Health Improvement Action Plan



Agreed Date: ADD DATE

Review Date:ADD DATE

School Lead(s) for Action Plan:ADD NAME(S)

Useful Definitions:

Focus Area:Thisis the particular topic area for which your outcome relates to, e.g. physical activity or emotional health and wellbeing.

Outcomes:Outcomes are the changes, benefits, learning or other effects resulting from an organisation’s activities.

Milestone: A well-defined and significant step towards achieving an outcome (target, output, or impact).

S- Be Specific about what you want to achieve in your action plan, do not be ambiguous. Consider the who, what, when, where, and why

M- Ensure that your defined outcomes and key activities are Measurable. Consider what criteria/evaluation tools you might need to help you measure whether you have achieved your outcomes or progress towards them.

A- Make sure your action plan is Achievable/Attainable?

R- Check that it is Realistic, taking into existing workload and other priorities.

T- Make sure it is Time restricted. Set yourself an achievable time frame, set deadlines and milestones to check your progress.

Things to Consider:

  • The above template encourages you to consider both short and long term outcomes as part of your action plan. You can add to your action plan completed in 2016/17 so that actions for 2017/18 are included in the red bordered sections.
  • Please note that the requirement was to havespent your £10,000 2016/17 Health Improvement Grant by the end of March 2017 and is to spend the £7,000 2017/18 Health Improvement Grant by the end of July 2018. With the agreement of ESCC Public Health, some schools are planning the expenditure of both the £10,000 and £7,000 grants during 2017/18. It is recognised that some of your long term outcomes and activities may extend past this deadline.
  • Your Health Improvement Action Plan should include those activities associated with the use of your health improvement Grant, alongside any additional activities that may not represent a financial cost to the school, or for which the school is funding themselves.
  • One of your Outcomes might be targeted – i.e. focused towards a particular group. Amongst others, this could cover those eligible for free school meals or pupil premium funding, those with additional educational needs, or at risk of exclusion
  • As you develop your Health Improvement Action Plan, it is important that it is shared and discussed with children and young people, parents and other school staff to ensure that your whole school community can take “ownership” of the plan and that where possible, identified health improvement needs have been addressed.