First Annual Conference on Institutional Mechanisms for Industry Self-Regulation

February 24-25, 2006, Hanover, NH

Preliminary Agenda (updated 12/16/05)

Friday, February 24

8:00-Business Sustainability Initiative Conference
6:00 Reception and Conversation with Experts (Hanover Inn) / Terry Yosie (former head of the Responsible Care Program)
Justin Ward (Center for Environmental Leadership in Business)
Suellen Lazarus (ABN Amro)
Arturo Franco Hernandez (Cemex)
7:00 Official Conference Dinner (Hanover Inn)

Saturday, February 25

8:00Continental Breakfast Buffet
8:30Welcome: Andrew King and Michael Lenox
9:00Session 1: Private logics for self-regulation
Chair: Michael Lenox
Madhu Khanna, George Deltas & Donna Harrington (U Illinois & U Guelph)
Adoption of Pollution Prevention Techniques: The Role of Management Systems, Demand-Side Factors and Complementary Assets
Donald Siegel & Donald Vitaliano (RPI)
An Empirical Analysis of the Strategic Use of Corporate Social Responsibility
Chuck Easely & Michael Lenox (Duke) Secondary Stakeholder Actions and the Selection of Firm Targets
Discussant: Tima Bansal (University of WesternOntario)
10:30Coffee Break
10:45Session 2A: Information disclosure
Chair: Andrew King
Thomas Lyon and John Maxwell (U Michigan & Indiana U)
Greenwash: Corporate Environmental Disclosure under Threat of Audit
Michael Pfarrer, Ken Smith, Kathryn Bartol, Dmitry Khanin, Xiaomeng Zhang (U Maryland)
Coming Forward: Institutional Influences on Voluntary Disclosure
Jodi Short & Michael Toffel (UC-Berkeley)
Turning Themselves In: Why Companies Disclose Regulatory Violations
Discussant: Richard Howarth, DartmouthCollege / 10:45Session 2B: Codes and contracts
Chair: Michael Lenox
David Weil & Carlos Mallo (Boston U)
Regulating labor standards via supply chains: Lessons from a public / private approach to intervention
Monica Romis (MIT)
Beneath Corporate Codes of Conduct: What Drives Compliance in Two Mexican Garment Factories?
Kevin Zheng Zhou & Laura Poppo (U Hong Kong & Virginia Tech)
Relational Contracts in China: Relational Governance and Contractual Assurance
Discussant: F. Oberholzer-Gee (HBS)
12:15Lunch in Pepsico Dining Room & Poster Session in Stell Hall
1:15Session 3A: Industry commons
Chair: Mike Toffel
Michael Barnett & Andrew King (U South Florida & Tuck/Dartmouth U)
Privatizing Industry Reputations: An Institutional Explanation of Industry Self-Regulation:
Marc Rysman & Tim Simcoe (Boston U & U Toronto)
Patents and the Performance of Voluntary Standard Setting Organizations
Jeffrey Furman & Scott Stern (Boston U & Northwestern)
Climbing Atop the Shoulders of Giants: The Impact of Institutions on Cumulative Research
Discussant: Constance Helfat, TuckSchool at Dartmouth / 1:15Session 3B: International certification
Chair: Michael Lenox
Petra Christmann & Glen Taylor (Rutgers & U Tampa)
Firm Self-Regulation Through International Certifiable Standards: Determinants of Symbolic Versus Substantive Implementation
Aseem Prakash & Matthew Potoski (U Washington & IowaState)
Positive Dependencies? FDI and the Cross-Country Diffusion of ISO 14001 Management Systems
Mariëtte van Amstel-van Saane, Peter Driessen & Pieter Glasbergen (U Utrecht)
Assurances in Eco-labels to Diminish Information Asymmetry: a Comparison of Five Dutch Eco-labels
Discussant: C. Coglianese (KSG-Harvard)
2:45Coffee Break
3:00Session 4: Public interaction with self-regulation
Chair: Michael Toffel
Michael DeVaughn & Karen Schnatterly (U Minnesota)
Stricter Rules, Looser Governance: Regulatory Intensity, Board Monitoring and their Joint Performance Effects in Commercial Banking
Stephen Mezias & Seungwha Chung (NYU)
Codified Self Regulation and its Crises: Financial Reporting Rules In The United States, 1973-1987
Jordan Siegel (Harvard)
Reputational Bonding and the Strategic Choice of Foreign Institutions
Discussant: A. Hofman (University of Michigan)
5:00Hors d’oeuvres & Poster Session in Stell Hall
Kevin Boudreau (MIT) Granting Access
and Devolving Control: The Effect of Openness on Innovation in Mobile
Ralph Espach (UC Berkeley) Global Standards, LocalConstraints: Private Environmental Regulation in Argentina and Brazil.
Jane Lister (U British Columbia) Co-Regulating Self Regulation: Government Role in Forest Certification
Eun-Hee Kim & Thomas Lyon (U Michigan) Why Do Firms Participate in Voluntary Environmental Programs?: The Case of DOE’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
Deborah Philippe (HEC) Talking Green: Organizational Environmental Communication as a Legitimacy-Enhancement Strategy
6:30Self-organized dinners (see conference packet for information on local retaurtants)

Notes: Presenter’s name is underlined. All poster sessions are not yet confirmed.