulgative “Words and phrases related to three RRR”.:Reduce, Recycle, Reuse.
  • Recreational: Recycle in our dairy life
  • Expositive: Sentences associated to our life to help us to create the context “Our planet is in risk”
/ Illustrators “Visual resources”: Cutting newspapers, posters, flash cards.
Illustrators “Video”
Mediators:Containers to recycle
Affect displayers (facial expressions and eye contact showing worry about our future, eye contact)
Outline of leading activities
  • To research as men have continued extracting resources from nature and they have gradually exhausted raw materials.
  • Draw up a list of proposals for encouraging people to recycle different materials, like glass, paper and plastics in an attempt to stop this constant drain on our resources and to protect our environment.

Classroom Management / Timing / Grouping / Pupils / Teacher / Resources
10 min / Whole group / Brainstorming ideas related to raw materials and artificial materials in the 21st century. / Introduces the topic to the students and helps them to structure the brainstorming. / Visual supports
15 min / Whole group / Pay attention to the explanation and take notes about the new materials. / Summarizes the ideas of students.
Explains the new artificial material in this century like electronic circuits, intelligent materials. / Flash cards about the different materials.
15 min / Individual / Take notes to posterior debate about sustainable development. /
Put the animatedvideo about recycling and stop it when it is necessary to explain something about it.
/ Video: Recyling
10 min / Small group / Each group will be responsible of these recycling products. / Divide the class in 4 groups to separate recycling products :
a) Plastics
b) Paper
c) Glass
d) Batteries / Containers
Assessment Criteria
All children must be able to
  • Classify waste products.
  • Separate paper, glass and plastic into different containers
/ Most of the children will be able to
  • Reduce, Recycle, Reuse (The rule of 3 RRR).
/ Some of the children could
  • Be conscious about this damage on our resources.

Lesson 4. Consuming water
Learning objectives / Learning outcomes / Evidence for Assessment
  • Use the specific vocabulary about water.
  • Think why our planet should be called Water.
  • Know that water is a basic component for living being.
  • Develop a critical knowledge about the water contamination.
  • Know water is constantly moving around the planet.
  • Know the focal points of pollution: Industrial waste, pollution of subterranean waters, oil slicks…
  • Recognize that human action creates many different types of residues which invade the atmosphere, the land and the water.
  • Check that students are autonomous to look for the information they need to do their tasks: WEBQUEST.

Discourse/Text targeted / Language targeted- Non-verbal L Targeted
Instructional: Oral messages to make THE WEBQUEST
Expositive: Students present their findings.
Divulgative: Student should spread the message “How consume better” / Mediators: Computer “Webquest”
Illustrators: Pictures and posters.
Body gestures to understand the tasks and the process of the Webquest.
Outline of leading activities
WEBQUEST about the problems of water for the future.
To think:
  • Thiswinter wasthe driestsince 1940
  • This winterthere were many fires
  • The reservoirs are drying

Classroom Management / Timing / Grouping / Pupils / Teacher / Resources
10 min / Whole group / Listen to the teacher about the serious problem relating to pollution. / Teacher introduces the lesson about the different types of residues which may invade the atmosphere, land or water. / Digital board
25 min / Small group / Each group has to develop one of the following tasks: a) water for life b) water pollution c) water for the future. / Teacher divides the class in groups of 3 members to work in the following WEBQUEST:

He explains the tasks and the process about the WebQuest and supervises each group. / Computers: Webquest
10 min / Small
group / Each group shows their understanding and the need to protect our water supplies. / He helps to students to acquire content, knowledge and an understanding of water facts. / Student´s notes
Digital board
5 min / Whole group / They take notes to prepare the work they have to do at home to have a debate next lesson. / He introduces to students to achieve information from other resources. / Board
Assessment Criteria
All children must be able to
Locate and select information from the given Internet sources with some guidance. / Most of the children will be able to
Locate and select relevant information from given and other Internet sources. / Some of the children could
Locate and select information from given, other Internet sources and other resources and acquire a critical awareness.
Lesson 5: The water. Experimental lesson.
Learning objectives / Learning outcomes / Evidence for Assessment
  • Participate in group activities, adopting a responsible behaviour, constructive, respecting each other.
  • Experiment like technique of investigation.
  • Register the investigation as a work plan.
  • Communicate the conclusions in writing or speaking.
  • Listening and comprehension of oral messages like instructions or explanations.
  • Explain the differences in density between the different types of water and the difference between liquid water and ice.
  • Check that the experiment is done in a right way and the students enjoy and respect each other in the class.