Wiltshire 2026 – Planning for Wiltshire’s Future

This form must be used to submit comments on the council’s consultation document Wiltshire 2026 – Planning for Wiltshire’s Future. All responses received will be available for public inspection together with a summary of responses.

Contact Information

Personal Details / Agent Details (if applicable)
Name: / Name:
Organisation: / Organisation:
Address: / Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
Tel: / Tel:
Email: / Email:

Would you like your details to be kept on the council’s consultation database and to be informed of future Spatial Planning consultations?

Yes: No:


Please answer the following questions using the boxes on this representation form. If you need to make extra copies, please attach them and any additional supporting material to this form.

  1. Do you agree with the proposed vision for Wiltshire and the strategic objectives set out in Section 2? If not, how would you change them and why?
  1. Do you agree with the issues and opportunities identified within your community area? If not, how would you change them and why?
  1. Do you agree with the descriptions of how we expect your community area to change by 2026 and what the Core Strategy should deliver within this period? If not, how would you change them? Are there any aspects of the community area (for example the need for particular facilities) which should be added?
  1. Do you agree with the preferred strategic site option proposed for your community area? What could be done to improve the preferred option? Is there an alternative option you would suggest?
  1. Do you agree with the settlement hierarchy in Section 4, which sets out the difference between strategically significant towns, market towns and smaller towns and villages? If not, what would you change and why?
  1. Do you agree with the overall distribution of housing numbers between the community areas, as shown in Table 4.2? If not, what would you change and why?
  1. Are there any other issues which you feel the Core Strategy should address?

How to make comments:

  • Please complete this form and return by post or email to the address below, or
  • Go to and use our online consultation system
  • Please submit all comments by 5pm on Thursday 31st December 2009.

If you have any queries, please contact the Spatial Planning Service using the details below.

By post to:

Spatial Planning,

Economy and Enterprise,

Wiltshire Council,

County Hall,

Bythesea Road,



BA14 8JN

Or, by telephone on 01225 713489, or email at .


Your representation:

(Please use a separate box for each representation)

To which part of Wiltshire 2026 – Planning for Wiltshire’s Future does your representation relate?

Question: Section: Paragraph: Community Area:

Are you supporting, objecting or commenting on this part of the document?

Support: Support with Object: Comment:


(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)


To which part of Wiltshire 2026 – Planning for Wiltshire’s Future does your representation relate?

Question: Section: Paragraph: Community Area:

Are you supporting, objecting or commenting on this part of the document?

Support: Support with Object: Comment:


(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Signature: / Date: