«Title» «FirstName» «LastName»


«City», «State» «PostalCode»

Dear «Title» «LastName»,

On February 23-March 7, 2019 I have the opportunity to take a travel class to Israel and Jordan for a life-changing experience. I will be joining a group of students, faculty and friends from MVNU and we will be exploring the world of Jesus and the Old Testament prophets. Visit the website for the trip here for more details.

I want to invite you to be involved in thisopportunity in a practical way through prayer and possibly financial support. Pray that I may be open to learn what God has for me during this travel class. Pray that we may be a blessing to our national guides as well as to others that we will meet. Pray that we will have traveling mercies and a smooth and uneventful trip.

If you are able, I and the other MVNU travelingstudentswould greatly appreciate your financial support. Each student needs approximately $4,799 which coversairfares, ground and sea transportation, lodging, entrances to all sites, breakfast and dinners, professional national guides and much more. The MVNU School of Theology and Philosophy is committed to this event and has organized the trip and recruited professors who will be teaching in the areas of global understanding, missions, theology, and ethics. I have taken this opportunity to travel seriously and have begun to save money to help make it possible for me to go. However, it is extremely difficult for me to save the entire amount as I continue my education. This is why I am seeking support from family and friends like you to join me in this partnership of ministry.

If you are able to give, checks should be made out to Mount Vernon Nazarene University,write Israel-Jordan on the memo line.

Please return your check (to Dr. Jeanne Serrão, MVNU, 800 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050) or, if you prefer, make a credit card donation online at October 15, 2018.

Thank you for your consideration. I am excited to see how the Lord will use this travel class in my life and in the lives of those God will allow me to minister to! I look forward to sharing what I learned and my experiences with you after the trip. Please call me at ______and/or email me at ______if you have any questions.

In Christ,

(Your Name)