WivenhoeTown Council Estates Committee

Chair Approved

Minutes of a meeting of the Estates Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices on Monday 8th May 2017

Present: Cllrs. M.Newton (Chair), A. Aldis, S.Nash, S. Boughton, N. Lodge,N.Tile

J. Young (Estates Manager), A.Hearn (Deputy Estates Manager), H. Humphreys (Town Clerk)

1. Apologies: Cllrs.I. Endean, P Booth, R. Needham, C.Singleton

2. Minutes from last Estates Meeting held on Thursday 13thApril 2017

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Estates Committee held on Thursday 13thAprilbe confirmed and signed by the Chairmanas a correct record.

3.Matters arising from the previous Estates Meeting:

Cllr Newton gave an update on theCongressional Medal of Honour grave marker for William Oakley and advised that he has not yet contacted the authorities, but will do.

A letter has been sent to the Elm Grove property advising that access has been refused. Cllr. Tile advised that this resident had been using heavy machinery in the garden which could cause theJapanese knotweed to spread but that there was little that WTC could do. The estates manager reported that the knotweed situation would not need to be reviewed until autumn 2017.

Water containers for allotments and wildlife garden have been collected. The two allotments butts are to be charged to allotments account.The Mede Way roundabout has been fixed.

The Deputy Estates Manager showed pictures of the Ward Close wall and advised that it may actually be supporting the cemetery wall. There were concerns that the soft red brick could crumble due to the soil piled against it where plants were being watered, and that frost could cause damage. There were concerns with other areas of the wall. It was agreed that an engineer should undertake a wall survey. It was agreed that Cllr. Nash would visit the resident with the Estates team to try to resolve the situation. If this is not successful it was resolved that all residents with gardens on the cemetery wall should be written to explain that as owners of the wall Wivenhoe Town Council would be arranging a wall inspection.

Action Points: Cllr. Nash to visit Ward Close resident with Estates Team. Deputy Estates Manager to find and cost a wall expert. Town Clerk to await outcome and send letter to all affected residents about wall inspection. Cllr. Newton to contact US Authorities.

4. To consider points raised by the public:

There had been a visit from a resident who is having problems with anti social behaviour at JubileeGardens from children who are climbing the wooden structure and shouting abuse, which the resident concerned had stated he wanted to raise at the Annual Town Meeting. Cllr. Tile will investigate using Mosquito deterrents which emit a high pitched noise as they can be tweaked so that they only affect young people. Cllr. Boughton queried putting up CCTV signs.

Another resident had submitted a query to raise at the AnnualTown meeting regarding the river silting.

Action Point: Look into whether JubileeGardens structure can be changed and await written answer.

5. Reports from Sub Committees:

i. Allotments

A fence had been erected in front of the WTC fence. Cllr.Boughton advised that the WTC fence could be taken down. There have been residents complaining about allocation of allotments which is an historical issue and a discussion took place about how other towns and parishes allow the allotments to be run as a separate Community Concern and pay rent. It was suggested that more land should be made available as allotments in future. The Colne Radio mast fencing has been delivered to the Cricket Club.

ii. Play Areas, KGV & JubileeGardens:

There has been further vandalism to the skate park which is being fixed by PlayQuip.

RESOLVED that Wildlife expert should be consulted on dealing with mole infestation on KGV field.

Action Point. Town Clerk to contact Wildlife Expert regarding moles.

iii. Cemeteries, Churchyard, and ChapelMuseum:

The ChapelMuseum is now open and will be taking on more artefacts including a model yacht from the Congregational Church. The Local History Group are loaning an electronic kiosk from 3rd July 2017 for 1 month, after which time it can be displayed in the WLH foyer for a further two weeks before going to the library. Cllr. Aldis is to search the WTC office for more potential artefacts. The rota is to be distributed for more volunteers and Cllr. Boughton agreed to contact Penny Kraft with the assistance of the Town Clerk.
A new door and window guard have been ordered as part of the refurbishment of the toilet for staff and volunteers in the OldCemetery and it was agreed that this toilet should only be for the use of nominated users. A tree surgeon has been called to investigate the tree overlooking the Corsellis vault.

Action Point: Town Clerk to forward museum rota to members. Cllr. Boughton to contact Penny Kraft with assistance from Town Clerk.

iv. Cook’s Development:

Cllr. Read had not been able to get the information on the pontoon license so it was agreed that Cllr. Mark Cory should be asked for an update. The pontoon tail ends require algae washing off and sealing. The fire extinguisher will need to be checked this year and the pontoon will require regular maintenance.The edging boards require a coat of stain, which the Estates Team will schedule as a summer job.

The owners of boats moored in the wet dock have not been charged rent. It was RESOLVED that this should be left for another year to see if they are still keeping the wet dock from silting up. Currently WTC are paying for electricity used from the meter on the pole which has not been working and allowed other wet dock users to access electricity paid for by one user. Cllr. Aldis reported that this should be a delegated authority matter. It was agreed that this issue should be carried through to the new Property Committee to be established at the AGM.

Action Point: Town Clerk to request update on Pontoon from Cllr. Cory

Town Clerk to ask retiring Clerk what was done in past about meter at Wet Dock.

Town Clerk to look into possibility of University Volunteers cleaning Pontoon and park equipment. Cllr. Nash to investigate probation volunteers. Wet Dock issue to be considered by new Property Committee.

v. POP Working Party:

Asbestos survey will be going ahead. The deep clean has now taken place within the car park toilets and the floor has been repainted, signage for the car park has been ordered and drains have been unblocked.

The Estates team now have a scheduled task to keep the car park and toilet drains clear, plus one just outside the carpark wall to prevent flooding. Cllr. Lodge reported that WTC will need a full drain survey including for the KGV drains.

The sink hole in the KGV which the Estates Deputy Manager thought could be due to an underground spring, as Anglia Water have been called out two years ago and found no problem with their cameras. It was RESOLVED that this should be filled again and if this did not work Anglia Water should be asked to investigate again.

It was reported that the top of five fir trees in Sandford Close had been cut off and left on WTC land. The CBC Zone Warden is investigating.

Cllr. Lodge reported that he and the outgoing clerk had redistributed a surplus of over 28k to suggested budget areas, but that this could be altered by passing a resolution for virement if necessary.

Action Point: Drain survey to be arranged. Estates Team to fill up KGV sink hole again and if problem persists Clerk to contact Anglia Water.

6. Assistant Estates Manager’s Report:

James has been issued with his new wheelie bin as agreed in his performance review.

Silver birches on the dog area are leaning heavy and are awaiting a visit from a tree surgeon.

One burial took place in April as well as one ashes interments. Two burials are planned this week.

A Bench to remember a residents dog has been sited within the jubilee garden, another bench is planned to be sited next to this.

A hard wired smoke alarm interlinked with both police houses will be fitted 9/5/2017.

There was concern about the future of the `paper shed’ due to its collapsed floor. This building is an historic artefact and this will need to be carried through to the Property Committee.

7. Strategic Policy Decision on Parking Permits:

Cllr. Newton is seeing the NEPP. There are currently 11 businesses who are not paying for parking. It was RESOLVED that this would not be extended to residents permits. It was agreed that no more businesses would be given free parking and when business users ceased to need the spaces that these would not be passed to other businesses so that this number would decrease over time.

Action Point: Town Clerk to get list from outgoing Town Clerk for Estates Chair. There is a list on the Ellisons document but it does not appear to be up to date. Cllr Nash agreed to help as an ex traffic warden

Planned Tasks for the Grounds Maintenance Staff:

a. Grass cutting

b. Instruct asbestos surveys in light of ownership of council offices. Booked for mid may.

c. Inspect pavilion drains

d. Job list from car park and toilet.

e. Cemetery toilet.

Date of the next meeting:To be agreed at AGM

Meeting closed at9.33pm
