Business Mgmt Review

Read through the following information and give me a minimum of 1.5 - 2 pages plus answer, on how you would deal with the customer Scenario below-along with identifying how you would accomplish the 3 tasks associated with the scenario. Refer to the rubric as a scoring guide for your work. After you answer this, do the M/C questions. Email to me when done, Subject: Review 1 Business Mgmt.


AB002 Use correct grammar

AB003 Use correct spelling

AB004 Demonstrate basic written communications skills with accuracy, conciseness, and clarity

AD004 Demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution techniques

EB016 Demonstrate problem-solving techniques


You are the customer service supervisor on duty. It is late in the evening and there is no one else on duty with more authority or responsibility than you have. One of the employee's encounters a loud and angry customer. As the exchange between employee and customer continues, the customer becomes louder, more disruptive, frustrated and angrier. The customers are beginning to take notice of the disruption, which is reflecting poorly on your company.


Using what you have learned about conflict resolution, problem-solving techniques:

  1. Identify what steps you would take in handling this situation.
  2. Include what you might say to diffuse or bring closure to this situation.
  3. Discuss how you will follow-up with your supervisor regarding this situation.


You must score a 3 or 4 on the scenario in order to pass this portion of the assessment.



  • Exhibit a thorough knowledge of conflict resolution and problem solving techniques.
  • Demonstrate ability to effectively use interpersonal and verbal skills
  • Clearly communicate a detailed solution in an organized, chronological manner.
  • Includes at least 3 uses of manners, business ethics, or terms of respect as part of the conflict resolution.
  • Well organized and communicates effectively
  • Few grammatical and spelling errors, but they do not distract the reader.


  • Exhibits some knowledge of conflict resolution and problem solving techniques.
  • Demonstrates some use of interpersonal and verbal skills.
  • Sufficiently communicates a solution in a fairly organized and somewhat chronological manner.
  • Includes at least 2 uses of manners, business ethics, or terms of respect as part of the conflict resolution.
  • Mostly well organized and communicates effectively
  • Some grammatical and spelling errors, but they do not distract the reader.


  • Exhibits limited knowledge of conflict resolution and problem solving techniques.
  • Demonstrates little use of interpersonal and verbal skills.
  • Minimally communicates a solution with a few appropriate sequence.
  • Includes at least 1 use of manners, business ethics or term of respect as part of the conflict resolution.
  • Some organization and some parts are communicated effectively
  • Some grammatical and spelling errors that distract the reader.


  • Exhibits little or no knowledge of conflict resolution or problem solving techniques.
  • Demonstrates limited interpersonal or verbal skills.
  • Vague solution and/or no appropriate sequence.
  • Limited use of manners, business ethics or terms of respect.
  • Limited organization and limited effective communication.
  • Many grammatical and spelling errors that distract the reader.

SCENARIO (Answer HERE- another page after the M/C questions to use-add as many pages as needed)


Directions: Each multiple-choice item is followed by four possible responses. Select the response that best answers the test item. Just Highlight your choice.

1.One of your co-workers has been sharing confidential information with others outside the company. If you are unsure of the company rules relating to this, you should

  1. contact the company personnel manager to report the employee who made the mistake.
  2. ask co-workers for an interpretation of how to handle the situation.
  3. refer to the company policy manual.
  4. write a letter to your supervisor so that you will be cleared of any responsibility.

2.Increasing the number of part-time workers during the holiday season is an example of

A. matching supply and demand.

B.increasing production.

C.maintaining quality.

D. poor business decision.

3.If the supervisor on duty gives you a task you do not understand, you should

  1. get a co-worker who is more experienced to complete the task.
  2. tell your supervisor you do not know how to do it and ask him to assign a co-worker the task.
  3. try to figure it out on your own.
  4. ask your supervisor for further clarification.

4.What general communication skills are most employers looking for in their employees?

  1. Public speaking skills
  2. Ability to make presentations using PowerPoint
  3. Effective speaking, listening, reading and writing skills
  4. Basic math and writing skills

5.The use of an assembly line is an example of

  1. custom manufacturing.
  2. mass production.
  3. continuous processing.
  4. specialization.

6.Which of the following subjects is illegal for a potential employer to ask during the hiring process?

  1. Availability to work nights or weekends
  2. If you have a disability
  3. Work Experience
  4. Education Level

7.After you read an office memo that is confidential, you should

  1. discuss it with your family to determine how it impacts you.
  2. discuss it only with your friends and co-workers.
  3. pretend you never saw it.
  4. not discuss it with anyone.

8.Corporations have advantages over other types of business ownership due to the ability to

  1. distribute profits.
  2. ability to raise capital.
  3. double taxation.
  4. easy to establish.

9.Which of the following is not considered an important skill for the workplace?

  1. Ability to work in teams
  2. Working well with people from diverse backgrounds
  3. Ability to work independently and never work with anyone
  4. Providing excellent customer service

10.A fixed amount of pay per hour is termed

  1. wage.
  2. bonus.
  3. salary.
  4. net.

11.If a job pays $8.00 per hour for 40 hours per week, your gross pay for that week would be

  1. $320.
  2. $320 minus FICA and taxes.
  3. $320 minus social security.
  4. $320 minus insurance benefits.

12.Determining why people buy and what influences their decision is what type of research?

  1. Market research
  2. Pure research
  3. Motivation research
  4. Advertising research

13.A company purchased 85 tablet computers at $399 each. Estimate the amount of the purchase.

  1. $32,000
  2. $33,915
  3. $34,000
  4. $36,000

14.In a market economy,

  1. there is not much choice in goods available.
  2. production is determined by the government.
  3. scarcity is not an issue to unlimited resources.
  4. customers have accessibility to goods needed.

15.How much water would you add to 2 ½ gallons of bleach to make a 10% bleach solution?

  1. 2 ½ gallons
  2. 5 gallons
  3. 10 gallons
  4. 25 gallons

16.If an entrepreneur decides to buy new shelving instead of increasing advertising, the cost of the new shelves is

  1. marginal cost.
  2. supply cost.
  3. demand cost.
  4. opportunity cost.

17.Danny’s Auto Repair business needs to expand and upgrade computers. The unit cost for a new computer is $998.92. Danny wants to purchase four computers for the business. The sales tax rate is 6.5%. What is the total amount Danny will need to budget?

  1. $1,063.84
  2. $3,995.68
  3. $4,190.47
  4. $4,255.40

18.You borrowed $4500.00 at 9.5% for 6 years, what amount would you pay in interest?

  1. $256.50
  2. $2565.00
  3. $4756.50
  4. $7065.00

19.Free promotion that occurs by media coverage is

  1. telemarketing.
  2. a press release.
  3. publicity.
  4. facebook post.

20.The amount of sales for Taco Bell is $569,000 and the total market size is $1.2 million. The market share for Taco Bell is

  1. 1.2%.
  2. 2.1%.
  3. 46%.
  4. 52%.

(Use for more room to answer the SCENARIO/TASKS question here)